One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 105 SMILE Factory wins success (please subscribe, please vote)

Of course Seba and Barry are not dancing or making meaningless movements, but they are blending their own power with each other.

The fusion power seemed to fuse the arms of Seba and Barry together, and then punched Mahabais who had fallen above their heads.

"Sebali·Level 3 Boxing·Fusion Strike!"

The two brothers' fists used strong and soft power at the same time. First, Saiba's strong force withstood Mahabaisi's body under the weight of thousands of tons for a moment, and then Bali's soft fist power followed closely, impacting Mahabaisi. The last two forces of Baisi's whole body merged into one on Mahabaisi's body, becoming an unparalleled force that actually knocked Mahabaisi, who weighed 10,000 tons, away. .

Bang! ~

Mahabaisi's heavily-pressed body was knocked upside down by the fusion punches of the two brothers Saiba and Bali, and then fell heavily to the ground. The terrifying weight shook the entire SMILE factory.

Mahabaisi's body was too heavy and crashed directly into the ground for more than ten meters. Then there was no movement. It is not known whether he fainted or died.

call! ~X2

After defeating Mahabais, the two brothers Seba and Bali looked at each other, and then exhaled at the same time.

Barry shook his unconscious right arm and suddenly said: "Just a cadre of the Don Quixote family has left us in such a mess. It seems that we are still too weak."

"But we won, didn't we?" Seba smiled, and then said: "However, this war has just begun, and our mission has not been completed yet."

"Yes, our mission is to seize this factory completely!" Barry nodded, the two looked at each other, and then walked into the door of the SMILE factory together.

After entering the SMILE factory, the two easily knocked down all the guards they saw along the way. Finally, they were stopped by Qiu Yin, the director of the SMILE factory, in the lobby of the factory.

"You are the one who turned my beloved factory into this?" Qiu Yin, who was holding a special vacuum cleaner in his hand, saw the two brothers Seba and Barry, said something viciously to them, and then put the machine in his hand. The vacuum cleaner was pointed at the two.

Wow! ~~~

The powerful suction of the vacuum cleaner in Qiu Yin's hand immediately sucked the bodies of the two unsuspecting brothers over.

"Seba·First level punch!"

Just when their bodies were about to be sucked into the vacuum cleaner, Seba punched out hard, sending Qiu Yin's fat body flying out.

"But my intruder still dares to resist." Qiu Yin, who was knocked away, jumped up from the rubble, used the vacuum cleaner in his hand as a weapon, and smashed it at Seba, "Go to hell!"

"As an enemy, even if you are a woman, I will not show mercy." Seba said with a serious expression, then arched his body, and retracted his fisted arm slightly, and powerful force continued to gather in his fist. When Qiu Yin attacked him, he punched out his right fist that had accumulated terrifying power.

"Seba·Second level punch·Bang!"

Boom! ~

Seba's powerful punch directly shattered Qiu Yin's vacuum cleaner, and then hit Qiu Yin's body with unabated force, directly knocking her huge body away and smashing several hard... The wall stopped and Qiu Yin immediately lost consciousness.

"It's so refreshing!" Seba retracted his fist with a cheerful look on his face.

When he was fighting against Mahabaisi outside the factory, he had been holding back a lot of anger, and now he finally let it out.

"Hehe!~" The two brothers looked at each other and smiled, and then continued to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers in the factory. After cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers, they closed the door of the factory, and then sat cross-legged on the left and right in front of the gate of the SMILE factory. .

"Have you taken care of the guards at the factory?" At this time, Gambi, who had defeated Pika, came over from a distance. Seeing the two brothers sitting outside the factory gate, he couldn't help but smile: "Looking in such a mess, look at You have also encountered a strong enemy."

"Hehe." Seeing Gumby coming over, the two brothers also smiled at the same time.

Gumby teased the two of them, then came to the gate of the SMILE factory, found a place to sit down, and guarded the factory with Seb and Barry.

Their mission was not just to capture the factory, but to hand it over to the revolutionary army intact.

To the south of Dressrosa, Kukai, Ganliu, and Fenamore also encountered strong enemies after arriving at the new SAD factory.

On both sides of the gate of the SAD factory stood a fat man wearing a pink baby hat and biting a pacifier and a bald old man with a bruised head.

These two people are Senior Pique and Rao G, cadres of the Don Quixote family. Although one of them is dressed funny and the other is 70 years old, they are both very powerful.

Seeing Senior Peake and Rao G guarding the gate, Kukai was about to draw his sword, but was stopped by the rock flow.

"Kukai, leave these two people to me and Finamore." After saying that, he and Finamore rushed out at the same time and attacked Senior Pique and Rao G respectively. .

Yanliu's opponent was Rao G, and Fenamore faced Senior Pique. The four of them soon fought fiercely together.

Kukai came to the gate of the SAD factory, opened the gate of the SAD factory with a sword, and then rushed in.

"Hey, old man, don't imitate other people's fighting skills when you get older. Go back and find a place to retire as soon as possible."

Yanliu's opponent is Rao G. Facing such an elderly opponent, even if he is an enemy, he is a little reluctant to take action.

"Stop looking down on people, kid!"

"The older you get, the more painful you feel. The more painful it is, the harder it is to strike. This is the 'Di Weng Fist'. Take the move, kid!!"

Rao G was irritated by Yanliu's words. He very solemnly took out a pair of reading glasses and put them on, made the letter 'G' gesture with both hands, and then attacked Yanliu violently.

Although Ganliu's arms are longer than those of a normal person, they are surprisingly flexible in movement and he was able to block all of Rao G's Dion Fist attacks without leakage.

"Back Pain Pose!"

Rao G suddenly bent down, his trembling body suddenly exerted force, and his hands making the letter G gesture attacked, repelling the rock flow.

"Back Pain Style·Sudden Eyes Wither!"

Rao G's body shape suddenly changed, and he spun quickly. While spinning, he kept attacking Yanliu's eyes, but Yanliu's pair of long arms were unable to do anything that ordinary people could not even imagine. The posture was perfect for defense.

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