A few days later.

Amazon Lily.

Nine Snake Island Port!

Tashigi stood high on the deck of the warship, holding a shadow sword.

She looked towards the island, constantly searching for the figure she wanted to see.

In the past few days she stayed at the headquarters, there were almost overwhelming news every day!

The captain of the second division under Whitebeard was arrested!

A public execution to be broadcast live in Marinford!

Such a big thing was announced so many days in advance.

Naturally, it would attract the attention of all parties.

Not only the Grand Line was shaken.

The New World was also in an uproar.

All forces were paying attention to Whitebeard's every move.

The man who was known as the strongest on the sea.

In this case, what measures would be taken?

The impregnable Navy Headquarters.

Since the great pirate Shiki the Golden Lion attacked more than 20 years ago, no one dared to attack here.

His"son" was arrested.

Now he has to be publicly executed.

The senior officials of the Navy Headquarters unanimously believed that

Whitebeard would definitely appear!

In order to deal with such a scene, the idle Shichibukai in various places began a new wave of mobilization!

At this moment.

Tashigi's mission is to escort Boa Hancock, the Queen of Nine Snake Island, to the holy land of Marijoa. Nine Snake Island in the Amazon Lily Land is located in the doldrums and has a dangerous terrain.

The women on the island are naturally able to use powerful Armament Haki.

Even the world government does not dare to provoke them easily. As the Queen of"Daughter Island" ,

Hancock is even more arrogant. After waiting for two hours, there was no sign of her.

"There are two teams of guards on the left, twenty people!"

"There are even more in the front right, three teams of forty-five people!"

"There are so many patrols stationed on the island, and ordinary people really can't get close."

Lu Feng sensed the surrounding environment and couldn't help but admire it.

Since his fixed attributes were upgraded,

Lu Feng felt that his mental power was more acute than before.

The scope of investigation was greatly expanded.

The communication with Dashiqi's mind was also closer.

Even some hesitations in Dashiqi's heart,

Lu Feng could feel it clearly.

To be precise, this girl no longer had any secrets in front of Lu Feng.

"Here she comes!"

Lu Feng was shocked, and his consciousness drifted to the front.

The most beautiful woman on the sea, the empress who made thousands of people fall in love with her.

Today, I will finally see her beauty!

"Sob, sob, sob!"

"Sob, sob, sob!"


The sound of hurried footsteps came from the beach.

Dashiki waved her hand, and the soldiers in charge of the response cheered up.

Taotu had said in advance that this mission must be taken with extra care. They must be polite to Empress Hancock and bring her back without any trouble.

In Dashiki's sight.

The members of the two teams of female guards quickly formed a line.

Because Nine Snake Island has a rule that outsiders are not allowed to land on the island.

So Dashiki did not get off the boat, but waited on the boat with peace of mind.

Waiting for the target person, the Empress, to appear.

"Your Majesty Hancock, be careful on your journey!"

"Your Majesty Hancock, be careful on your journey!"

"Your Majesty Hancock, have a bon voyage!"

"Your Majesty Hancock, have a bon voyage!"


After a series of respectful exhortations and shouts, the tall empress Hancock, wearing a peach-colored and yellow-patterned cheongsam , finally appeared! She had long black hair and a breathtakingly delicate face.

Hancock walked slowly, and every step made people's hearts flutter.

Even women, seeing such a harmonious and beautiful scene, would be moved.

On the other hand, Tashigi still maintained a cold expression, watching Hancock's arrival.

"Fortunately, this charm has no effect on me."

"This cool breath that protects my mind... Ying, you are the one who is helping me!"

Dashiqi quickly reacted.

"Of course it's me"

"This woman is really strong!"

"Without using the fruit ability, it can naturally release such charm"

"This is obviously not restrained, it's intentional!"

While Lu Feng was amazed by Hancock's appearance, he also briefly analyzed Hancock's strength.

Sure enough, the woman who can make Nine Snake Island dominate is not so easy to deal with.

"Lord Hancock is here!"

"Ah! It’s so beautiful!"

"Lord Hancock! Ah! Look here!"

"Are you looking at me? Ah! I feel like my heart is about to burst out!"


Tashigi managed to hold on, but the soldiers behind her were not so lucky. They waved their hands and shouted desperately like monkeys. Hancock seemed to enjoy this treatment. She was relaxed and at ease in her every move.


Hancock frowned as she looked towards the warship.

"When did I say"

"Can the Navy's platform be placed on the land of Nine Snake Island?"

Hancock said tactfully, revealing a different kind of domineering attitude.

""Ship platform?"

After hearing Hancock's words,

Dashiqi realized that the soldiers who didn't know they were not allowed to go to the island had actually lowered the connecting platform on the side of the warship.


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