The hoof of the Flying Dragon is the mark of the Draco people on the slaves, and it is a proof that it belongs to the inferior human beings, and this mark is branded by the Draco people with a special method, and it is difficult to remove it without a special method.

Even if you cut off the skin that has this mark on it, the mark will still be there.

Carl was one of the few non-Draconians who knew how to erase the mark, remembering Orson, the slave he had freed from a certain Draconian.

The other party naturally also has this mark on his body, and in order to eliminate this mark, Carl naturally went to DuPont.

With DuPont, a friend of the Draconians, many secrets about the Draconians are not secrets to Carl at all.

Hancock's mark is on the back, a big beauty, with a smooth back, and Carl, as a man, is naturally excited and trembling hands.

The marks behind her second sister and third sister, Carl naturally erased, but it's quite strange, obviously these two haven't eaten the snake snake fruit, and the length is okay, but the excitement is gone.

It is estimated that it was influenced by the image of the two sisters in the original book.

The marks on the back of the three sisters have been erased, and Carl clearly feels that 16 Hancock is treating him well, and the other party is still hugging him at that time, and he is in a state of no clothes.

After staying in Amazon for ten days, Hancock also gave Carl ten days of food, and in these ten days, she completely saw Carl's appetite, and one person completely topped the weight of more than a dozen people.

Hancock couldn't imagine that when he was at sea, Carl only ate the same amount as her every day, not to save the food on the ship.

In ten days, Carl unexpectedly became acquainted with the female warriors of the Amazon, and was very popular with these female warriors.

In Amazon, no matter dirty work, tiring work, rough work, and fine work, women do it, anyway, they are all people, so it is inevitable that they will get sick and injured, and the women of the Amazon are all soldiers, each has extraordinary skills, and injuries are a common thing.

So Carl's doctor has a role, compared to the Amazon's doctor, Carl's medical skills are so bad that they can't even see the taillights.

Don't care about internal and external injuries, big or small injuries, when you get to Carl, it won't take half an hour to heal you, even if you come to a crippled one, you have to make up for the parts and go back.

So in just ten days, Carl not only turned a lot of save value (now the save value is 56877), but also won the favor of many Amazon female warriors.

On the seventh day, Carl was finally able to walk around the Amazon, not having to be stuck in the harbor all the time, and finally got a glimpse of what this true daughter country was like.

At a glance, apart from women, it is a woman, and the only man is him.

Here, being a groom night after night will no longer be a dream, but a truly achievable goal, as long as your kidneys are good enough.

Of course, the women here are also very strong, and the armed color domineering is simply the existence of a rotten street here, if you don't have outstanding skills, you will definitely not be able to beat even a woman.

Hancock is the owner of the three-color domineering, and I don't know where her domineering came about, obviously at the age of 12, she became a slave of the Celestial Dragons.

Now 16 years old, I have been a slave for four years, but I have learned to be domineering and have a good ability, and this slave is really a bit magical.

It is said that the other party has been in Mary Joy for the past four years, and Carl is also a frequent visitor to Mary Joy, but he has never met each other.

Regarding how the other party learned the three-color domineering and never saw you, Carl also asked Hancock, mainly the three-color domineering, and the second thing is a trivial matter, after all, Mary Joya is quite big, and it is normal to have never seen Hancock, who was still a slave at the time.

Although I didn't want to say much, it was Carl who asked, and Hancock said it anyway.

It turned out that when she was a slave, she met an old slave, and it was the latter who taught her to see and hear color and pretend to be domineering, as well as a good skill.

And this old slave used to be a sea thief, accidentally captured by the navy, and then became a slave of the Draconians.

It was not for nothing that he taught Hancock, so to speak, that if Hancock could escape one day, he would find his buried treasure for him and send it to his hometown.

As for the overlord color domineering, it was awakened after an accident.

Not only that, but she is also a Devil Fruit ability, and this fruit was forced to eat by the Draconians.

After hearing what happened to Hancock, Carl was a little speechless.

Being a slave can have such benefits, I believe that many people will rush over to be slaves to the Draconians, and just one Devil Fruit is enough to make many people crazy.

In this world, although there are a lot of Devil Fruits, the huge population base is here, so the Devil Fruit ability is very rare.

An animal-based devil fruit has a starting price of 100 million Baileys on the black market, and it is basically the kind that has no price.

There are very few people who actually exchange Devil Fruits for money, and most of them are for their own use, or for trusted people and subordinates.

"Carl, you're going to deliver a baby."

I just finished dinner and was thinking about which girl's house to sleep at night, because it was so popular, many girls wanted Carl to go to her house to sleep, of course, just to sleep.

But if he dared to go, he would definitely be captured by Hancock.

"----- delivery ------"

With such a sharp question at once, Carl couldn't bear it.

"Someone has a difficult birth, will you reach the end of 790?" asked the female warrior who came in with an eager face.

It's a question worth pondering.

He was a surgeon in his previous life, but he had never delivered babies or caesarean sections, after all, there were doctors and nurses who specialized in this area.

In this life, he naturally hasn't encountered it.

When he was in the naval hospital, he encountered a pregnant woman with a difficult birth, but he did not need surgery, as long as he waited for a special doctor to do the operation, he was responsible for healing the wound.

However, he still knows the knowledge of caesarean delivery, but he has not actually operated it.


Karl stood up and nodded.

"Then come with me"

The female warrior pulled Carl away, more than three meters tall, and his strength was also great, and Carl was pulled up by her like a doll.

"Don't you have a doctor who specializes in delivering babies and performing surgeries?"

Carl shouted, no way, the speed is too fast, if you don't shout louder, the other party can't hear it at all.

"There are too many people who have babies today, and there are not enough doctors," the female warrior explained.

Well, this answer kind of blocked Carl's next question.

Not long after Carl left, Hancock returned from outside, and then she found that Carl was gone.

Suddenly the pretty face was frosty: "Which woman was abducted"_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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