"Rayleigh, Jabba, if all the guys in the Rocks Pirates died, wouldn't the ocean be boring in the future?"

Roger stood on the bow of the Or Jackson, showing his signature smile.

The sea breeze blew his red cloak and black hair, and he was like the protagonist of a young manga, full of vigor and vitality.

If all the Rocks Pirates died, the ocean would become lifeless in the future.

This was not what Roger wanted to see.

Although these opponents were very powerful, the more powerful opponents were defeated to reach the top, the more interesting it would be!

If he reached the top in a world without the Rocks Pirates, Roger would feel that half of the fun was gone!

"Roger, you guys are not thinking?"

""Hey, did I hear you right, Roger?"

Rayleigh and Jabba, the two who followed Roger to fight everywhere, were the two people Roger trusted the most and had the best tacit understanding with, and they immediately heard the hidden meaning in Roger's words.

Both of them showed a look of horror at the same time!

Did that guy start to make such an unreliable decision again?

Except for Rayleigh and Jabba.

The rest of the crew - such as the recently joined supernova with a bounty of more than 100 million Baileys, Douglas Barrett, nicknamed [Devil's Heir], and others, all immediately understood the hidden meaning of this unreliable captain's words!

After all, anyone who has been in contact with Roger for a few days will understand that this person's style of doing things is completely willful to the extreme!

And his brain circuit is completely different from that of ordinary people!

Judging from the meaning of Roger's words, this guy, wouldn't want to rescue the Rocks Pirates!

"So, let's go, everyone!!"

Before the crew could respond, Roger gave the captain's order on his own!

"Hey, Roger, wait, do you know what's going on on the battlefield over there?"

Seeing this, Rayleigh, who was always calm, grabbed Roger's collar and yelled at the top of his voice.

"What? Rayleigh, isn't the live broadcast clear? The Rocks Pirates are about to be wiped out by the Navy and the Knights of God!"

Roger was not angry at all, and said with a smile

"It is precisely because of this that we cannot act rashly!"

"This is the first time that the Knights of God show their strength to the world!"

"He is just a deputy captain, but he has strength that surpasses that of a navy admiral!"

"Where is their commander? How strong is he? No one knows! If we rush into the battle like this, and the World Government continues to send reinforcements, we might end up destroying the entire pirate group!"

"And it will take at least several hours for us to reach the battle site! Can the Rocks Pirates hold out until then?"

"You have to think about these issues carefully, Roger. Don't let your brain get hot and put everyone in a passive position!"

Rayleigh made a calm analysis and put the pros and cons in front of him.

"Hahahaha, Rayleigh, you are right.....Let's go!"

Faced with Rayleigh's calm analysis, Roger just laughed, saying that you are right!

But...Keep going!

"Alas...what a headache for the captain! Jabba, why don't you try to persuade him?"

Seeing Roger's insistence, Rayleigh let go of Roger's collar and held his forehead in pain.

""Hahaha, Rayleigh, you know the captain's character! Who made us have such a captain?"

Jabba also grinned.

As Roger's most trusted partner, how could Jabba not know Roger's character?

No one can persuade this guy to make a decision!

Even the deputy captain Rayleigh can't change Roger's decision.

As crew members, they can only obey the captain's orders!

Just like that, the Or Jackson began to travel at the fastest speed!........

At the same time, in the world's largest entertainment city, the battlefield situation here is not optimistic!

In just half an hour, all members of the Rocks Pirates have been injured!

Except for Captain Rocks, everyone has at least a dozen bloodstains on their bodies!

The Rocks Pirates seem to have fallen into a desperate situation!

"Haha, I didn't expect them to be so persistent, the Rocks Pirates"

""You can hold out against the two of us for half an hour, that's not easy, Newgate!"

Looking at Edward Newgate, a member of the Rocks Pirates who was already injured,

Fergaland Galinsheng, the youngest member of the Knights of God, had a provocative look on his face.

But he alone was not enough to deal with Edward Newgate.

On his left, Admiral candidate Sora Steel also looked at Edward Newgate with a serious face!

Under the fierce attack of the two of them, Newgate was already covered with scars and blood.

But even so, Edward Newgate's momentum did not decrease at all.

His movements were still agile, and his attacks were still powerful, just like in his heyday!

What a terrible man!

"It's already like this, why don't you surrender? Edward Newgate, even if you are a monster, you can't escape today!"

Steel Bone said coldly

""Gulala, what nonsense are you talking about, Navy! You want me to surrender? Dream on!"

Newgate picked up the naginata and swung it fiercely at Kong Gu.

The sword energy combined with the Tremor-Tremor Fruit burst out a powerful attack of 1+1 greater than 2.

However, such an attack was easily blocked by Feigaland Garin and Kong Gu.

They were all powerful generals, and it was too difficult to fight 1V2, almost impossible.

"Since you are prepared to fight to the end, then die!"

Fegarande Galin and Ganggu Kong attacked Newgate at the same time again.

Boom boom boom!

Newgate picked up the naginata to block Fegarande Galin's slash, but he was unable to defend himself. After being hit hard by Ganggu Kong, he was pushed back dozens of meters!

He spat out a large mouthful of blood!

"snort,���Edward Newgate is really thick-skinned!"

Feigarand Garin was also shocked by Edward Newgate's physique at this moment! He was hit continuously by a great general like Kong Gang, but he could still stand up as if nothing had happened!

Is this guy really just a great general?

"Gulala, keep going!"

As soon as he stood up, Newgate once again took the initiative to kill Garin and Ganggukong!

As expected, Newgate spit out blood after being repelled again!

"What an idiot who doesn't know the current situation! You keep attacking again and again, do you think you can defeat us?"

Fergaland Galin said sarcastically again.

In his opinion, Newgate's active attack is tantamount to accelerating his death!

With his strength, it is impossible for him to hurt either himself or Steel Bone Sora.

It is better to save energy and take the initiative to defend, so that he can hold on for a longer time.

Sure enough, pirates are a group of low-level creatures, brainless things.

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