In the pursuit of swordsmanship, Dashigi has always been meticulous. She has never had any selfish thoughts.

Holdem just reproduced his own fruit ability through a weapon. He was a little interested at first.

He wanted to see what kind of combat power Holdem's artificial lion fruit could exert.

How much difference is there in terms of mobility between him and the real devil fruit ability user.

Through this, he wanted to collect some information about artificial devil fruits.

It can be regarded as contributing to his duties and the people around him.

Now Dashigi has completely given up this idea.

Holdem looked at Dashigi's reaction.

He was really surprised.

Not dodging or evading?

Just waiting for his sword moves at such a close distance.

Isn't that courting death?


At the moment when the fire was about to hit Dashiki, a red wave covered by holy light swallowed up the fire completely.

Dashiki's body was filled with many kinds of strange flames.

Now she had developed tolerance to flames.

Even if she didn't defend herself, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Seeing his killer move being swallowed up in an instant, Holdem's eyes widened in shock.

"Seven Demon Swords…One Hundred Demons Night Parade!"

Tashigi didn't waste any time, swinging the shadow sword in her hand continuously.

Fierce sword energy, like a ghost, rushed towards Holdem!

"Stupid woman……"

"Don't even think about succeeding so easily!"

Holdem raised the flaming long sword in his hand and swung it quickly in front of him.

The flame sword energy formed a strange-looking ring.

After the range of the ring rotated a few times, it immediately increased.

For Holdem, who used the long sword, this was already his strongest swordsmanship defense move.

"Really overestimating one's own abilities……"

Dashiqi's eyes darkened.


The sword energy compressed the surrounding air.

There were bursts of strange sword energy roars.

It sounded like a hundred ghosts passing through the corridor.


When the first fierce ghost sword energy hit the flame ring, a shocking scene had already happened!

Holdem's constantly dancing long sword suddenly made a strange sound.

When Holdem's consciousness shifted, he dumbly discovered... petrified!

His sword was petrified!

"This, what is going on?"

"Could she also be a devil fruit user?"

"Is this the power contained in her sword energy?"

Speed was ready to draw his bow.

But when he was about to release it, he saw such a scene.

Unless he was a devil fruit user, how could he have such power?

Jack followed with an expectant look.

Very strong!

The opponent he was going to face was very strong!

Just thinking about this, Jack was already very excited.


In this situation, the sword skills of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons still showed no sign of stopping.

Holdem reacted quickly and wanted to transform into a beast.

Relying on his own speed, he tried to dodge Tashigi's attack.

However, the speed of the sword energy was much faster than originally expected.



The extremely lethal air blades hit Holdem's body continuously.

Even with the armed color domineering defense, it still left terrible wounds.

"Uh ah!"

"How could this be possible?"


Holdem screamed in pain.

After the wound bled, purple marks were directly imprinted on the wound.

Signs of corrosion and ulceration started from a small wound.

In an instant, most of the surrounding organs were devoured.

Strength, spirit, perception... everything collapsed rapidly after a few seconds!

The armor color on Holdem's body faded layer by layer.

Until it dissipated and became invisible, he could only bear the baptism of the sword's poison with his flesh and blood!

Dashiqi didn't seem too surprised when she saw the shadow sword become poisonous. Now she is immune to the shock of the shadow sword's changes.

When she just touched the venom and the sword pattern changed,

Dashiqi had guessed such a change.

When she really used it, she would inevitably feel surprised.

"Every battle can have new changes"

"I really don't know how strong you are!"

Dashiqi muttered to herself, looking back



With one sword strike, Holdem, who was a real fighter, died on the spot.

The sword moves blessed by the venom were even more dangerous.


【Congratulations to the host for successfully defeating his opponent Holdem!】

【Experience points gained: 300 points!】

【Current experience value: 4420/4000 points! 】

Jack waved at Speed, signaling her to take down the bow and arrow.


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