The Deep Sea Prison.

The lobby on the first floor at this moment.

Looks particularly lively.

Blackbeard Teach had just massacred the sixth floor and released many heinous criminals.

Several surviving members, including Rain Nozomi, formed a group and prepared to evacuate.

Unexpectedly, before they had time to go out, they ran into the squadron coming from the New World.

Drought Jack!

Charlotte Katakuri!

Charlotte Smoothie!

No matter which one is taken out alone, they are all strong men who can shock the New World.

This time, while the navy is dealing with Whitebeard,

Big Mom and Kaido's squadron are preparing to storm Impel Down.

But now they unexpectedly discovered that...

Impel Down has been breached!

The New World squadrons, who arrived one step later than Blackbeard Teach, walked in as if they were in an empty space.

Even made them feel doubtful.

Is this the most secure prison in the world?

The moment with Blackbeard Teach and his new partner, several people understood what was going on.

Drought Jack looked around and said:

��I seem to have seen a lot of impressive guys."

"After so many years, I didn’t expect these guys are still alive!"

"Who is the leader in black? Why don't I have any impression of him?"

Jack is face-blind.

He can't recognize less famous people and characters at first sight.

Katakuri looked at Teach and said:

"Blackbeard, Marshall·D·Titch!"

"The man who killed the captain of Whitebeard's fourth division and betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates"

"I thought this guy was a little special before, and I was right."

Katakuri was not just talking casually.

Before, when Big Mom was negotiating with Whitebeard,

Katakuri had met Teach.

But Teach was just a small character at that time and did not attract much attention.

Although Katakuri remembered Teach's appearance, he did not expect that he would make such a big fuss in the future.

After escaping from the New World, he defeated Ace!

And took the position of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

"Is that him?"

"Now it seems that he doesn't want to be a Shichibukai anymore."

Smoothie followed Katakuri and analyzed.

Under normal circumstances, the Shichibukai should be fighting with Whitebeard now.

How could they release prisoners in such a place?

No matter how you describe it, it doesn't make sense.

"A very ambitious man"

"The method is despicable!"

"Blackbeard Teach, I remember this name."

Jack added again.

Most of the men whose names he could remember were powerful.

His brain capacity was small, and he couldn't figure out many things.

So he rarely spent his mind and time on doing such things.

"Hahahaha, you are right!"

"Sure enough, the new world is more interesting. Now I have found the crew."

"Jack, I know you're awesome!"

"Do you want to come to my ship and conquer the world together?"

Inviting Big Mom's children is undoubtedly a brainless move.

Recruiting Kaido's subordinates is not impossible.

Blackbeard doesn't bother to deal with weaker people.

Drought Jack! He is famously powerful in the New World.

If he can be with you as a partner, the overall strength of the team will naturally be improved again!

"This kind of joke can be told once."

"If I hear it again, I don't care what kind of beard you have, you're dead."

Jack said coldly and seriously. He was obviously very dissatisfied with what Teach had just said.

"Hahahaha, they are all hard-headed."

"You guys are here to rescue people, right?"

"I heard it was the ghost lady Armand!"

"It seems to be somewhere on the fifth floor!"

Teach was not annoyed by Jack's warning.

Jack was not the only one like this. Most of the strong men in the new world have tempers.

Some stubborn and powerful characters would not change their expressions even if the Four Emperors stood in front of them.

If they disagreed, they would fight at any time.


"Could it be fake news?"

"You came here and left, and it seems that you killed a lot of prisoners, right?"

Smoothie was very sensitive to the smell of liquid.

Blackbeard Teach himself was fine.

The few people behind him were not so good!

Each of them had a strong smell of blood.

Obviously, they crawled out of the pile of dead bodies.

If they were allowed to leave so easily, when they really knew that Armand was killed by them, it would not be so easy to find them again.


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