One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 317 General blocks the road

"Lord Ace, help me!"

After Ace connected the phone bug in his hand, Guangyue Rihe's weak voice immediately came from the phone bug's mouth.

"How could it be!" Hearing Guangyue Rihe's weak voice, Ace was startled and immediately asked, "What happened over there?"

"It's the World Government..." Hiyori Kozuki told Ace all about her encounter with CP0 and the information she got from him.

As for what happened in the Flower Capital, Hiyori Kozuki didn't know yet, so she didn't know that Kaido and the Beast Pirates had left the Country of Wano. She only vaguely guessed from the conversation with CP0 that the Flower Capital Something might have happened.

"World Government!" After hanging up the phone in his hand, Ace became more certain about his guess. Kaido definitely took Onigashima and the entire Beast Pirates to Big Mom's territory to cooperate with that old woman. .

It is precisely because of Kaido's absence that the World Government knew this news from somewhere, so it sent CP0 to Wano Country to try to get Wano Country to officially join the World Government organization, and even control the entire Wano Country under the World Government hands.

In this way, even if Kaido comes back afterwards, as long as Wano Country asks for help from the World Government, then the World Government will have a legitimate reason to send troops to attack Wano Country.

"Ace, what are we going to do next?" Gambi asked in a deep voice, looking at Ace with a solemn expression.

The current situation, whether it is the unconfirmed cooperation between Kaido and Big Mom, or what happened in Wano Country, has exceeded their expectations. Everyone present has a premonition that what will happen next development and their original plans may undergo dramatic changes.

"Bonsi, inform Wores and the others not to come to Wano and attack the Big Mom Pirates' territory immediately." Ace turned to Pai Bonsi and said, then stamped his foot. , shouted to the big stupid dragon under him: "Big stupid dragon, turn around and go back."

Ace thought for a while, and finally decided to resolve the matter of Wano Country first, and at the same time let the Spade Pirates' fleet return and turn around to go to Big Mom.

Ouch! ~

After receiving the order, the big stupid dragon immediately flapped its wings, twisted its fat body in the sky, and then flew quickly towards the interior of Wano Country.

The new world, off the coast of Wano.

At this time, dozens of pirate ships sailed into the chaotic sea outside Wano Country.

These pirate ships are without exception. The flag of the Spade Pirates is hoisted on the highest point of each ship. Below is the pirate flag that represents the will of the respective pirate group. There is no doubt that these pirate groups are The pirate fleet under the Spade Pirates.

At this time, they were lining up to climb up from the waterfall sea current and enter Wano Country to challenge the Beast Pirates, one of the Four Emperors.

Among this huge pirate fleet, the Spade from Zou Island was also among them. At this time, the captains who were the first to follow Ace all gathered on the Spade.

"It's strange, the entrance of Wano Country should be garrisoned by the [Hundred Beasts Pirates] army. We entered Wano Country in such a big way, why didn't they react at all?" On the Spade, Luo looked at the The pirate group, which was swimming upstream, frowned and said.

"Ace and the others have arrived in Wano Country a few days ago. Maybe the guards here have been eliminated by Ace and the others." Qiao Ellie Bonny took the food in one hand and kept stuffing it into her mouth, taking the time to say: "What are you worried about? Wouldn't it be better to log in smoothly?"

"Of course it would be best if things were as you said." Luo looked at the gloomy sky over Wano Country with a worried look on his face and said, "I don't know why, but I always have a bad feeling... "

"Luo, if you are afraid, you can turn around and go back now." Enilu, who was squatting on the mast, suddenly spoke and said to Luo: "Anyway, your duty is just a word. Even if you turn around now, no one will laugh at you. Yes, yeah hahaha.”

"Enilu!" Luo's face darkened when he heard Enilu's laughter, and he said, "You guys are still so annoying."

"Yeah hahaha!" Enilu laughed loudly, then looked at Luo and asked provocatively: "How about it, do you want to have a fight?"

"Buru buru buru~buru buru buru!~"

At this time, the phone bug in Wores's pocket suddenly rang.

Wores held the rudder with one hand and took out the phone bug that kept calling from his pocket. After the call was connected, the words that came out of the phone bug's mouth made everyone's expressions change drastically.

"Notify everyone, turn around!" After listening to what happened in Wano Country from the phone worm, Wores hung up the phone worm with a solemn expression, then turned his head and shouted to everyone on the Spade.

Everyone on the Spades also heard the conversation between Wores and Pie Bonsey through the phone bug, and then informed others to turn around.

"I didn't expect Kaido to join forces with Big Mom. This is really..." Luo looked at the ships that boarded the Wano Inland Sea and then turned back, with a solemn expression on his face.

He had a bad premonition from the moment he stepped into the waters of Wano Country. He didn't expect that things would suddenly take such a big turn, so he said with a worried look: "I don't know where we are going to Big Mom now. Rush over before it’s too late.”

The two [Four Emperors] suddenly joined forces. This was something that no one expected. Let’s not say whether they can catch up if they rush over now. Even if they catch up, when the time comes, they will start a war with the two [Four Emperors] at the same time. Then both sides will The scale of the war that breaks out will be unprecedentedly huge.

"If we just rush over, there shouldn't be a problem with 'that', but as Bonsi said, we're still not sure whether Kaido has gone to Big Mom, so we can only wait for Ace. We need to get accurate information from the side." Qiao Ellie Bonny said.

"That's right." Wores nodded and said, "Ace and the others have now returned to Wano Country. I believe accurate information will be delivered soon. We just need to wait patiently."

"Everyone, stop talking, it seems we have a special guest in front of us!"

Just when everyone was worried about what was going to happen next, Enelu, who was squatting on the mast, suddenly stood up and said to the people below.

At this time, Anilu, who was standing on the mast, saw a huge warship heading towards them, and at the very front of the warship stood a figure that even he could not ignore.

Admiral - Kizaru!

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