One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 247 Bear Crisis

Because of what happened next, Raizo, Neko Viper, and Inuarashi couldn't make a decision, so Raizo took out a phone bug that could contact Hiyori Kozuki in Wano Country, and asked Ace and Hiyori Kozuki to Had a phone call with.

After talking with Hiyori Kozuki, Ace formed an alliance with the Kozuki family of Wano on behalf of the pirate alliance of the Spade Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates. In the near future, they will join forces Get up and fight against the Beast Pirates headed by Kaido and the Wano Samurai headed by Orochi.

After dealing with the affairs of the Kozuki family, Esben wanted to ask Whitebeard to confirm the identity of Edward Weeble, but before he had time to ask Whitebeard about this matter, news came from the Island of the Sun, Tell him that Sabo has come to Sun Island.

Although he didn't know why Sabo came to him at this time, Ace immediately rushed back to Sun Island after receiving the news.

After returning to Sun Island, Ace immediately found Sabo.

"Saab, you came to me in such a hurry, what happened?" Ace asked directly after seeing Sabo.

"Ace, look at this!" Sabo did not answer Ace's question, but handed a torn piece of paper in front of Ace.

Ace immediately recognized that what Ace was holding was a life card, and this life card was being damaged at a slow speed visible to the naked eye.

If this happens to the life card, it means that the owner of this life card is in great danger and has reached the point where his life is in danger.

"Is this..." Ace looked at the life card in Sabo's hand that was still losing slowly. He suddenly thought of something and immediately took off his hat, and then took out the same life card from the hat. .

Sure enough, the life card Ace took out was the same as the one in Sabo's hand. It was slowly being damaged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How could it be possible, Mr. Xiong..." Ace looked at the life card in his hand and exclaimed with disbelief on his face.

That's right, the life cards in the hands of Ace and Sabo come from the same person, and that person is one of the current kings of the Shichibukai, the 'tyrant' Bartholomew Bear!

Sabo put away the life card in his hand and said solemnly: "Since meeting you on the White Earth Island, Mr. Xiong received the order from the World Government and left the (Revolutionary Army) headquarters. A few days later, we completely Lost contact with him."

"Now that Mr. Xiong's life card is showing this phenomenon, there is no doubt that he is suffering from life-threatening danger, but we are unable to do anything. We don't even know where he is." Sabo clenched his hands and said bitterly.

"When did Mr. Xiong's life card start to show this phenomenon?" Ace pondered for a while and asked.

"A week ago!" Sabo immediately answered Ace's question, and then said: "After we discovered this phenomenon, we immediately used all means. The leader even used some extremely important 'secrets' hidden among the top leaders of the World Government. , but they are unable to contact Mr. Xiong himself, or even confirm where he is currently."

"Can't you even find the top leaders of the World Government?" After hearing this, Ace pondered for a while and asked, "Can you contact that guy from Vegapunk?"

"Vegapunk?" Sabo was stunned when he heard this, then shook his head bitterly and said: "That guy is the most important scientist of the World Government. How can we contact him directly, let alone contact, if we know No matter how much it costs, the leader will find a way to snatch Bega Punk's position away from the direct government."

Ace heard this and nodded. Vegapunk is known as the "world's number one scientist" with 500 years of wisdom that surpasses today's human beings. The top leaders of the world government rated him as "comparable to the total combat power of the world government." 'The man, his importance can be imagined.

Ace also almost guessed the current situation of the bear. If he guessed correctly, the bear should be undergoing the final transformation of Vegapunk.

"Can you find the location of the Vegapunk guy's laboratory?" Ace asked again.

After hearing this, Sabo shook his head again, and then said with a frustrated look: "We have the same idea as you. We all speculate that this phenomenon can occur in Mr. Xiong's life. It should be that the guy from Vegapunk is doing something inhumane to him. experiment, but we couldn’t even find the location of Vegapunk’s laboratory. The Vegapunk guy didn’t know what he did to the bear. Even though the life card was still there, he couldn’t guide us to find Mr. Xiong’s location. .”

"That bastard!" Sabo suddenly punched the boulder on the side, smashing the boulder that was taller than him.

The people of the Revolutionary Army are not stupid. Over the years, they have obtained too much advanced technology from Vegapunk's laboratory through Xiong, and every time Xiong brought something back from Vegapunk's laboratory, he There will be some changes that are different from ordinary people's body, so they have already guessed that Xiong should have made some unknown deal with Vegapunk.

Of course, Sabo and others had noticed the changes in the bear a long time ago and asked him about it, but the bear's answer always only had three words: no problem.

As like-minded partners with Xiong, they certainly understand that Xiong is using his own life to contribute to the revolutionary army.

But they also understand Xiong's character, and they also know that they will never be able to persuade Xiong to change his decision. That's why at the last meeting of the revolutionary army, the cadres persuaded Xiong to agree to Ace's invitation after Ace invited him. invitation.

Of course, the people in the revolutionary army do not want to part with a partner like Xiong, but they hope that Xiong can be freed from this kind of self-sacrifice.

"So, what do you want me to do when you come to me alone now?" Ace looked at Sabo and asked in a deep voice.

Ace could guess Sabo's purpose. If he could, he certainly didn't want to watch the bear being transformed into a robot without thought and consciousness by the Vegapunk guy. But if he wanted to rescue the bear, he had to at least do it first. Just confirm where he is.

Even the life card can no longer guide the bear's location, so you can imagine how difficult it is to find him.

"Ace, although I can't determine Mr. Xiong's current location, based on the information we have collected over a long period of time, I speculate that Vegapunk's laboratory is probably at the highest point of the Red Earth Continent, which is where the Heavenly Dragons live [Holy Land]. ·Marie Gioia].”

"Although it's just speculation, I want to confirm it myself." Sabo said in a deep voice.

"So, you came to me because you want me to accompany you to Mariejoia?"

PS: The next update will probably be in the evening

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