One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 288 My own way

"Luffy, your fourth gear is to blow air into your body, and then use your haki to make the rubber body more tense, right? Why don't you imagine that the air blown into your body is haki, and then try to think about it the other way around. !" At this time, Robin in the distance suddenly shouted to Wang Lufei.

"Fourth reverse?!" Hearing Robin's words, Wang Lufei was stunned for a moment, and then a light flashed through his mind, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

In Wang Lufei's fourth gear, he first wraps his armed domineering weapon around his arm, then bites the arm and blows air into the arm, and then compresses the air blown into the body into the muscles of the body to form a muscle balloon called ' way of fighting.

"Think of the air blown into the body as domineering energy, and then vice versa!" Wang Lufei chewed on Robin's words, suddenly released the fourth gear mode, and then tried to release the domineering energy in this way. on the arms, finally converging on the fists.

"This feeling is like a shapeless muscle balloon that can be popped out easily." Wang Lufei looked at the armed domineering energy gathered on his fists, said thoughtfully, and then smiled: " Although it’s a little different from what Ace said, it still feels like it’s right!”

"...Is this okay?!" On the other side, Ace saw Wang Lufei suddenly realized another way to release his armed domineering energy. A strange expression appeared on his face, and then he turned his head and looked not far away. Robin, who had just reminded Wang Lufei, thought to himself: 'Sure enough, it is this boy's friends who understand him best. ’

Feeling Ace's gaze, Robin turned her head, looked at Ace and smiled, but the scene flashed in her mind when she was training in the Revolutionary Army and Sabo invited her to practice together.

At that time, it happened that Luffy's father was going to teach Sabo how to practice Haki. She was invited by Sabo to practice together. Although she didn't learn it, she roughly knew the principle of this power from the process of Long teaching Sabo. Plus, she was very familiar with it. Only with Wang Lufei's understanding can he provide his captain with the correct and suitable method.

"It's great to be able to help. Thank you so much for inviting me to practice together, Sabo." Robin raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said in a low voice.

"Thank you, Robin, I already know what to do!" Wang Lufei, who understood how to release his armed domineering energy, waved to Robin excitedly and thanked him. Then he looked at Edward Weibull again and said confidently. : "Let's continue, Wei Guli. This time, I will definitely defeat you!"

"Fourth gear!" Wang Lufei opened the fourth gear again, kicked his foot, rushed towards Edward Weibull quickly, and then punched out.

"GOMOGOMONUO·Jet Ape King Spear!"

The contracted fist suddenly popped out, and the domineering energy condensed in the fist was suddenly released under the expansion and contraction force of the rubber, and fiercely blasted towards Edward Weibull.

"Oh!~" Edward Weibull slashed out with his sword, and the domineering blade collided with Wang Lufei's fist. Suddenly, a violent impact surged from the two of them like an arc, and then splashed around. shoot.

Click! Bang! ~

The attacks of the two collided, and after a moment of stalemate, the Haki released from Wang Lufei's fist instantly shattered the Haki wrapped around Edward Weibull's blade, and then the naginata in his hand flew away, followed by his huge body. Keep retreating.

Wang Lufei seized the opportunity, flicked his legs, and rushed directly in front of Edward Weibull who had not yet stood firm. His tightly contracted fists were aimed at his chest. The armed domineering force released by his hands gathered on a pair of fists, and then suddenly pop up.

"GOMOGOMONUO·Jet rocket launcher!"

The armed domineering energy gathered in Wang Lufei's fist was released as the fist popped up, impacting Edward Weibull's chest hard.


With the sound of bones shattering, Edward Weibull's tall body was directly blown away by Wang Lufei's 'Jet Rocket Launcher', and there was even a mark of collapse on his chest that was directly hit.

"Ahem, it hurts so much, it hurts me to death!" Edward Weibull, who was blasted away, covered his chest and rolled on the ground, screaming wildly.

This move that Wang Lufei realized to release his armed domineering energy is more powerful than Ace's 'Air God Strike' because of the rubber elasticity bonus of [Fourth Gear Elastic Man]. With just one blow, it can kill Edward Weible had done great damage.

"Hoo! ~ Hoo! ~"

Wang Lufei panted violently. Although the new move was very powerful, the excessive use of Haki also greatly increased the load on the 'fourth gear'.

If Wang Lufei's fourth gear could be maintained for ten minutes before, then with the new move, it could only be maintained for three minutes at most.

"Have you overused your Haki?" Looking at the panting Wang Lufei, Ace frowned, shook his head, and said: "This kid is really not afraid of death. The fighting methods he comes up with are all very taxing on the body. moves."

On the other side, Edward Weibull suddenly got up from the ground. The injuries on his body made his eyes red, and he seemed to have lost his mind.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you!!~"

Edward Weibull, whose eyes were red, released a terrifying killing intent, and his huge body rushed towards Wang Luffy, even faster than before.

"Kill you!"

Edward Weibull rushed in front of Wang Lufei and punched him directly.

Wang Lufei flicked his foot and avoided Edward Weibull's fist, which hit the ground hard.


There was a loud noise, and the ground that was hit suddenly shattered and collapsed, and then turned into a huge pothole with a diameter of almost ten meters.

"Kill you!"

Edward Weibull, who seemed to have lost his mind, continued to attack Wang Lufei fiercely. Wang Lufei dodged while gathering his domineering energy, preparing to give his opponent the final blow!

Kick! ~

After finishing charging up, Wang Lufei flicked his feet and flew into the air. He tightly retracted his fists into his arms, then assumed an attack posture and said in a deep voice to Edward Weibull below: "Take the move. This is the final attack, Weibull!"

Although it was rare for Wang Lufei to call his name correctly, Edward Weibull, who seemed to have lost his mind, didn't seem to listen.

"Kill you!"

Edward Weibull, with red eyes, exerted his strength on his legs, jumped up with his tall body, and charged towards Wang Luffy fiercely!


Wang Lufei showed no sign of weakness and looked at Edward Weibull who was rushing towards him, then turned around and dived down towards Edward Weibull as well.

"Jet lion rocket launcher!"

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