One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 112 The terrifying ability (please subscribe)

"Sure enough, even if the people in this pirate group realize that Sugar is the enemy, they will not take action against children." Torrebol saw the tangled look of Woreskoskar and Sugar looking at Sugar, and immediately Realizing what they were struggling with, he immediately shouted to Granu: "Gansu, they won't attack children. Let's deal with them now."

"Hey hey hey." Sugar also realized this, and then she flashed her figure and suddenly rushed to Wores and Skar's side at an extraordinary speed, activated the childlike fruit's ability, and faced them Stretched out his evil little hand.

"Toy Bear!"

Sugar was very fast, but Wores and Skar were not slow either. They easily dodged Sugar's surprise attack. The two looked at each other, and then rushed towards Torebol at the same time in tacit understanding.

Even though they were aware of Sugar's ability, they still couldn't convince themselves to take action against a child, but for Torrepol, the top cadre of the Don Quixote family, they would not have any mercy when fighting!

"You can't take action against Sugar, so you want to defeat me first?" Torebol saw Wores and Skar rushing towards him at the same time, and immediately guessed their thoughts, but he did not show any signs of it. With a panicked expression, he calmly raised his hand and aimed at the two people rushing towards him.

As the top leader of the Don Quixote family, Torrebol is not just a show-off. Not only is he a Devil Fruit user, he also has considerable strength in his own right.

"Slimy launcher!"

Two lumps of slime flew out of Torebol's hand and shot toward Wores and Skar.

"Hit the water!"

"Forced pressure air cannon!"

Vores and Skar each used their own moves to disintegrate the lumps of slime launched by Torrebol.

"Vores, leave this to me. You go and capture Caesar." Skar looked at Vores and said, "Don't delay the mission assigned by Ace because of these people."

Wores looked at Skar, then nodded and said, "Okay, be careful!" After saying that, he turned around, quickly passed Torebol, and galloped towards the inside of the arena.

"Don't even think about escaping!" Torebol heard Skar's words. Of course he would not let Vores go to Caesar. He directly secreted a ball of mucus from his body and threw it at Vores.

"Sticky Chains!"

After the disgusting brown mucus was thrown out, it formed a bead-like chain of mucus and quickly wrapped around Wores.

Seeing this, Skaar wanted to come over to help, but was blocked by a large wave of toys.

"Your opponent is us." Sanduang stood behind the toys and looked at Skar with an innocent face. Then with a wave of his hand, the toys rushed towards Skar in a swarm.

"Pressure cannon!"

Skaar raised his hand, and a powerful force came from his palm, knocking away many toy soldiers rushing towards him, but immediately more toy soldiers rushed towards him, and there were more toy soldiers coming from all directions. They kept gathering towards him.

Faced with this number of toy soldiers, Skar had no choice but to give up helping Wores and focus on dealing with these toy soldiers.

"Samewa Shoken!"

Wores punched the slime chain that was wrapping around him, but he punched with all his strength and failed to break the slime chain. It only changed the direction of the slime chain.


The slime chain was redirected by Wares' punch and landed on a boulder in the distance. Torebol, who was still in control of the slime chain, tugged hard and pulled the slime chain and the boulder back together.

"Slimy meteor!"

After a few vigorous rotations, the stuck boulder was swung down like a meteor hammer and hit Wores hard.

"Samewa Shoken!"

Vores punched out, and the sticky chain and the stuck boulder were directly shattered with one punch.

"Sticky Chains!"

One sticky chain was shattered, and Torrebol released several more sticky chains, wrapping around Wores from different directions.

Wores flashed his body, nimbly dodged these slime chains, and then rushed towards Torebol.

"The snot takes advantage of the sword!"

Torrebol ejected the thick mucus secreted from his body, and the front end of the mucus turned into a blade shape and flew towards Vores.

"Same palm sole!"

Vores stomped his feet, soared into the air with the powerful force of his feet, spun his body in mid-air, and kicked Torebol.

"Murloc Karate·Six Thousand Watts Roundhouse Kick!"

With a sharp sound of breaking through the air, Vores's powerful kick, which was enough to break six thousand tiles, hit Torebol head-on.

"Sneeze!~" Torebol sneezed, spitting out a large amount of mucus, forming a wall of mucus in front of him, blocking him.

"Slime Barrier!"


Vores's 6,000-watt roundhouse kick directly shattered the slime defense wall, but did not hurt Torrebol.

But at this time, Torrebol had already controlled the slime chains released from the front, and heavily surrounded Wores who was still in mid-air.

"Slime Chain·Round Prison!"

Torrebol moved his hands, controlling the slime chains to dance quickly, forming a round ball near Wores' body. The moment Wores' body landed, Torrebol held his hands, and the slime chains circled. The ball suddenly tightened.

Wores stood still, clenched his right fist and slowly moved it back to his waist, focused all his strength on his right fist, and then punched the sticky meteor hammer.

"Tang Caowa's fist!"

Vores' punch sent a 360° shock wave, knocking all the sticky chains away.

"Chain of slime, white blade of snot, flurry of dance!"

Torebol controlled the slime chain that was knocked away, turned the front end of the chain into the shape of a blade, and attacked Vores in a flurry.

"Plum skin!"

Wores crossed his arms across his chest, and then used his armed domineering energy to wrap around his body to defend himself against the onslaught of those snot-nosed white blades!

Ding ding ding! ! ~~~

The dancing white blades of snot hit Wores' body, making a crisp sound, but they were still unable to break Wores' defense.

"Vores, be careful!"

At this time, Skar's voice suddenly came from behind. Wores turned his head and saw that one of Torebol's slime chains had sugar attached to it and was swinging towards him.


When Wores found Granu, Granu's little body had been thrown in front of him by the slime chain. He couldn't bear to hurt the child, so he could only watch as Granu's small palm gently patted him. one time.

"Hey hey hey, I caught you!"

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