
【Congratulations on fusing the power of Holy Light and acquiring new skills!】

【New skill: Blessing of Holy Light!】

【Skill Description: It can greatly improve the basic sword master's attack power, defense power, mental power, speed, and other basic data in a short period of time! 】

Auxiliary skills!

And it directly affects the sword master.

Judging from the current situation and Dashiqi's training status, it is definitely the best choice to get this kind of skill at this stage.


"Not only experience, but a skill can also be directly absorbed!"

"See how it works……"

Lu Feng was overjoyed and couldn't wait to try it.

Cavendish lowered his sword with a look of disappointment.

After listening to Xia Qi's words, he sent a warship to cause trouble.

He thought he was really an opponent that he would be afraid of.

Unexpectedly, the huge gap in strength was already revealed after just a few rounds of fighting.

Speaking of Dasiqi's strength.

From Cavendish's judgment, it is indeed more than just a naval lieutenant.

But the gap between him and himself is still very obvious.

Such a woman.

If he really kills her, it is completely inconsistent with Cavendish's pseudo-gentleman style.


Dashiqi was panting and steadied herself.

The stinging pain on her shoulder made her mind particularly clear.

This is the difference in level!

While she was unwilling to give up, she also saw Cavendish's genius swordsmanship.

Speed is supreme, and the damage is strong.

Only by persisting in this way can Cavendish become so powerful now.



The shadow sword was trembling slightly at the hilt.

Dashiqi could clearly feel the strong fighting spirit.


Dashiqi was stunned.

Soon, she murmured to herself:

"Ying, you also can't accept such a failure, right?"

"Let's fight to the end!"

Even if I die in battle,

I will never flee!

Lu Feng was a little touched.

An ordinary girl also has her own persistence.

"This is what I've been waiting for. Let me help you!"

"Holy Light Blessing, Open!"

Lu Feng finished speaking.

A pure white and gentle energy appeared in his field of vision.

Dashiqi's pupils condensed.

The consumed physical energy was instantly restored...

The wound on her shoulder healed at a speed visible to the naked eye... She could see everything around her...

Her body became lighter and lighter...

She naturally felt the changes in herself more clearly!

Everything was done in an instant, leaving Dashiqi no time to think.

"Shadow... Is this you?……"

Such an illogical thing happened right before her eyes.

Dashiqi didn't know how to explain it.


Shadow Sword had never been normal since the day she got it.

Now that it can be used as an auxiliary to improve her own abilities, it doesn't seem abnormal. Now is not the time to dwell on these things.

Looking at Cavendish's expression, it is also very interesting.

"This, the wound has healed?"

"What is this white energy?"

"Just now it was a black sword energy, which made people very difficult to deal with."

"Is it white again now?"

"What is the trump card?"

When encountering something unknown, people will instinctively feel irritated and uneasy.

Especially the ability that is so strange that it is still unpredictable.

That is the real anxiety!

Dashiqi calmed down her breathing and raised her head again.

"Huh... Cavendish, didn't you just ask me if I can keep up with your speed?"

"So what, ma'am?"Cavendish held his sword ready to attack again.

Dashiqi fixed her eyes and said,"Now, I will answer you."


A red light flashed.

Dashiqi disappeared in front of Cavendish in the white Qi flow.

"Are you kidding me! What speed is this?"

""Where? Where?"

Cavendish shouted in astonishment, not being able to comprehend the scene before him.

Just a moment ago, she was the woman whose speed was beaten by him.

How come she changed after the white Qi flow appeared from the sword?

There was something strange.

This sword must be the source of the strangeness!

"Oops, left!"

Cavendish was in a tense moment, and his judgment was slow.

This gave Dashiqi the best opportunity!

""What are you looking at?"

Dashiqi's voice sounded out of nowhere on the left.

Cavendish's vision and perception were even half a beat slower than Dashiqi's speech!

How is it possible?

Why is the speed so much faster!

""Ghost Blade Slash: Holy Light Phantom!"

As Dashiqi appeared, she used her strongest sword skill.

The blood-red mottled sword shadow, mixed with a thick white light

, quickly hit Cavendish with the posture of shadow sword energy.

"Beautiful Sword Bluebird!"

Cavendish was in a panic and had no choice but to face the sword.


PS: There has been no movement in the number of flowers and evaluation votes all day. I hope everyone can take some time to vote. I will continue to write and update. Thank you all readers.

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