One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 132 The chaotic situation (please subscribe)

"Gather my troops, I will crush that brat's territory." Kaido picked up the mace beside him and said loudly: "This time, no matter who it is, don't try to stop me from taking that brat's head." .”

"Okay!" Jhin nodded, then turned and left, preparing to convey Kaido's order.

"Lord Kaido!" At this time, a younger brother suddenly rushed in and said to Kaido: "Lord Kaido, the Black Carbon Orochi sent someone to send news, saying that they had captured Kozuki Oden's son and were preparing to use the cruelest method. He executed the brat in front of the people of Wano, and he sent someone to invite Lord Kaido to watch together."

"Huh? Oden's son?" After hearing Kozuki Oden's name, Kaido immediately felt a dull pain from the injury in his abdomen. He was mostly awake from the wine, and then laughed and said: "Oden's son was arrested, that is to say , is the prophecy that has been circulating for twenty years finally coming to an end?"

"How can such a thing happen without me?" After saying that, Kaido transformed into a giant dragon, rushed off the roof, and flew towards Wano Country.

"Lord Kaido, what should we do about the crusade against Fire Fist?" Jhin transformed into the form of a Toothless Pteranodon and caught up with Kaido and asked.

"Oden's matters are the most important. We'll talk about the crusade against that brat when I get back!" Kaido said without looking back.

New world, Whitebeard Pirates.

Today's Moby-Dick welcomed an important guest, the red-haired Shanks, who is also one of the Four Emperors.

Different from the original plot, this time the red hair came to meet the white beard without any fanfare, so of course the world government did not know about their meeting.

On the deck of the Moby-Dick, only Whitebeard and Shanks were present.

"It really surprises me that you would come to see me in such a posture, Shanks." Whitebeard looked at the man sitting cross-legged in front of him and said with some surprise.

Anyone who can become the Four Emperors is not an upright and domineering strong man. This time, Shanks would actually lower his body and sneak in to see himself in this way. Even Whitebeard couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"The development of the situation has exceeded my expectations, and the world's structure is about to undergo huge changes." Shanks raised his head, looked at Whitebeard, and said in a deep voice: "The war in Dressrosa and the exposure of Ace's identity , will cause huge chaos, and the World Government will attack him at all costs. You are Ace's ally, and I know you will stand firmly on his side, even if it means going to war with the World Government. "

"Kuhahaha, you kid, you still understand me quite well." Whitebeard laughed loudly, then picked up the wine bottle next to him, took a sip, looked at Shanks, and said, "What, don't you Want to get involved too?"

"That's right." Shanks stood up, looked at Whitebeard without fear, and said in a deep voice: "I will join forces with you to save Ace's life from the hands of the World Government, but on the other hand, we We must also ensure that Ace does not do unnecessary things during this period."

"Excessive things?" Whitebeard looked at Shanks and asked calmly: "What are you referring to?"

"These are all insignificant things." Shanks looked at Whitebeard and said, "The most important thing right now is that Ace cannot fall into the hands of the World Government. If you want to protect him, you must keep him." Under our gaze."

"Are you trying to restrict his freedom?" Whitebeard asked expressionlessly.

"No, I want to protect him!" Shanks said seriously.

"Kid, you are not protecting him, you are insulting him." Whitebeard put down the bottle in his hand, looked at Shanks, and said: "In this sea, no one can restrict a man's freedom, even if he uses No reason whatsoever."

"I don't know why you said that, and no matter what your purpose is, if you really do it, no matter what reasons you have, you can't stop him from treating you as an enemy." Whitebeard said .

"..." After hearing Whitebeard's words, Shanks sat down silently, then picked up the wine bowl in front of him and drank it all in one gulp.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Admiral of the Navy, Buddha's Office of the Warring States Period.

"Garp, this time the World Government is determined to attack Portcas D. Ace. No one can stop it." Sengoku handed a document in his hand to Garp and said in a deep voice: "Five Elders Hoshi personally issued an order for the Navy Headquarters to mobilize all combat forces to capture Ace, even if it means launching an all-out war with the Whitebeard Pirates."

"They will not and cannot allow people with Roger's blood to continue to grow. The world government cannot bear the emergence of a Pirate King in this sea."

"I understand." Garp pushed away the document handed over by Sengoku and said with a lonely look: "From the moment he became a pirate, I knew that this kind of thing would happen, but I didn't expect that this day would come like this. morning."

"You don't have to worry about me, just do whatever you want. I won't interfere." Garp raised his head, looked at Warring States, and said, "Of course, don't expect me to take action."

"Of course, you can stay in my office and drink tea in the next few days." Warring States nodded, then took the documents and left the office.

After Warring States left, Garp stood up, came to the window, and looked out at the sea, with a sad look on his old face.

New world, base camp of the revolutionary army.

The Northern Army Commander Karas (Crow) came to the dragon with the trophies he brought back from Dressrosa.

After Karas reported what he brought back to Dragon, he said with some excitement: "Chief, Sabo's decision to help Ace this time is really right. The things we brought back from Dressrosa, It might save us years.”

"Really? That's great." Long said expressionlessly, and then asked: "Is there no news about Sabo and Kella yet?"

"No." Karas shook his head, and then said: "But don't worry, leader. Sabo now has the strength to compete with the Admiral head-on. I saw Sabo defeat the Admiral Kizaru with my own eyes. Ace-kun is really It gave Sabo a very powerful power.

"With Sabo's current strength, there are no enemies on the sea that can threaten his safety." Karas said.

"That's right, that's right." South Army Commander Lindbergh said: "Maybe Sabo and Kerra-chan went on a date, so they forgot to contact us. I think we should not disturb them for the time being."

"Is this so?" Long's expression did not change much, and he just said lightly: "I hope so."

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