"Let's begin the annihilation operation against the Rocks Pirates!"

Seeing that Admiral Hakuba was fine, Black Hawk, Golden Snake, and Admiral candidate Steel Bone Sora all regained their confidence!

After all, the current battle is 4V3!

The Navy has an absolute advantage in combat power, with an extra Admiral-level warrior.

This is an overwhelming advantage. 4V3 is 1V1, 1V1, and 2V1!

The key lies in this 2V1!

Two Admirals dealing with one person at the same time can basically be considered a sure win!

After all, no one has ever been able to deal with two Admirals at the same time!

I believe the battle will be over soon!

The Navy will win in the end!

""Everyone, come together! Let's fight quickly and decisively."

Black Hawk lowered his voice, and the next moment, four admiral-level warriors took action!

The first one was the world's number one swordsman, the current admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Black Hawk, who was the first to find Lorne!

"Our fight last time has not ended yet, this time, I will never let you run away again!"

Black Hawk flashed to the side of Loen, raised the supreme big knife in his hand, and chopped it down fiercely.

He still vaguely remembered that last time in the Deep Sea Prison, Loen, Rocks, and Newgate released all the LV6 prisoners.

That time, Black Hawk, White Horse, Golden Snake and other navy admirals suffered a lot!

Today, it's time to settle all the new and old grudges.

"Black Hawk...."You really dare to say that?!" Luo En snorted coldly and activated the power of the Thunder Fruit.

Now he is completely different from the last battle!

Strength, speed, and physical strength have completely transformed and reached the real emperor level!

In addition, his swordsmanship has also reached the emperor level, and the three colors of domineering have also reached the emperor level!

Luo En is now a man who can fight with the emperor-level strongmen with physical skills alone!

Coupled with the bonus of the Thunder Fruit, today is different from the past!

Lightning instantly wrapped around the blade of the Supreme Great Sword God.

God instantly turned into an elemental sword.

Lightning flashed, thunder roared, and it seemed that the momentum was much stronger than Black Hawk's famous sword Demon Slayer!

The sound of metal fighting came.

The famous swords of both sides collided with each other, splashing out strands of flames and stars.

For a time, God was on top and Demon Slayer was on the bottom!

Luo En actually suppressed the world's number one swordsman, General Black Hawk!

"This guy's strength and swordsmanship have become much stronger than last time!"

After a simple fight, Black Hawk immediately realized that Loen's strength had changed qualitatively compared to the last time they fought!

It seems that Loen's strength has made great progress in the past three years!

Damn, the potential of the Rocks Pirates is really terrible. It's a pity that they couldn't get rid of them at the beginning. The current Rocks Pirates have completely grown into a behemoth, a super pirate group!

If we don't seize this opportunity, the consequences will be even more terrible.

Hula~ Hula~ Hula~

Black Hawk and Loen threw their arms and fought!

The famous sword god and the demon slayer fought frantically.

Every blow will burst out with a powerful sword energy wave, overturning the surrounding buildings and the ground.

Even the overflowing sword energy will fly out of the island and cut the sea into a neat mirror.

"Is this the battle between general-level warriors?"

"The second-in-command of the Rocks Pirates, Gibek Rhoen, is not at all inferior to the world's number one swordsman!"

"this...He's only the second-in-command!"

It was the first time for the audience watching the live broadcast around the world to witness the battle of the Rocks Pirates.

After all, the battles of the Rocks Pirates had never been broadcast live before, and everyone only heard some news from the news after each battle.

But the news on the news was very delayed, with only dry battle results, which was not as intuitive as witnessing it with one's own eyes?

Now after seeing the battle of Loen, people all over the world understand how terrible the Rocks Pirates are!

The second-in-command has the ability to interact with the admirals of the navy! In the entire ocean, I'm afraid that only the Rocks Pirates have such strength!

After all, a strong man who can fight with an admiral will not be inferior to others.

At the same time, on the other side, Steel Bone Kong, who already has the strength of an admiral, but whose rank is only a candidate for admiral, took the initiative to find Edward Newgate, the third-in-command of the Rocks Pirates!

"Newgate, your opponent is me!"

Gang Gu Kong's muscles bulged, like a devil muscle man, and he took the initiative to find Newgate.

"Gulala, a mere candidate for admiral! I'll play with you for a bit!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly. After feeling the momentum bursting out from the opponent, he also felt the desire to fight!

This opponent is not bad. Although his rank is only a candidate for admiral, his strength is not worse than the three admirals!

The reason why he didn't become an admiral may be that his qualifications are a bit lacking.

After all, the current Steel Bone Kong is only in his early thirties, while the admirals of the navy are all forty or even fifty years old.



Whitebeard swung his sword, and a translucent energy shield appeared on the tip of the sword. He fiercely chopped at Ganggukong!

The combination of swordsmanship and fruit power made Whitebeard's attack powerful enough to destroy a mountain!

""Iron Block·Power Armor!"

Seeing Edward Newgate's fierce momentum, Ganggukong could not be afraid of fighting.

He directly activated the Iron Block in the Navy's Six Styles to resist Edward Newgate's broadsword!


The sword fell and chopped directly on Ganggukong's right shoulder!

The powerful sonic boom roared in all directions!

As if the space was shattered, fine blue cracks visible to the naked eye appeared in the air, and at the same time, there were shattering sounds like glass jars breaking.

Crack~crack~ crack~crack~ the next moment, the ground under Ganggukong's feet was completely shattered, his legs sank heavily into the ground, and his whole face was like a pig's liver, flushed all over!

It was obvious that this blow caused him a lot of trauma!

Crash~crash~ immediately, with Ganggukong as the center, the surrounding ground was completely shattered, and all the buildings and buildings within a radius of hundreds of meters were razed to the ground by the earthquake!

"You actually dared to resist my sword, you are really brave, the Marine Headquarters Admiral Candidate, Steel Bone Kong!" Whitebeard also chuckled

"Humph, a mere number three of the Rocks Pirates!"Kymbal Kong spat out a mouthful of blood and pus from the corner of his mouth. He pretended to be relaxed and merciless, but he was shocked in his heart.

Is this the power of a human?

If he was not good at physical skills and trained his muscles and bones every day to train his body to the limit, he would have been crippled if not killed by that knife just now.

He was just the number three of the Rocks Pirates!

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