There are risks, of course.

But the rewards are more obvious


【Congratulations to the host for successfully absorbing the energy of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!】

【Obtain fixed attributes: Sword Qi vibration!】

【Gain 500 experience points!】

【Current experience value: 2330/4000 points! 】

Sword Qi Vibration!

The description of the attributes is simple and easy to understand.

The sword Qi released by the sword move can cause vibrations of different scales in the surrounding objects.

The highest level can cause a tsunami!

"Got it!"

"It is indeed the skill I want most!"

Even though Lu Feng's sword spirit was weak, he was still ecstatic.

With this super attribute, his own destructive power has been adjusted to different levels on the original basis, and perfectly jumped to the highest level!

On the other hand,

Whitebeard had already made a rough estimate of Dashiki's strength before taking action.

From the release of the Conqueror's Haki at the beginning, even the people around him were stunned.

It can be seen that Whitebeard has no intention of holding back.

He even wants to chop Dashiki with a knife!

The situation in front of him was completely beyond Whitebeard's expectations.

This female newcomer in the navy is so strong?

She can actually compete with him in both Conqueror's Haki and combat power?

"You damn little devil!"

"If I don't kill you, it will only cause me more trouble in the future!"

Whitebeard didn't say the rest.

He was more worried about the impact on his sons.

When he came here today,

Whitebeard was ready to die here.

As long as Ace could be rescued, he would think it was worth it even if he had to sacrifice his old bones. A powerful opponent who could help his sons and crew members to clear up the mess, Whitebeard was naturally happy to do so. The weakening of Mingyan and Sword Soul's mental power was felt very clearly by Dashiqi. Once the effect of the tenfold amplification skill was eliminated, she understood that Shadow Sword needed to enter a state of rest.

"This is bad.……"

Dashiki said to herself.

If she continued to force herself to be an enemy of Whitebeard, the final result would inevitably be her own miserable defeat.

But looking at Whitebeard's eyes, it seemed that he had no intention of letting her go!

The tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. The healing blue flame gradually replaced the color of the silver moon light and the dark flame.

It surrounded the shadow sword to a greater extent.

Whitebeard stared at the shadow sword.

He was ready to attack again.

It seems that this sword is strange!

After the battle with Marco. Has there been any special changes?

Whitebeard saw the strangeness of the shadow sword. He felt like he was facing a great enemy in his heart, and he dared not underestimate Dashiki anymore.

If such a woman is kept, it will definitely be a great disaster! Dare to eliminate the dark flame and silver moon sword light that still have some attack power at this time. Simply use the blue flame to restore its own losses. Because Lu Feng knew it very well in his heart. After such a fight just now. The navy side could not watch Dashiki take risks again alone!



Lu Feng relaxed.

Dazzling light and sharp ice spears passed through Dashiki's left and right shoulders respectively, and directly hit Whitebeard opposite him.

This time, Whitebeard was repelled several meters away.

He sensed the existence of the crisis in advance.

Under the defense of armed color domineering, he did not suffer too serious injuries.

Then, dazzling light and pieces of broken ice condensed in front of Dashiki's eyes.

When he came to his senses again,

General Kizaru, Borsalino!

General Aokiji, Kuzan! had already blocked Dashiki.

"Yo, Whitebeard"

"This is a great honor for the future stars of our navy."

"You really don't take us seriously?"

"If she gets hurt by you, we will all be in trouble!"

Kizaru complained in a frivolous manner.

Kuzan put his hands in his pockets and said coldly:

"As the most favorable candidate for admiral of the Navy Headquarters"

"It is also important to ensure your own safety"

"Your strength has just been proven to everyone"

"Next, Whitebeard is handed over to us."Kizaru was provoking the enemy.

Kuzan was instructing Dashigi.

A brigadier general of the headquarters was able to attract the rescue of two admirals of the headquarters of the navy!

Such a face, ordinary people really don't have it.

"Brigadier General Tashigi's potential in withstanding Whitebeard's attack impressed all the admirals!"

"I'm so envious that I'm protected by two generals at the same time!"

"This is not something that ordinary people would envy; it can only be achieved through real strength!"

"Brigadier General Dashiqi fights so passionately, we can't be left behind!"

"That’s right, kill them and catch all the pirates in one fell swoop!"


Seeing the two admirals join the battlefield, the navy's attack on the pirates became more fierce.

"Thank you two generals"

"I'm sorry to bother you two here for now. I'll go to other battlefields to help you."

Da Siqi replied immediately.

Although Lu Feng was a little unwilling, from the current situation, it would take at least fifteen minutes to recover. It would be a good choice to change to another battlefield to brush experience and wait for the CD of skills. At the same time, on the execution platform

"Bru Bru!"

"Bulu Bulu!"

Another Den Den Mushi on Zhan Guo's body rang.

He took it out from his pocket and frowned.

This Den Den Mushi is specially used to contact the Deep Sea Prison!


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