The year 1468 of the Sea Circle Calendar! (About 50 years after Luffy set sail in the original novel.)

In a certain sea area in the New World.

The sea is calm and the weather is clear.

On a certain unknown island, at the port, a small sailboat is anchored.

On the sailboat, there are two men, one of whom is 2.8 meters tall and has long red hair that is as exaggerated as an octopus's tentacles.

The whole man is muscular and fierce-looking, and it seems that the words"Strange People Keep Away" are printed on his face.

This is the future pirate, who almost brought down the Celestial Dragons, Rocks, known as the"Overlord of the Sea"·D·Jibek!

However, at this time, Rocks was still a young man who had not yet set sail.

He was only about 20 years old.

But he had already awakened his domineering aura!

He exuded the aura of a king that made people want to surrender!

Many people didn't even have the courage to look directly at Rocks.

"Lorne, are you ready?"

"There is no turning back once you go out to sea."

"What we have to do is to make the whole world our enemy!"

Although he looks extremely fierce, Rocks showed a rare tenderness when facing the young man named Lorne.

For no other reason, it is because the Lorne in front of him is his younger brother!


He is also his only relative in the world!

"Of course, bro."

"I am worried about you going out to sea alone."

At this time, another man, who was about 2.8 meters tall, had the same red hair as Rocks, but had deep facial features and looked as handsome as an ancient Greek sculpture, said with a smile.

The man's name was Loen, a time traveler who traveled to the world of One Piece 18 years ago.

Unexpectedly, he became Rocks's younger brother!

And Loen, who traveled through time, also learned a very secret information!

Rocks' life experience!

Rocks was once a slave of the Celestial Dragons!

Rocks and Loen's parents were also slaves of the Celestial Dragons!

The parents met and fell in love in the Holy Land, and also... Rocks and Lorne were born!

When the Celestial Dragons learned about this, they were not angry, but very happy!

It was the first time in the Holy Land that a slave gave birth to a child!

Right after Rocks and Lorne were born, the Celestial Dragons used a branding iron to imprint the mark of the [Sky Dragon's Hoof] on them.

This meant that the Celestial Dragons had already decided to make the young Rocks and Lorne their slaves!

This scene made Rocks and Lorne's parents heartbroken! They accepted their fate of becoming slaves!

But they never wanted their children to become slaves of the Celestial Dragons when they grew up!

Therefore, when Rocks was 6 years old, When Loen was 4 years old, their parents conspired to flee the Holy Land!

That night, a fire broke out in the Holy Land.

The fire spread quickly, and the entire Holy Land was in chaos!

The parents, who had wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, were discovered by the Celestial Dragons' lackeys.

The parents were brutally murdered by the Celestial Dragons and tortured to death!

After witnessing all this, Rocks, who was only 6 years old, was strongly stimulated and awakened his Conqueror's Haki on the spot!

And it was not an ordinary Conqueror's Haki!

At least at that moment, the Conqueror's Haki that Rocks awakened shocked the guards and even CP0 who were present at the time!

Immediately afterwards, Rocks He took his brother and fled the Holy Land, getting out of the clutches of the Celestial Dragons!

Just like that.

The two helpless teenagers began to live a self-reliant life.

They ate other people's leftovers and wore tattered clothes that others didn't want in the garbage dump.

They served dishes, did hard labor, and worked illegally.

They were also owed wages by black-hearted bosses. They were even almost abducted and became slaves again!

Fortunately, the two of them came through this together!

Now that the time is right, Rocks has decided to take revenge on the Celestial Dragons!

After all, when they were young, Rocks and Lorne heard a sentence in the Holy Land!

【The D clan is the natural enemy of God!

This sentence has been on the lips of many Celestial Dragons for many years, which shows that they are quite afraid of the D clan!

Rocks and Loen are both from the D clan!

"Hahaha, you don’t trust me?"

"You really dare to brag, Lorne!"

When Rocks heard his brother say this, he laughed happily.

If someone else said this, Rocks, who has a hot temper, would definitely throw a domineering aura at him.

But who made the person who said this be his brother!

After all, Lorne is his only relative in the world! He is also Rocks's Achilles' heel!

Going out to sea to become a pirate and being enemies with the World Government and the Celestial Dragons is a matter of life and death.

"I still hope you stay here"

"After all, there are too many uncertainties when going out to sea."

Rocks turned around and looked at Lorne, his eyes were extremely complicated.

Of course, Rocks wanted his brother to stay with him all the time. After all, the two brothers have always been inseparable since they were young. If they really had to part like this, Rocks was afraid that he would not be able to hold back his tears!

But becoming a pirate and seeking revenge on the Celestial Dragons is too dangerous! It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a life-or-death situation.

Rocks himself is not sure of winning.

So he hopes that his brother will stay away from danger and live well!

"It would be best if you could stay here, get married and have children, and give me more nephews and nieces!"

"In this way, the bloodline of our clan can also be passed on."

Speaking of this, Lockes' eyes suddenly showed a lot of tenderness.

After all, he is also a human being with flesh and blood.

The harmonious and beautiful scene of his family in the Holy Land has always been the gentle place in Lockes' heart.

Many times in his dreams, Lockes would dream of the scene when he was a child in the Holy Land and his parents were still alive.

Although life was bitter at that time, it was also sweet. But now there are only two brothers left! It doesn't matter if I survived a near-death experience, but Loen shouldn't follow me to bear such danger!

"Hahaha, brother, do you think I am still the little kid who only follows you and relies on your protection?"

"I am...Very strong!"

Lorne smiled mysteriously after noticing Rocks's thoughts.

He then clenched his fists and widened his eyes!


An invisible breath burst out from Lorne's body!

For a moment, everything around seemed to surrender!

The crowd who were originally in a hurry and passing by the port now all had white eyes, foamed at the mouth, and fainted on the ground!

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