"Hanging...The reward is over 3.5 billion Baileys?...How is this possible?"

After hearing what Gad said, the Level 6 prisoners suddenly became agitated!

Some pirates who had been imprisoned for more than ten years were so surprised that their jaws dropped to the ground!

After all, in the era when they were imprisoned, not to mention a bounty of 3.5 billion, even pirates with a bounty of more than 3 billion had not appeared yet!

Only a dozen years have passed, and the inflation in the pirate world is so severe?

"Not only that, the man next to him, Rocks' younger brother and the second-in-command of the Rocks Pirates, Lorne Jibek, is also a man with a bounty of over 2 billion!"

"And the tall man with golden hair next to him is Edward Newgate, the third in command of the Rocks Pirates, and also a pirate with a bounty of over 1 billion Baileys!"

Gade looked at the three people in front of him with a complicated look in his eyes!

The growth of the Rocks Pirates is really terrifying.

Back then, he could"share the same" with them, but now the bounty of Edward Newgate, the third in command of the Rocks Pirates, has exceeded 1 billion Baileys!

This is simply making Gade vomit blood!

"Hello, the bounty for the second in command is over 2 billion Baileys, and the bounty for the third in command is over 1 billion Baileys?"

"Ged, you take us all for fools, don't you?"

"Is there any man with a bounty of over 1 billion who would willingly serve as the second or third in command?"

"You bastard, you are totally treating us like idiots!"

After hearing what Gad said, the Level 6 prisoners started to curse, and everyone was furious!

The bounty of over 3.5 billion already surprised them, and they were half-believing and half-doubting!

But now the bounty of the second-in-command is over 2 billion Baileys?

The bounty of the third-in-command is also 1 billion Baileys?

Is he treating himself like an idiot?

"Haha, believe it or not!"

"Do you know what the Rocks Pirates are called now?"

Ged said disdainfully in the face of the ridicule of many LV6 prisoners.

These country bumpkins have been in prison for too long, their brains are rusty, and they have no idea what the current situation of the ocean is.

"What is it called?" Some prisoners asked curiously.

"They defeated the navy and were called the"Sea Overlord" by the world.】!"Gad said word by word.

"Defeating the navy, and being called the overlord of the sea?"

After hearing this news, the LV6 prisoners could not sit still!

Everyone stared with eyes wide open, tongues hanging out, with an unbelievable look on their faces!

After all, most of them were captured by the navy.

The navy has three great admirals, plus the navy marshal, and a bunch of capable vice admirals and admiral candidates!

No pirate group can compete with the navy headquarters.

But now the navy has been defeated?

This is simply going to subvert the three views of these old antiques who have been in the deep sea prison for more than 10 years!

"Haha, that’s right!"

"They had a fierce battle in Wano Country"

"The Navy dispatched two admirals, an admiral candidate, a naval marshal, a dozen vice admirals and tens of thousands of navy troops to engage in a fierce battle with the Rocks Pirates."

"In that battle, the second-in-command, Lorne Gibeck, single-handedly destroyed all the supplies at the Navy Headquarters!"

"So now the navy may not be able to come from the headquarters to support the deep sea prison."

Gade's tone was quite solemn.

Thinking back to when he saw the news that the Rocks Pirates defeated the navy in the newspaper, he was so scared that his eyes almost popped out.

"By the way, I was captured in this deep sea prison thanks to the Rocks Pirates."

"If it weren't for Loen destroying all the navy's warships, I wouldn't have thought of robbing the Sky Gold, and I wouldn't be in this deep sea prison."

Ged still felt a little regretful when he thought about it.

He overestimated his own strength and wanted to rob the Sky Gold, but ended up meeting a strong man from the Knights of God, and then was captured and thrown into this deep sea prison.

"Hey, Ged, stop farting!"

"I totally don’t believe it!"

"Me too. The bounty for the second in command is over 2 billion, and the bounty for the third in command is over 1 billion. How can I possibly believe it?"

"And defeat the navy and become the overlord of the sea?"

"Is this Rocks Pirates your real father? You are bragging for them like this."

Even if Gad said it in detail, the LV6 prisoners sneered!

They didn't believe that a person with a bounty of more than 2 billion and 1 billion Baileys would be willing to be under someone else.

"believe it or not..."A bunch of idiots."

Gede was too lazy to explain so much. Anyway, it seemed that the Rocks Pirates came to the Deep Sea Prison for other purposes. They would definitely have a battle with Director Jade and Warden Clee.

By then, these idiots would know what kind of existence the Rocks Pirates were.

"Hey, you bastards, are you just going to ignore us?"

"We are now also cadres of the Rocks Pirates!"

"Don't treat us like air!"

At this moment, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and John heard the conversation of the Level 6 prisoners and became dissatisfied.

Gad had been introducing Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate, and completely ignored the existence of the three of them!

"Haha, are you three supernovas?"

"I didn't expect you guys to join the Rocks Pirates."

After hearing the three people's discontent, Gede noticed Wang Zhi, John, and Silver Axe.

These three were supernovas of the same era, with bounties of around 300 million. Who would have thought they would join the Rocks Pirates?

The Rocks and Lorne brothers were really good at it, and they could actually win over three arrogant pirate supernovas at the same time?

"That's right...I will remember all of you old bastards!"

"We are also officers of the Rocks Pirates!"

"My name is Wang Zhi, and the bounty is 427 million Baileys! Remember my face, I will definitely surprise the world in the future!"

"I am also a man with a bounty of 416 million berries, my name is John!"

"I offer a bounty of 469 million Baileys for the Silver Axe!"

The three of them also took the initiative to announce their names.

"You idiots can actually break through the 400 million bounty? I'm afraid it's because you joined the Rocks Pirates."

Gad said disdainfully, but at the same time he was a little envious.

He worked hard as a pirate for so many years, but the bounty was only 500 million Baileys.

After these supernovas joined the Rocks Pirates, their worth also soared, and they were about to surpass him.

While the LV6 prisoners, Gad, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and John were bickering non-stop, on the other side, the confrontation between

Director Jed, Warden Chris, Deputy Director, and Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate began!

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