"Let's go!"

Just one simple word, and the next moment.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The leaders of the Rocks Pirates, led by Rocks, Ron, and Whitebeard, all jumped onto the ship!

"That is...The ability of that Golden Lion guy?!"

"Damn, the Floating Fruit is so practical!"

"They are planning to retreat!"

After seeing the huge ship floating in the sky, the admirals such as Black Hawk, Golden Snake, White Horse, etc. reacted instantly.

The Rocks Pirates are preparing to retreat!

Damn it!...The reinforcements of the Knights of God are coming soon. If they are allowed to retreat at this time, wouldn't it be a failure?

You know, this is the best time to wipe out the Rocks Pirates!

The high-end combat power of the Navy Headquarters, plus the Knights of God, will definitely defeat the Rocks Pirates!

If this opportunity is let slip away, the next Rocks Pirates will definitely be more difficult to deal with than this time!

After all, even a fool can see the huge potential of the Rocks Pirates!

The three core crew members, Rocks, Lorne, and Edward Newgate, are only in their 20s!

The oldest Rocks is only 27 or 28 years old, not yet 30 years old!

The other core cadres, Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, John, Silver Axe and others are only in their 20s!

In other words, these people are just some newcomers who have just started out and have not reached their peak at all!

If these people are given time to continue to grow, and when they fully develop their potential, what a terrifying behemoth the Navy will face?!

"no...We can't let them leave like this!"

Black Hawk instantly thought of the consequences of letting the Rocks Pirates go here, and said with gritted teeth:

"But...If we leave here, what will happen to the Celestial Dragons?"

Hakuba on the side also understood this, but now they have no choice.

As admirals of the navy, they must take protecting the Celestial Dragons as the highest level of mission!

In front of protecting the Celestial Dragons, any mission can give way!

"Damn it!"

The Golden Snake on the side cursed angrily, wishing that these Celestial Dragons would die sooner!

If the Celestial Dragons died sooner, they wouldn't have to watch the Rocks Pirates retreat in vain, and they wouldn't be able to do anything!

This feeling is too uncomfortable

"Hahahahaha, that’s all for today, you running dogs of the Celestial Dragons!"

"Next time, you won’t be so lucky!"

"That's right! Clean your necks and wait, Navy, World Government!"

At the same time, the members of the Rocks Pirates floating in the sky looked at the admirals below who were gritting their teeth and could not help but sneer.

Although they failed to kill all the Celestial Dragons this time, at least a dozen Celestial Dragons died in this chaos!

More importantly, this live broadcast around the world once again made the world realize the horror of the Rocks Pirates!

The reputation of the Rocks Pirates will surely attract more powerful people!

"hateful...Are they going to be let go just like that?"

A man who had just joined the navy and was awarded the rank of admiral candidate said gloomily, with black lines all over his head and his eyes looking gloomy as if water was about to drip out!

This man's code name is Brown Bull!

Brown Bull joined the navy because of the World Conscription, and his foundation was unstable. Many people in the army were dissatisfied with his position.

After all, everyone has worked hard for decades and devoted themselves to the navy, but an outsider was parachuted into the position of admiral candidate!

Who can accept this?

You know, the organization of admiral candidates is one carrot and one pit, and one less is one less!

Brown Bull also wanted to rely on this war to prove his strength and shut up those navy rats!

But now it seems that this hope has been dashed!

If the Rocks Pirates are allowed to run away like this, it will definitely be a shame for the navy, and even more so for him!

At that time, there will be more dissatisfied voices in the army. How can a candidate for admiral like himself lead the navy?

No...This must not be allowed to happen!

If... I can stop these members of the Rocks Pirates, it would be a great achievement!

By then, there will be no voice against me in the army!

Thinking of this, the admiral candidate codenamed Brown Bull suddenly jumped high and rushed towards the Rocks Pirates floating in the sky at high speed!

""Stay! Rocks Pirates!"

Brown Bull shouted, his whole body full of momentum!

"hateful...Don't be impulsive, Brown Bull!"

"That's the Rocks Pirates!"

Seeing the Brown Bull suddenly rushing into the sky, the three admirals Black Hawk, White Horse, and Golden Snake hurriedly spoke out to stop him!

He wanted to stop the Rocks Pirates by himself? This guy is too confident!

But it was too late for them to stop him. The Brown Bull had already rushed up!

"This idiot!"

Black Hawk cursed inwardly, and the next moment!

"Huh? Someone actually rushed up?"

"Is this the navy's reinforcements?!"


At the same time, on the deck of the Rocks Pirates, Rocks, Ron and others who were preparing to retreat had been using their Observation Haki.

They immediately sensed a powerful aura rushing up.

The next moment, everyone looked over and discovered that it was a candidate for admiral in a navy uniform!

"How dare one person rush over here? Am I seeing right?"

"It's simply seeking death!"

"Brown Bull? It just so happens that we haven't decided who will win yet!"

After seeing clearly, Golden Lion, John, Silver Axe and others widened their eyes in disbelief, as if they were hallucinating.

After rubbing their eyes hard and looking carefully, they found that there was really only one person!

"This guy...Are you mentally ill?"

""It's not a trick, is it?"

Loen was also surprised. One person dared to chase the Rocks Pirates?

Could it be a trick?

But his observation Haki could clearly feel that only this person rushed over.

Before Loen could come to his senses, the next moment

""Let 's go together and get rid of him!" Rocks spoke directly.

Swish, swish, swish!

As soon as Rocks finished speaking, Whitebeard Edward Newgate, Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, John, Silver Axe and others went up directly!

Swish, swish, swish!

In the sky, led by Rocks, several major cadres of the Rocks Pirates rushed up one after another! After only a few rounds, the general candidate codenamed Brown Bull fell quickly from mid-air like a broken-winged angel!

"Brown Bull!"

Seeing this, Gang Gukong immediately burst out with a burst of momentum, rushed to the landing point of the brown bull at high speed, and caught the brown bull steadily!

At the moment of catching the brown bull, Gang Gukong's body couldn't help but tremble!

The brown bull is dead!

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