Soon Rocks brought Bell, his nephew, to the banquet.

Facing many"evil men", Bell, who had just been born, was not afraid at all. Instead, he looked around with great interest.

Bell's eyes soon stopped at a big elbow.

This elbow was obviously cut from a giant wild boar that was more than ten meters long. The meat was very delicious.

Bell's saliva was flowing when he saw the big elbow.

"Big Daddy...I want to eat that."

Bell pointed at the big elbow on the table, looking like a greedy cat, very cute.

"Hahaha, what kind of meat should a newborn baby eat!"

"not good for health....!"

"Drink this, little guy!"

The pirates on the side couldn't help but laugh and handed Bell a cup of warm milk.

"I don't want milk!....I want to eat meat....!"

Bell said in a baby voice, and slapped the table, which immediately created a deep crack.

Seeing this, the pirates were amazed.

You know, this is a table used for pirate banquets, and the wood used is made of one word - hard!

How could a newborn baby slap such a hard table and create a crack?

Even a fishman with ten times the strength of an ordinary person can do this.

What kind of monster is this little guy?

"Hahahaha! You are worthy of being my nephew! Eat...!"

Rocks couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. He liked it more and more. He picked up the elbow and handed it to little Bell.

Although it might not be good for a newborn baby to eat such greasy food.

But his nephew is completely different from those ordinary children.

How many children can jump, run, talk, and awaken the domineering color domineering when they are born?

Eating some meat is absolutely no problem

"Hahaha, thank you, big daddy! Then I'll start eating!"

Bell's saliva flowed down and he started showing off.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, in less than five minutes, Bell showed off this elbow that was much bigger than him!

Not only that, he was not satisfied after showing off one elbow, and Bell sat on the dining table and kept putting food into his mouth, with no intention of stopping at all

"this..."This scene also made the pirates stunned.

What kind of devil is Lord Loen's child? How can he be so good at eating so much at such a young age?

When he grows up, he will eat at least the amount of a hundred people in one meal?

"Captain Rocks, go and stop them. Eating so much at such a young age, I'm afraid something might happen."

The pirates on the side were so scared that they couldn't bear to watch it anymore, and hurriedly advised Rocks.

Rocks was also a little worried at this moment.

Is it really okay to eat so much at such a young age?

"Hahaha, it's okay, brother, don't worry.

Just as Rocks was about to pull Bell up, a flash of lightning flashed and Lorne appeared beside Rocks.

"Really? Brother?"Locks was very worried. After all, this was his first nephew and a blood relative! If something really happened, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

"Bell is gifted, and it won't be a problem if he eats a lot."

Lorne was very sure, he knew his own child best.

Bell was an SSS-level talent, born with domineering domineering, and like himself, he would automatically cultivate his abilities.

Therefore, he needed a lot of energy, so it was normal for him to be able to eat.

And the faster he eats, the faster he grows.

Finally, after eating nearly six or seven adults' worth of food, Bell stopped, touched his round belly with satisfaction, and burped comfortably.

After a while, the round belly returned to its normal state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"this this this...."The pirates are a little bit numb

"Dad is here....Dad hug..."

Soon Bell found that Loen was coming, so he opened his arms and acted coquettishly towards Loen.

Loen also picked up Bell and teased him for a while.

I have to say that this feeling is quite wonderful. The little guy in front of him has his own blood flowing in his body, and he looks a bit like himself.

And he doesn't make noises, is very obedient, and is very sensible. It

's really worry-free to have a child like this.

A month passed in a blink of an eye. In this month, little Bell has demonstrated his extraordinary talent.

According to Loen's incomplete statistics, the abilities that little Bell has demonstrated in this month include Conqueror's Haki, Observation Haki, Armament Haki, and the Navy Six-style level of physical skills!

In addition to swordsmanship, Bell has already mastered almost all the basics of physical skills, although he is not proficient.

But he is only a one-month-old child.

This training speed is a demon, shocking everyone on the ship except Loen, even including Rocks and Newgate!

And Bell seems to be a training maniac. Even if he has the ability to practice, he still has to train for more than 12 hours a day.

A week ago, Bell had already started training with Loen and Rocks.

"Bell, you are still young, and now is the time for you to grow up happily. You don't need to practice so hard."

After a training session, seeing Bell sweating profusely after training, Rocks said with some distress.

"No, Daddy, in order to realize our family's ideals,.....I must become stronger as soon as possible to help my father and my great-grandfather avenge my grandparents!"

Bell looked serious, not joking at all.

This sentence completely stunned Rocks!

After all, Bell was only one month old, and he and Lorne had never mentioned anything about the Celestial Dragons to Bell.

How did this little guy know?

""Bell, how do you know this?" Lorne asked curiously.

He had not mentioned this to Bell, nor had his brother Rocks, so how did he know?

Could it be that this was also an ability that came with SSS-level talent?

That was too abnormal.

""No, I heard it in my mother's belly." Bell said calmly.

He could hear the conversation outside in his mother's belly very early and understand the meaning.

So before he was born, Bell knew the past of his father and big dad, and secretly made up his mind to help his father and big dad and do his part.

"this....The blood of our Jibek clan is really extraordinary."Hearing this, Lockes said with a smile and was deeply moved.

This is what Loen said at the beginning, there is no relationship more reliable than blood!

"Okay, the training is done, Dad, Daddy, I'm hungry..."

Bell touched his belly, as if he had suffered a great injustice, he looked so cute

"Hahahaha, I'm ready...."Someone come!"

Rocks clapped his hands, and a meal big enough for ten adults was served.

Bell showed off without saying a word, and finished it in less than ten minutes.

Rocks and Lorne looked at this scene with satisfaction, a happy and harmonious family atmosphere.

That night, the Rocks Pirates received another good news!

Newgate's sister, Jasmine's baby is also going to be born!

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