One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 294 [New Era Plan]

Dressrosa, in the hut in the sunflower field.

Because of Sanji's incident, everyone in the Straw Hats had a gloomy mood on their faces.

Wang Lufei and Jinbei were lying in the middle of the hut, and Ace stood beside them, holding a small figure in his hand.

This little figure is none other than the princess of the Dongtada tribe, Manxili, who was brought back by Ace from the Dongtada tribe hiding in Greenbit.

Also brought by Ace along with Princess Mansheli was Leo, a warrior from the Dongdada clan. This little guy was Princess Mansheli's guard and was standing on Ace's shoulders.

Mansheli is a devil fruit user who has eaten the superhuman healing fruit. Her ability can heal the injuries of all living creatures.

At this time, Manxili, who was held in Ace's hands, released a holy light from his hands, which fell on the seriously injured Wang Lufei and Jinbei.

After a while, under Manxili's treatment, the injuries on Wang Lufei and Jinbei recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Okay!" After the treatment, Manxili wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said to Ace: "After my treatment, their injuries have almost completely recovered. Next, as long as they wake up, their injuries will be very serious." He will recover soon.”

"Really?" Chopper, who was standing by, heard this and immediately rushed forward to check the bodies of Wang Lufei and Jinbei. He found that their injuries had indeed healed more than half, and a shocked expression appeared on his face. , said: "Their injuries are really almost healed, what an amazing ability!"

"Of course, Manxulli's ability is very powerful." Ace smiled, then looked at the somewhat tired Manxulli and thanked him: "Thank you, Manxulli."

"'s okay. I'm glad I can help you, Master Ace." Manxili blushed and said to Ace.

Because of Carols, the Dontata tribe has a very close relationship with the Spade Pirates, and Mansheli herself is Ace's little crush and admires him very much.

An hour later, Wang Lufei and Jinbei woke up.

"What, that guy Sanji is getting married!"

When Zoro told Wang Lufei about Sanji, he jumped up in surprise, but this guy completely missed the point.

"You guy, please grasp the key point!" Nami punched Wang Lufei on the head and said viciously: "That bastard was obviously coerced, okay?"

"Ah, isn't Sanji voluntary?" Wang Lufei rubbed his head and said seriously: "Since Sanji is forced, why don't we go and snatch him back!"

"It's not that simple." Zoro shook his head and said, "Let's not talk about whether Chef Se will come back with us even if we go, and this wedding was indeed arranged by Chef Se's family. The most important thing is, That bastard’s marriage partner is the daughter of Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors. I don’t think she will be so easy to talk to, and she can easily make the sexy cook regret the marriage and leave with us.”

"So what!" Wang Lufei stood up and said seriously: "I'm going to go find Sanji now and ask him personally what's going on, if he is being threatened."

"Who dares to threaten my partner, no matter who the other party is, I will beat him (her) away!" Wang Lufei raised his fist and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, we must bring Sanji back!"

"Yes, that guy dared to leave without saying goodbye. We have found him and must teach him a lesson!"

After Wang Lufei expressed his attitude, the entire Straw Hats began to prepare to go to the Big Mom Pirates to bring back their friends.

"In other words, you will go to find trouble with Big Mom, right?" At this time, Ace suddenly spoke and asked Wang Lufei and others.

"That's right!" Wang Lufei looked at Ace and nodded heavily.

"Very good!" Ace looked at him, smiled, and said, "In that case, I happen to have a plan here. Do you want to listen to it?"

"What's the plan?" Wang Lufei tilted his head and asked after hearing this.

"The plan to unseat the [Four Emperors] and replace them!" Ace's eyes swept over all the members of the Straw Hats, and then said: "I call this plan [New Era]."

"Take the Four Emperors..."

"...pull off the horse?"

"Wait!" Nami looked at Ace and asked uncertainly: "Ace, do you mean that you want to pull a certain [Four Emperors] from the throne in the new world?"

"It's not a certain [Four Emperors]." Ace shook his head and said, "It's about pulling all the current [Four Emperors] off their thrones and creating a new era!"

"All the [Four Emperors], all..."

When the members of the Straw Hats heard Ace's words, they were all stunned for a moment, and then looked at him in great surprise.

"Impossible!" Usopp shook his head desperately and said: "The so-called [Four Emperors] are the absolute overlords that dominate this sea area. Even if you want to defeat one of them, it is already impossible to do so. Let alone defeat them all at the same time, this is absolutely impossible, impossible!"

"That's right." Nami also looked at Ace, shook her head and said, "Although Ace you are very powerful, even powerful enough to rival a certain [Yonko], but even you want to fight with him at the same time. It is impossible for all the [Four Emperors] to become enemies."

"Okay, I didn't make it clear." Ace shook his head and said, "Then, let me tell you again about my [New Era Plan]."

Ace looked at them and said seriously: "You, the so-called [Supernova Alliance], and even me, are all pirates of the new era. If we want to get ahead, we must replace a certain force from the old era. Among these forces of the old era, the most representative ones are undoubtedly the [Four Emperors] who dominate the waters of the New World, and the ultimate goal of my [New Era Plan] is to end this world ruled by the [Four Emperors] The Age of Pirates.”

"But Ace-kun, aren't you and the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, allies? Moreover, it is rumored that Whitebeard has regarded you as his heir. As long as you inherit his status, Can't you just legitimately become one of the [Four Emperors]? Why bother to defeat the other [Four Emperors]?" Robin suddenly asked.

Ace looked at Robin and said: "Miss Robin, even if Uncle Whitebeard really wants me to be his heir, there is no way to inherit [status]. The so-called [status] can only be obtained if you get it." Approval from everyone in the world, but something real.”

"Besides, replacing the position of [Yonko] is just the first step of my plan!" Ace looked at Luffy and asked with a smile: "How about it, Luffy, do you want to join me in this fight? "

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