

The few sharks that were heading for the warships were different from the tiger sharks in the outside world. They were large and swift.

The largest weighed several tons and was nearly ten meters long.

They were the nightmare of the ships traveling to and from the Sabaody Archipelago.

The most terrifying thing was that the tiger sharks always moved in groups.

Every time they appeared, there were more than three of them.

This was a ferocious sea barrier unique to this sea area!

"The lieutenant hasn't made any movement even though we're so close?"

"What a terrifying swimming speed! Lieutenant Dashiki can really do it alone."

"How could it be impossible? Lieutenant Tashigi is becoming very famous in the Marine Headquarters recently!"


The soldiers standing on the deck saw such a scene, and they all started to discuss with concern.

On the other hand, Tashigi, who was at the bow, still maintained the posture of holding the sword with one hand, and did not rush to attack.



The tiger shark swimming at the front approached the bow of the warship.

After smelling the breath of humans, the tiger shark jumped out of the ocean.

The huge body that covered the sky and the sun completely blocked the sunlight.

When the black shadow spread over Tashigi's head, she just opened her eyes.


Tashigi stepped on the bow and jumped up lightly.

Predicting the position of the tiger shark in advance,

Tashigi rushed to the front of its head.

Seeing a human suddenly appear in front of it, the tiger shark also instinctively wanted to open its bloody mouth.

"There is no place for you with such a big mouth!"

Lu Feng consciously followed Dashiqi's move, and compressed the ghost energy gathered on the blade into a sharp air blade.

Ghost blade slash!


The moment the red blade lines flashed, blood flowers suddenly bloomed.

A moment ago, the tiger shark that was still roaring at Dashiqi had been chopped in two in the air.

There was no life at all.

Dashiqi stepped on the body of the first tiger shark that landed on the ground, and nimbly adjusted the posture of the next attack in the air. What female swordsmen need to hone most is their body movements and skills.

Dashiqi gradually realized this, as if she had opened the door to the road of kendo.

As for the gap in strength and sharpness, Lu Feng can completely make up for it, or even surpass it.

Swish, swish, swish...

The red and blue graceful figure flashed sharply at the junction of the sea and the sky.

The recruits on the deck all widened their eyes and dropped their jaws in shock.

By the time everyone came to their senses, the seven tiger sharks had been completely slaughtered.

The sea surface once again returned to its previous calm state.


【Congratulations to the host for successfully killing seven tiger sharks!】

【Gain 35 experience points!】

【Current experience value 275/300 points! 】

Almost, just a little bit more!

If there is a little more destructive power, it will reach the critical point of upgrading.

What Lu Feng is looking forward to most now is the continuous upgrading after each battle.

On the deck.

Dashiqi put away his sword.

Facing the surprised eyes of the soldiers, he walked closer to them.

"The crisis has been resolved, don't watch it anymore"

"How far is it to the Sabaody Archipelago?"

Tashigi asked expectantly.

Since joining the navy,

Tashigi's activities have been limited to the navy headquarters and the islands where she went out on missions a few times.

Even if she wanted to go to other places, she had no chance to go there.

This time,

Taotu gave Tashigi the task of extraditing ten coated warships back to the headquarters.

Originally, it should have been led by someone above the rank of major.

Taotu only sent a second lieutenant to carry out the task.

It was enough to show Taotu's trust in Tashigi.

Half a month later, it was time to set off for the new world.

Being able to come out and relax in advance, Tashigi also cherished this opportunity very much.

After all, she was still a girl of seventeen or eighteen.

The Sabaody Archipelago is such a famous place.

Of course, she wanted to see it in person.

"Replying to Lieutenant Dashiqi, there is fog on the sea ahead, which affects visual judgment"

"In half an hour, we will reach the Sabaody Archipelago!"

The marines who were familiar with the route immediately reported to Dashiqi.

"Once you can see the direction clearly, go directly to Area 36."

Dashiqi ordered.

"Yes, Lieutenant Tashigi!"

"Yes, Lieutenant Tashigi!"


After watching Dashiqi's performance, everyone was in awe of her.

The tone of their responses increased by a lot of decibels.


Sabaody Archipelago, Area 13.

Passersby gathered in groups of three or five.

They stood in several places and stared at the man riding a white horse in the middle of the road.

"It really is the iconic white horse!"

"This face makes me, a man, feel handsome!"

"There is a murderous intent hidden under his handsomeness, haven't you heard? His bounty is as high as 280 million Baileys!"

"It's so terrifying, no wonder it's called a 'gorgeous supernova'!"

"Among the pirates that recently arrived on the island, he is the coolest one!"


Listening to the heated discussions of the crowd, the man on the white horse shook his head and smiled.

"Knew it……"

"Fans who worship this young master are everywhere"

"What a sweet worry, it makes me sad."

The white horse man narcissistically muttered a few words.

He said he was worried, but looking at his expression, he was completely enjoying this treatment.


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