Fossa rushed up.

Facing the younger brothers with strong skills, as a captain, he absolutely could not let down at this time.

No matter how powerful the opponent's momentum was.

Fossa was confident in his own strength. He had been in the New World for so many years.

He had encountered more dangers than Tashigi, who was even older.

How could he not even last a round against a girl?

Hold on!

The main thing is to delay time.

Marco will be here soon.

The second in command of the Whitebeard Pirates.

As the captain of the first team, his combat power is completely beyond the reach of Fossa.


As he watched the giant sword formed by ghost energy approach,

Fossa suddenly felt that the sounds around him were completely blocked.

Except for the"buzzing" sound in his brain, he could not hear any other sounds.

Space compression?

Can a long-distance slash actually produce the effect of space compression?

This is something that only a great swordsman can do!


The moment the Explosive Sword in his hand collided with the giant sword formed by ghost energy.

A slight sound came through the thin air.

One was the giant sword formed by ghost energy.

The other was a real sharp knife. Fossa was determined to change the direction of the giant sword even if he couldn't block it completely. That's why he stepped forward to stop it. What made him feel terrified was... it was obviously an imaginary sword. The violent force that was transmitted in an instant directly bent the blade of the Explosive Sword. The flames burning on the Explosive Sword were instantly swallowed up and disappeared without a trace.

""The strength is really poor, so weak?"

Lu Feng couldn't help but grumble, but he was very excited in his heart. He would not be polite to the guy who gave him experience!


As the flames on the Explosive Sword disappeared, the broadsword's blade was instantly reduced to scrap metal.

Facing the impact of the ghost energy, it scattered across the sky.

The hearing that Fossa had lost finally returned to his ears.


The ghostly giant sword seemed like an alien object.

A series of high-temperature gas explosions occurred in the air.

It was a critical situation.

Fossa had no time to think about his damaged Explosive Sword.

His previous attack did not stop the momentum of the giant sword from falling.


But there are still his own ships and brothers!

Even if the sword moves can't withstand it, at least he must resist it with strength!

It's okay to be so strong in the heart.

But when it comes to action, the state is completely changed.

Fossa was horrified to find that... the mobilization of armed color domineering did not react?

Suffered a fatal injury and unable to move?


The mental state was in chaos?


But when he moved, it was as if he was frozen.

Frost attribute!

The effect is better when you have an absolute upper hand in momentum.

Let the opponent be active in thinking, but unable to issue orders to the body.

Even if it is just a momentary gap, it can decide everything.

"Oh no! The captain was shot down!"

"Are you kidding me? Help!"

"Jump! Jump into the water!"

"What are you still standing there for? Don't block me!"


The pirates realized that the situation was not good.

The first thing they thought of was how to escape.

Unfortunately, their reaction speed was far behind Lu Feng's.

"Boom... Crack!"

The ghost sword dragged Fossa and slammed into the pirate ship.

The ship of the Fossa Pirates could not withstand such destructive power.

With a loud bang, it was directly cut into two pieces from the center keel!

Feeling the tremendous impact and cutting force.

Lu Feng couldn't help but say:

"It still has some strength. In the end, it offset some of the damage."

"He actually recovered from the frost attribute, and his mental strength is not bad."

The opponent's performance is of course also commendable.

If at the end,

Fossa's defense and mobility are still restricted, the Fossa will not be cut in two.

Judging from the impact of the attack just now, it may be directly destroyed. Even so, even if Fossa tried so hard, it still couldn't prevent half of the crew from being hit and losing consciousness.


【Congratulations to the host for successfully destroying the opponent's weapon"Explosive Sword"!】

【Gain 150 experience points!】

【Congratulations to the host for successfully defeating the entire Forza Pirates!】

【Gain 300 experience points!】

【Current experience value: 2070/1800 points! 】

Listening to the system prompt,

Lu Feng was very excited.

He had gained so many pirate experience points.

It was finally time to level up again!

On the other hand, Dashiqi succeeded with a sword and slowly retracted the shadow sword.

He urged his kayak and paddled towards the crying survivors.


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