A sword swings down. The earth shakes and the sea tsunami rises.

Watching the ability that he has always dreamed of being used so easily by a young girl.

Only Teach can understand this shock.

"Shadow Sword, this is after the battle with Whitebeard"

""Are you learning new skills?"

Tashigi aimed at the floating wooden board beside her.

As she landed on it, she kept looking at the shining shadow sword in her hand.

The effect of this sword swing was exactly the same as Whitebeard's ability on the battlefield at the headquarters!


【Congratulations to the host, for seriously injuring the pirate San Juan Wolf!】

【Gain 300 experience points!】

【Current experience value: 2910/4000 points! 】

Seriously injured?

Not killed directly!

It seems that San Juan Wolf's armed color defense is still quite good.

Such a close-range shock did not kill him!

Just looking at the huge body lying motionless on the ruins of the port.

Wanting to follow Blackbeard to the headquarters battlefield.

Obviously impossible.

On the navy warship.

Flying Squirrel and Ghost Spider, who are also team leaders, couldn't help but take a breath.

When at the headquarters, although I also saw Tashigi's heroic side.

After all, the distance was far.

My attention was not on other battlefields.

Now. I really saw it.

It's a completely different feeling.

""The power of the sword of the Red Shadow Swordsman is... a bit strong?"

Flying Squirrel's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Speaking of which, he was also a famous swordsman among the elite lieutenant generals.

Thinking of this, Flying Squirrel looked at Ghost Spider beside him.

Ghost Spider, like Flying Squirrel, was also a swordsman among the lieutenant generals.

Moreover, he was the only one in the headquarters with the Eight Swords Style!

He was quite powerful. But even such a powerful person was not good enough in front of Tashigi!

"Don't look at me, I can't do it even if you give me the chance!"

Ghost Spider shook his head in fear.

This is not a gap in experience at all.

It's a gap in strength!

"You two stop arguing."

"Now is not the time to relax."

Taotu saw the state of the two and immediately reminded them.

In her eyes, Dashiki's strength is already normal.

There is nothing strange about it.

The most important thing is what happens next.

The opponent is very powerful, how should we deal with it?

Dashiki's sword shocked not only her companions.

Avoided the burial of the wolf's huge body.

Blackbeard and his gang stared at Dashiki who was slowly floating.

Just stepping on a piece of wood.

Floating along the ocean current.

As long as someone attacks.

They can easily destroy Dashiki's support point.


The scene was extremely quiet!

No one dared to step forward to provoke.


"That demon sword is nice."

"This woman's strength should be just average."

"If it's solved, the knife will be mine."

A man wearing the uniform of the Impel Down Town cadre, smoking a cigar, walked out of the crowd.

Rain Shiryu!

The former warden of Impel Down Town!

Because of his brutal nature, he was keen on torturing prisoners.

So he caused a disaster in the end and was defeated by Magellan. He was imprisoned in the sixth-floor prison!

This time Blackbeard Teach attacked.

Magellan originally released him to deal with Teach.

Who knew that he and Teach had similar tastes and chose to join Blackbeard directly!

Rain Shiryu and Blackbeard were not familiar with each other.

He didn't know each other before.

Standing up at this moment.

Obviously, it was not because of any team cooperation consciousness.

If Teach died here now,

Rain Shiryu would choose to leave without hesitation.

Find a place for himself. The relationship between the two is nothing more than a cooperative relationship.

Shiryu felt that Blackbeard could provide him with what he wanted.

Now he stood up.

It was all because of greed...

He took a fancy to the shadow sword in Tashigi's hand!


The moment Xi Liu stood up,

Lu Feng clearly captured an inexplicable spiritual force.

"This feeling is the same kind... Demon Sword Murasamemaru!"

Lu Feng has seen enough famous swords and famous blades.

A pure demon sword!

This is the first time he has seen one since his debut.

Now, considering his level and toughness, can he chop this pure demon sword into pieces?

At the port.

After hearing what Xiliu said, Blackbeard laughed loudly and said:

"Hahaha, okay, Shiryu!"

"If you can get this woman, I'll give her to you too!"


I can have a chance to see the strength of my new companion.

Teach is looking forward to it.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

When Xiliu was about to draw out the Murasame Maru, a strange wave also sounded in his palm.


"Murasame, you haven't met an opponent in a long time."

"So you are excited too?"


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