
Drops of blood flowed down Dashiki's arm and onto the sword.

As the blood spread along the sword, it gently dripped onto the ground.

With the help of the smoke and dust after another fight,

Dashiki had a few seconds to rest and adjust.

""Buzz buzz buzz!"

Lu Feng tried his best to transmit his mental power to support Dashiqi's state.

Dashiqi now gradually understood that the advantage she had just gained under the blessing of the white holy light was slowly disappearing.

Cavendish was very strong! So strong that he was not able to fight against him now.

Obviously, at the level of saber, the shadow sword had a more fierce attack.

But because of his own ability to move, Lu Feng lost at the starting line.

"Practice is not enough... It's useless……"

"I don't want to lose to any swordsman... and I don't want you to lose to any famous sword.……"

Dashiqi was filled with resentment, and her hand holding the hilt of the sword was shaking.

"You are still young, let me help you!"

Lu Feng felt Dashiqi's will and took the initiative to activate his new skill"Bloodthirsty Attack"."


Dashiqi felt a flash of information in her mind.

A series of flashing and beating memories were directly imprinted in her mind.

After using the sword skills in the system for the first time, the information flow will be directly transmitted to the sword master's memory and shared directly with the sword master.

In this way, in the subsequent battles, if the sword master wants to activate it himself, he will also master the use of the skills.

Immediately afterwards, the dripping blood stopped abruptly.

The blood stains on Lu Feng's body were quickly imprinted into the sword body.

The complex printed sword pattern gradually changed from the original brown-red to blood red.

The sword pattern continued to expand and spread.

From the hilt to the front of Dashiqi's palm.

Then it was imprinted into the body along the palm and continued to spread.

Arms, neck, side face...

The sword pattern that looked like a curse seal looked particularly enchanting against the ghostly and dazzling blood red.

The winding and rotating lines on Dashiqi's side face seemed like a blood rose with patterns like skin.

It added a bit of charm.


Dashiqi's eyes closed and opened.

The black pupils were stained with blood.

"Really tough!"

Although Cavendish didn't suffer any other wounds, he also consumed a lot of physical strength as the battle line was prolonged.

Because of his negligence, there were many cracks on his clothes.

His elegant western-style cowboy outfit had been chopped to pieces and could not be looked at directly.

During his adventure on the Grand Line, Cavendish was chased and intercepted by navy officers of different ranks.

He had experienced countless battles.

But this was the first time he had fought such a messy battle!

And he was defeated by a female lieutenant of the navy who had a low rank!

After the battle here is over,

Cavendish will definitely go back to the Knockoff Bar for a couple more drinks.

At the same time, he also wants to thank Shaqi for finding such an excellent swordsman opponent!

"Are you not hiding anymore? You are still standing there."

"It seems that it is the last gasp of a spent force, what a pity."

Cavendish felt that Dashiqi was standing still and shook his head.

Under such cover, when is the best time to attack?

Cavendish has full judgment.

Seeing that the smoke and dust were about to dissipate, Cavendish quickly dodged.

With vision impairment

, launching a large-scale sword energy slash was undoubtedly telling the opponent that he was going to attack.

Approaching silently, quickly bursting out the strongest attack at close range.

This is the winning sword attack!


The forward action was only halfway through.

A hot and violent breath burst out directly from the smoke and dust.

The air blade impact speed The speed was so fast that Cavendish had no way to dodge.

Moreover, he was in a forward-moving posture. He could only passively defend.

Realizing that something was wrong, Cavendish immediately stopped and jumped out of the range of the smoke circle.

He lightly scratched the face that had just been hit.


Such a light scratch actually hurt himself?

What was the matter with the air blade just now?

Could it be that this woman still had a trump card that she had not used?

With endless questions in his heart, it became a problem to attack.

Before he could think more deeply, the terrible scene happened again.




The dense air blades seemed like red flying knives, quickly locking onto Cavendish's position, striking him again and again.

""It's bad!"

Cavendish didn't have time to stop and immediately moved his position.



The red air wave swept wider and wider, destroying many things along the way with amazing destructive power.

""Ah! Help!" the girl screamed in panic.

The slave camp fled quickly.

The girl did not dare to run with them.

She had seen with her own eyes the explosion of the collar, which took the life of a pirate with a bounty of tens of millions.

Even if she was given a chance, she would not dare to escape.

Unexpectedly, she was on the side of the road, and she had walked a long way.

She still could not escape the aftermath of the battle.

For ordinary people, this level of aftermath is a very fatal blow!


The scene of being blown away did not appear.

Instead, in front of an unmanned giant tree, a terrible tree was broken.

"This is……"

The girl slowly opened her eyes and looked at the old man with white hair and glasses.

"Thank you, old man...thank you for saving me……"

As she spoke, the girl's tears began to flow.



Another explosion sounded.

The girl was startled.

When she reacted, she found that the collar on her neck had been taken off!

"Don't thank me, run, it's dangerous here."

The old man said with a smile

"Old man! Bitch! Get out of the way!"

"Get out of here! Run!"


The guards, frightened by the aftermath, fled in all directions.

When they were dispersed just now, many of them were only slightly injured.

Curiosity killed the cat!

In order to find out what happened, many people stayed to watch the show.

What a result.

They were swept by an even more terrifying scarlet air wave!

The girl recognized the guards at a glance, and she was so scared that tears flowed down her cheeks.

The old man standing in front of her shook his head and said:

"What a coincidence! I love to meddle in other people's affairs."

"We can't let those two young swordsmen continue to cause trouble, otherwise this place will be ruined."

"I forgot to bring my knife today, so I'll lend it to you!"

As he spoke, the old man raised his head with clear eyes and glanced sharply at several members of the guard team.


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