One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 306 Forgive You

"Unfortunately, there is no record of the 'origin of the devil' you want in these three [historical texts]."

After Robin read the three pieces of [History Text] in the treasure room of the Big Mom Pirates, he looked at Shiliu with regret, shook his head and said to him.

"Really?" Xiliu looked at Robin, and deliberately released the domineering power to sense Robin's emotions. After making sure that she was not lying, he also showed a regretful expression on his face, and then said to them: "That's such a pity. Come on, let’s go, I’ll take you to a safe place.”

Robin did not lie. In the treasure room of the Big Mom Pirates, there are three pieces of [History Text] that they have collected over a long period of time.

One of them is an important red [road sign historical text], and the remaining two pieces, one records the real 'information' about the entire world, and the other records the existence of [King of Heaven Uranus] among ancient weapons. , there is no [historical text] that records the 'origin of the devil' that Shiliu is looking for.

But Robin was very curious, what exactly was the so-called ‘source of the devil’?

When Crocodile tried his best to find the [Historical Text] hidden in that country in Alabasta, he wanted to get the ancient weapons recorded on it, but Shiliu didn't seem to be very interested in ancient weapons and just wanted to find them. Is the so-called 'source of the devil' information more important than [ancient weapons]?

"Is the 'origin of devil' related to Devil Fruit?" Robin secretly guessed in his heart, but he was not sure. Moreover, compared to this problem, Robin now thought more about who asked Shiliu to help them in the future. of.

"Is it possible that he is the 'strong ally' that Ace said?" Robin thought for a moment, and then asked Shiliu: "Mr. Shiliu, you just said that you were entrusted to help us. Could you please tell us who the person who asked you to help us is?"

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you who asked me to come now, but I believe it won't be long before you all know." Xiliu looked at Robin, paused, and then said: "There is one more thing I must correct. , you just said that I am here to 'help' you. This statement is actually wrong. I am only responsible for taking you to a safe place and preventing you from falling into the hands of the Big Mom Pirates. Maybe the form will change later. After that, we might become enemies.”

Shiliu said, a scarlet light flashed in his eyes, and said: "If you really become an enemy, I will kill you without hesitation!"

"So... so scary!" Sensing Shiliu's murderous intent, Usopp and Chopper immediately hugged each other, then looked at Robin and said tremblingly: "Robin, are you right? Wrong, this person is so dangerous, we’d better not follow him.”

"..." Robin heard this, looked up at Shiliu, and hesitated in his heart.

"You are free to follow me or not, or if you want to leave here." Xiliu saw the hesitation of the three Robins, with an indifferent expression on his face, and said to them: "However, this place is The BIG·MOM Pirates' treasure house, although I have already eliminated the guards when I came in, I believe that new guards will come soon. If you choose to leave, I will not help you anymore."

"..." Robin and the three looked at Xi Liu speechlessly. What he said actually meant that they had no choice, either to go with Xi Liu or to stay here and be arrested.

"Please lead the way." Robin thought for a while and finally chose to go with Shiliu.

"follow me!"

Shiliu was not surprised by the choices of Robin and the others. He said to the three of them expressionlessly, then turned and walked towards the outside of the treasure room.

The three Robins looked at each other and then followed.

Cake Castle, in the underground cell.

Nami and Franky were locked in a specially made cage.

Guarding the door of the cell was Charlotte Mondor, the 19th son of the Charlotte family.

Brooke, who was captured with them, was sent to Charlotte Lingling as a "precious species" because only his skeleton was left.

Charlotte Mondor, who was guarding the door of the cell, was reading a book with gusto. At this time, a faint pink smoke suddenly floated towards him from a distance.

After Charlotte Mondor inhaled a few puffs of pink smoke, he suddenly felt very sleepy. After yawning, he fell asleep directly.

After Charlotte Mondor fell, two figures appeared at the door of the cell. They were Sanji, the chef of the Straw Hats, and his sister, Vinsmoke Reiju.

Obviously, the burst of smoke that made Charlotte Mondor fall asleep just now was the work of this woman wearing a pink butterfly wing suit and having the same curly eyebrows as Sanji.

"Sanji, go in by yourself." Reiju suddenly said to Sanji at the door of the cell.

"Thank you, Reiju." Sanji heard this, thanked Reiju, and then rushed into the cell impatiently.

"Sanji! X2"

In the cell, Nami and Franky both screamed in surprise when they saw Sanji suddenly appearing.

"I'm sorry, Miss Nami, for allowing you to be treated like this." Sanji was also very happy when he saw his companion. He said sorry to Nami, and then stepped forward and used Charlotte Mon The key taken from Dole opened the cage and then released the restraints on the two of them.

"You bastard, you went to a place like this without permission and made us so worried!"

After untying her restraints, Nami punched Sanji and yelled at him: "You bastard, even if you are coming to get married, you should tell us!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Nami." Sanji looked at Nami guiltily and said, "Those bastards threatened me with the life of a very serious person, so I had no choice but to agree to their coming."

"Very important people?" Nami wiped away her tears after hearing this, looked at Sanji, and suddenly said: "Are they the people from the sea restaurant 'Baraty' in the East China Sea?"

"Yeah." Sanji nodded and said, "That bastard told me that if I didn't come here to get married, he would go to the East China Sea and kill everyone in the Barati restaurant."

As a companion who had been on the "thief" ship together from the East China Sea, Nami certainly knew how important the people at the "Barati Restaurant" were to Sanji. The other party threatened him with the lives of those people. No wonder Sanji would compromise. .

"So that's it." After hearing Sanji express his difficulties, Nami's anger towards him disappeared immediately, and then she said with a smile like a flower: "Then I will forgive you."

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