With Whitebeard's order, the scene instantly became lively.

In the battle circle of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, many more pirates appeared in the blink of an eye.

Dashiki didn't pay attention to these.

Almost at the moment when Whitebeard gave the order

, a blue flame light had already covered her head.

Phoenix Marco!

With the advantage of the mythical beast species, he is very famous in the New World.

His fighting power is also extremely strong.


Dashiki drew out the shadow sword at the first time, guarding against Marco's tiny movements.

"Phoenix? A mythical beast!"

"If I hurt him"

"What attributes and skills can be obtained?"

Lu Feng couldn't help but become curious.

Before playing against many interesting players,

Marco is the best appetizer!

"Red Shadow Swordsman, I will be your opponent"

"I won't let you get close to Dad today!"

"Likewise, I will settle Fossa's debt with you today!"

Marco raised his arm, and half of his body was hidden in the flames.

Tashigi touched the seastone handcuffs on his waist.

After making sure that they were in a comfortable position and could be taken out at any time, he felt much more at ease.

When fighting against a devil fruit ability user, you have to carry seastone handcuffs with you.

The endless strange abilities will bring great trouble to the battle.

Especially for fighters who do not rely on fruit abilities, they need to carry them with them!

In front of the general's seat,

Kizaru stood up and looked at the chaotic battle situation.

He locked his eyes on Marco's position.

"After all, he is the captain of Whitebeard's team."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Marco actually challenged our new female recruit to a duel"

"Do you think that no one else can beat them?"

Kizaru couldn't help but complain.

He was thinking whether to take action to support. Although it was not the battlefield of their generals on the eve of the melee, it might not be a good thing for the headquarters to continue in such a mess. Taking action in advance would at least make Whitebeard feel pressured. Especially...if he took action against the captain!

"Salino, don't interfere for now."

"Isn’t it rumored that this female newcomer is very strong?"

"Let's let them fight and see how strong she is."

Sakaski said solemnly.

It wasn't just Kizaru who was paying attention to this.

Sakaski and Kuzan also noticed it.


"What if the female swordsman was killed?"

"Staff Officer He really likes this girl."

"We will be in trouble then!"

Borsalino shrugged.

There was nothing wrong with his idea.

If the rising star of the Navy was killed by an ordinary opponent, it would only mean that she was not strong enough.

But the second-in-command of the Whitebeard Pirates did it himself.

The admirals just stood by and watched.

It was indeed a bit unreasonable.

Sakaski continued coldly:

"If she was really killed, it only means that her strength is just that."

Borsalino shook his head.

For the time being, he continued to pay attention, without any actual action.


On the battlefield,

Marco, whose body had dissolved into the form of a phoenix, flew past Dashiki.

Because she was not sure what other skills he had besides his super recovery ability,

Dashiki did not choose to act rashly.

She first observed Marco's basic abilities.


The faint residual heat of the flame was imprinted on Dashigi's sleeves, making a rustling sound.

Unlike ordinary flames

, the flames released by the phoenix do not seem to feel high temperature. But after being infected , it is extremely difficult to extinguish.

If you move a little, the corrosion and burning effects will be suddenly enhanced.

It is indeed extraordinary!

I have come into contact with the heart flame of the Flame Disaster Pteranodon before.

It is also the fire control ability of the animal system.

These types of flames are much more difficult than ordinary ones.

After spending some effort to solve the flames of the phoenix, Marco's wings turned in the air.

With the armed color attached to his feet, he kicked fiercely at Dashigi's shoulder holding the sword.

To deal with swordsmen, as long as their dominant hand is completely injured, they can be defeated with a high probability!

After so many years in the New World, Marco has a lot of combat experience!

"Very strong armed color……"

"But it's not unbearable……"

"Bloodthirsty attack, start!"

Dashiqi's eyes fixed.

From the white neck, a mark like a curse quickly spread to the corner of Dashiqi's eyes.

The blood-red sword pattern was like a peach blossom withered by fire.

The enchanting look flowed in Dashiqi's pupils.

"That's it!"

"When it comes to attack power, we are not bad."

Lu Feng was confident.

The silver moon sword pattern and the red pattern burst out at the same time.

"Ding... Bang!"

The moment the sword side collided with the kicking leg, the strong air wave directly shattered the bluestone slab on the ground.

The power that Tashigi burst out instantly surprised Marco.

He was mostly a fighter who relied on physical skills to fight.

How could he be equal to the swordsman in strength?

This was not only not a glorious thing.

On the contrary, it was also very shameful!

"No system prompt?"

"Didn't absorb anything?"

"Or was it because I didn't hit him at all?"

I didn't wait for the system prompt sound as I imagined.

Lu Feng felt a little regretful.

"Do you have a backup plan?" Lu Feng's mind moved as he sensed Marco's movements with his Observation Haki.

He was not in a hurry because Tashigi, like him, had sensed Marco's actions.

With the help of the area covered by the burning blue flame, Marco held the dagger and seamlessly aimed at Tashigi's abdomen.

The first move was evenly matched.

He immediately launched the second move.

Don't think it's just an ordinary dagger attack.

Judging from the rustling sound of the air explosion in the air and the ink staining around the dagger, this attack is not something that can be easily resisted!

"Seven Demon Swords……"

"The first demon, Sword Spirit Ashura!"

Dashiqi moved her wrist slightly.

The shadow of the sword spirit immediately appeared on her shoulder.

In the light movement, the shadow's edge hit the dagger that Marco attacked, and the attack was deflected by half a body!


What was even more terrifying was that the dagger that Marco had carried with him for so many years turned directly into a rough stone the moment it was focused!

He was petrified?


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