Perospero looked at the man from a distance.

There was a hint of annoyance in his eyes.

"Cracker, you are just responsible for the liaison work this time, right?"

""Mother will decide what to do."

Perospero said immediately.

Charlotte Cracker!

Minister of Biscuits, the tenth son of the family!

Also, one of the four generals of desserts.

His superhuman biscuit fruit performs exceptionally well in his hands. He is called"Biscuit Knight" by the pirates of the New World."!

"Brother, I received accurate information from Smoothie"

"Don't you want to hear who made the move?"

Creepy walked up to him arrogantly.

He said this with a playful tone, not taking Perospero, the big brother, seriously at all.

"Perospero, get out of the way, you bastard!"

"Cracker, have you received any useful information?"

"If it is useless information, you will be the first to suffer!"

Charlotte Lingling said in a bad tone.

Cracker walked past the brothers and sisters.

He walked straight to Charlotte Lingling.

He walked through the hall without looking sideways.

It was enough to see Cracker's inner pride.

On the other hand, everyone present.

Except for Perospero, no one else showed any dissatisfaction.

Strength is king!

This is the rule wherever you go.

Cracker, who has strong fighting power, has a prestige that is greater than the false title of the eldest son of the Charlotte family.


"Smoothie has been out for a while and the news has come that the deal with Kaido's army has been interfered with by the navy."

"The two sides are now fighting fiercely. Smoothie has just arrived at the scene and is not ready to fight."

Crasher repeated the information he had.

The cooperation between the four emperors is still very unreliable.

On the surface,

Charlotte Linlin and Kaido are getting close.

In fact, before the real cooperation begins, they will be wary of each other.

On the one hand, even if the navy is not strong in the New World, they cannot completely ignore their existence and give them no face.

If they anger the navy, it will not be so easy when they get serious.

"Was it really interfered by the navy?"

"Who is this blind bastard leading the team?"


Charlotte Lingling angrily slapped the table in front of her.

The children of the lower class who had no strength were so scared that they trembled.

The bridesmaids were like living with a tiger.

These children also felt a lot of pressure.

Cracker was different from them, and he could also feel it completely.

He continued to report calmly:

"Mother, the leader of the team is Vice Admiral Momosaki from the Navy Headquarters who just came to the New World a few months ago!"


Charlotte Linlin has heard of this name before.

At the beginning, Momosaki was rated as a person with strength comparable to that of an admiral.

It was also because of her outstanding performance in the New World that she was regarded as such when she returned to the headquarters.

At that time, Momosaki and Crane, one big and one small, were heroes of the headquarters.

They created many records of capture by the Navy, and many famous pirates still remember them clearly!

"Who was it? It turned out to be this stinky girl from Gion."

"The little follower of He back then actually started leading a team on his own!"

"Even if Smoothie doesn't take action, Kaido's people are enough"

"What does your telling me have to do with Armand's loss of contact?"

Charlotte Lingling was still puzzled.

She didn't know what Cracker wanted to say.

"Mother, at this point in time"

"Armand's team was attacked. It's not a coincidence."

"I received reliable intelligence that one of our ships had taken such a picture!"

Credit raised his hand and a series of cookies of various shapes appeared on his arm , forming a conveyor belt. The photo in the hands of Cracker was delivered to Charlotte Lingling. Charlotte Lingling pulled it over and looked at it in front of her. Black clouds and burning fire, two groups of energy substances also came over.

"It's a female navy holding a sword. The sword looks so majestic!"

"The red sword pattern is so majestic!"

"It’s really majestic!"

"That's right!"

The two balls of energy chattered.

Charlotte Lingling was unhappy.

Her eyes locked on the two balls of energy.

"Mother, please calm down!"

"Mother, please calm down!"

The sudden pressure made the two little ones dare not say a word, and they immediately hid away in anger.

"Could this girl be the new navy recruit who has recently become famous in the New World?" Although

Charlotte Lingling has not been out much, she is still very well-informed and generally does not miss any important information.

"Mother, you are right."

"This woman is the rumored Red Shadow Swordsman. She seems to be traveling alone in a kayak."

Crash reported truthfully.

Regardless of whether the Red Shadow Swordsman is related to Armand's disappearance,

Cracker didn't want to be trapped in Cake Island.

Like Perospero, Cracker also wanted to take action!

If he hadn't"accidentally" wiped out the three cooperating pirate groups during the last mission, he wouldn't be under house arrest now.

In a sense,

Cracker, with his extreme personality, is the most dangerous person among his children!


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