There was a reason why Loen asked this.

When he was welcoming the citizens of the Kingdom of Women just now, Loen had already used his skill"Golden Eyes" to scan the citizens of the Kingdom of Women.

In addition to the King Guroliosa who was an S-level woman, there was another S-level woman in the Kingdom of Women!

She looked very similar to Xia Qi in the original book.

After all, Xia Qi was one of the very few women whose appearance and figure did not change much after they got old.

Combined with the famous figures of the Kingdom of Women in this era in the original book, Loen guessed that the other S-level woman was most likely Xia Qi.

But Loen was not sure, so he asked this question.

"summer...Shaqi? Yes....She is considered a woman with great potential among the younger generation of the Kingdom of Women."

"I am training her to be the next king."

Guloliosa didn't know why Loen asked this, so she told him everything.

"Oh? Really? Very good."

Hearing this, Luo En smiled evilly. Since she was being trained as the next king, it must be Xia Qi.

"In that case, call her over. I have something to ask her."Lorne said

"good...I understand, husband."

Guruliosa didn't know why Loen suddenly asked for Shachi by name.

But since her husband had ordered her to do so, she had to obey.

Guruliosa was also a woman who put herself in a very positive position.

Her so-called identity as a king was nothing compared to a behemoth like the Rocks Pirates.

Loen admired such a smart woman.

Soon Shachi arrived.

Shachi looked only about eighteen years old, very immature, while Guruliosa was already twenty-five or twenty-six years old, more mature.

Of course, both of them had unique figures and looks, but one was a little younger and the other was a little more mature.

In the original work, those who could become the king of the Kingdom of Women had both good looks and figures and strength.

After all, the Kingdom of Women was not short of beauties or strong men.

Only a strong and beautiful woman could stand out from a group of women and become the king.

"Lorne..."Sir, is there anything you can talk to me about?"

Shaqi's personality is actually quite cheerful and calm, the type who would not change her expression even when faced with a catastrophe.

However, after seeing Loen, she became a little shy.

After all, when the Kingdom of Women hijacked Tenshangjin, Shaqi also participated in the battle.

In that battle, King Guroliosa was defeated, and all the members of the pirate group, including Shaqi, were captured and sent to the holy land of Marijoa to be slaves of the Celestial Dragons.

This made Shaqi tremble and feel hopeless about life.

Who in the world has not heard of the brutality of the Celestial Dragons? Even many citizens of the Kingdom of Women were captured by the Celestial Dragons and used as slaves.

Among those who were captured to the holy land, only one in ten or even one in a hundred could come back alive.!

Even those who were lucky enough to come back alive from the Holy Land had despair written all over their faces!

Some women were tortured by painful memories every day, and finally chose to end their pain by committing suicide.

Xia Qi had heard about it, and of course he knew that if he really became a slave, what would be waiting for him would be a journey more terrible than hell!

But just at this moment of despair, a figure appeared and saved them. He came like a hero and rescued them from CP0 and the Knights of God!

That's right, that person was Loen.

Therefore, Xia Qi secretly fell in love with Loen, and when he saw Loen, he was a little shy, contrary to his usual behavior.

"There's something wrong with this girl." Guloliosa, who was familiar with Xia Qi's personality, also felt that Xia Qi became strange when she saw Lorne.

"Don't be nervous..."Xia Qi, I just want to ask you, are you willing to be my wife?"

After looking Xia Qi up and down, Lorne confirmed that Xia Qi was also an S-level woman, so he asked.

After saying this, Guroliosa, Xia Qi and Rocks were all shocked!

Especially Rocks, he didn't expect that his younger brother would take the initiative to look at other women, which really surprised Rocks!

Rocks was eager for Lorne to take the initiative.

After all, as an older brother, he can't always"suffer" his younger brother, right?

Since Lorne took the initiative, Rocks'"sense of guilt" will certainly be less.

"Hahahaha, brother, you are amazing. In that case....The lady named Xia Qi just agreed!"

"In this way, the relationship between our Rocks Pirates and the Kingdom of Women will be more stable."

"Don't worry, our Rocks Pirates will never treat you unfairly. The Kingdom of Women will be ours from now on."

"Anyone who dares to be an enemy of the Kingdom of Women is an enemy of the Rocks Pirates!"

Before Shaqi could speak, Rocks laughed happily. Since the younger brother took the initiative to speak, of course, as the elder brother, he had to add fuel to the fire.

"I...Of course I would...."

Xia Qi didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly. The prince charming who saved her suddenly wanted to marry her. This was simply too dreamy.

"Hahahaha… Very good, it turns out that the people in the Kingdom of Women are very smart!"

Seeing that Shaqi agreed directly, Rocks laughed heartily. In his eyes, Shaqi and Guroliosa had become his cute nephews or nieces who were not yet born.

That night, the Rocks Pirates held a grand wedding ceremony.

Lorne married two women again, and entered the bridal chamber that night.

That night, the three of them did not sleep all night............

In a blink of an eye, nearly a month and a half has passed.

The fourth child of Loen, conceived by the mermaid Xia Ri, was born!

Another SS-level talented boy, born with a strong sense of observation!

Rocks was so happy to have another family member.

Not only that, that night, good news came from the Rocks Pirates again!

"Congratulations to Lord Ron and Captain Rocks!"

"Miss Xia Qi, Miss Guloliosa's stomach is moving, she must be pregnant.

The female ship doctor immediately reported the news to Rocks and Lorne.

"What? Really?"With so many good things happening in one night, Rocks began to doubt his life.

"It's true, Captain Rocks!"

""Hahahaha, Lorne, you are really capable! You never miss a target!" Lockes laughed and patted Lorne's shoulder, very excited.

Killing two birds with one stone! His brother is really capable!

At this point, Lockes had to admit that he had been left far behind by his brother, and he couldn't even see the exhaust.

"Pay attention to letting them have a good rest and take good care of them."

Lo En also said with a smile at this moment, because just now, the voice of the system began to sound.

The series of voices sounded very pleasant, and Lo En could feel that the rewards of the system this time were very generous!

After all, Lo En hadn't seen what the reward was, but he could already feel a very strong power pouring into his body!

This power gave Lo En a very subtle feeling - there was a feeling that with this power in hand, he was invincible in the world!

You know, Lo En is now at the emperor level!

Whether it is the three-color domineering, or speed, strength, physical strength.

Or swordsmanship, it is all at the emperor level!

But this time the reward still made Lo En feel a huge improvement, I have to say it is really generous!

At least, it is an SSS-level reward!

Note: I'm sorry everyone, I've been a little slack during this period. Starting from next Monday, there will be at least two to three updates a day. Thank you for the handsome readers who are still chasing here, love you~~

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