After evolving to a certain level,

Lu Feng's perception ability has been greatly improved.

In addition, he has the blessing of the system, so he will naturally be able to perceive the famous blades that can bring him threats.

Feeling the shallow breath approaching,

Lu Feng also cheered up while expecting it.

"Very strong!"

"Apart from Tashigi's boss, Taotu, this might be the strongest threat so far!"

After Lu Feng realized the situation, he made a slight buzzing sound to remind Tashigi to pay attention.


""Shadow Sword, are you on guard against something?"

Dashiqi tightly grasped the sword and closed her eyes to sense the surrounding situation.

Although her perception of observation Haki was not enough to perceive a wide range, it could still play a certain role.

After a moment ,

"On the channel!"

Dashiqi opened her eyes suddenly and looked at the direction of the channel.

Zhan Taowan beside her had a stronger ability to sense danger.

Before Dashiqi reminded him, the battle axe in his hand had already lightly touched the ground.

"It looks like something bad is going to happen."

Zhan Taowan muttered to himself.

Looking through the mist in the forest, a warship with a naval flag slowly appeared on the channel.

If you look closely, there is still a collapsed coating bubble hanging on one side of the warship.

It should be halfway through the coating.

The coating work was forcibly stopped and it drove directly over.

Zhan Taowan reminded Tashigi not long ago.

It will take several hours for the remaining warships to arrive.

Now, only a few minutes have passed, and one of them has appeared in front of us.

It is obvious... they are not friendly!

"I don’t know which bold bastard actually set his sights on the warship I’m protecting!"

"It seems that I haven't been active on the island for too long, and no one is afraid of me anymore!"

Zhan Taowan said with gritted teeth.

But he didn't act rashly.

"Woo woo woo!"

""Woo woo woo!"

On the deck of the approaching warship, three marines who were responsible for looking after the airship were tied up and thrown aside.

""Boss, do you want to kill these guys?"

A bearded man said impatiently.

The man in white sitting at the front of the warship was

Cavendish who came out of the Knock-Off Bar not long ago!

"I'm very angry now, killing a few useless trash can't calm my anger"

"Bring me the newspaper again.……"

As soon as Cavendish raised his hand, his younger brother immediately handed him the newspaper.

The headline above was printed with a photo of a girl.

The title also read:

Navy's new lieutenant, Red Shadow Swordsman Dashiqi!


He took another look.

Cavendish was unhappy and rolled up the newspaper.

When Shaqi said that there were young people on this island who were as talented and powerful as himself.

Cavendish was unhappy, but he still had expectations in his heart.

After all, it would be a good experience to get a suitable opponent.

But when Cavendish spent a lot of money and asked about the identity of this person.

He was completely angry!

Not a vice admiral or a major general... He didn't even reach the level of a naval colonel...

He was just a small lieutenant!

This was equivalent to telling Cavendish that his strength was about the level of a naval lieutenant.

In order to break Shaqi's comparison.

Cavendish grabbed the warship that was being coated and came directly to challenge.

A bounty of 280 million.

He didn't care about adding a casual mention to his resume.

If he couldn't even kill a lieutenant in a second, it would be embarrassing for him to go to the New World.

The distance between the two gradually closed...


Cavendish raised the Western sword Durandal.


The famous holy sword of the Kingdom of Rommel!

When Cavendish was still a noble prince, this sword had always been with him. He didn't eat the devil fruit.

He was able to have a bounty of 280 million by relying on his swordsmanship.

It can be seen how superb his swordsmanship is!

"It was him? Hakuba Cavendish!"

Zhan Taomaru had some understanding of the people who had recently landed on the island.

He was not a public navy man. He did not need to do the work of catching pirates in the navy.

As a subordinate of Admiral Kizaru, Zhan Taomaru had his own mission.

So, when he learned that Hakuba Cavendish had landed on the island, Zhan Taomaru only paid attention to it.

He never expected that

Cavendish would actually rob the warship he was looking after!

And he even came over so brazenly to provoke him!

"Little girl lieutenant, wait here for me, I will be responsible for taking back the warship!"


Zhan Taomaru's fists creaked.

No matter what kind of supernova pirate you are, as long as you provoke him, he will not show any mercy to the other party.

"White Horse Cavendish?"

"It turned out to be the pirate nobleman with a dual personality in the future new world!"

After hearing this name, Lu Feng finally realized where the crisis alert came from.

Why did he appear here?

Judging from the current time stage, Cavendish has not entered the new world.

But in terms of strength, he is naturally not weak.

Without the strength of the headquarters' vice admiral level, there is basically no way to deal with him.

Not now, if he can complete the evolution, I don't know if he can have a chance of winning. It

's such a big thing to seize the warship.

Even if Dashiqi wants to stay out of it, it's impossible.

When the warship entered the port.

After both sides saw each other clearly.

Cavendish's eyes were directly locked on Dashiqi.

"It’s her!"

"Exactly the same face as in the newspaper, and the same sword!"

Cavendish murmured to himself.


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