The Grand Route.

A small island in the wilderness

"Look at the iron hooves, trampling across thousands of miles of mountains and rivers"

"I stand on the cusp, holding on tightly, the sun and the moon are spinning!"


The afternoon sun shines through the weeds onto Lu Feng's face, warm and full of life.

It's been fifteen days.

It's been fifteen days since Lu Feng traveled to the world of pirates!

It's different from the normal way of traveling.

Lu Feng is neither a navy admiral nor a pirate at sea.

After traveling, he turned into a rusty dagger, lying quietly in the weeds in the wilderness.

Yes, that's right!

It's a rusty dagger that is not worth five berries even if it's sold as scrap metal.

【Host: Lu Feng】

【Level: Rusty Dagger (E-level)】

【Damage Points: 5】

【Sword Master: None】

【Experience: 0/10】

【This information is not enabled】

【This information is not enabled】

【This information is not enabled.

Looking at the pitiful numbers on the data panel, Lu Feng felt very sad.

After turning into a dagger, the system he activated seemed very useful in the introduction. But before it is bound to the sword master, everything is in vain. Not to mention the right sword master.

In such a remote wilderness, you can't even see ghosts on weekdays, let alone human figures?

If you are lucky, you will be discovered by the expedition team in three to five years, or ten to eight years.

If you are unlucky, you may bask in the sun in the weeds for generations.


Lu Feng had just pondered silently for a while when he heard the rustling sound of grass rubbing against each other not far away.

No need to think too much.

It was probably an animal again.

Was it a wild cat or a wild dog this time?

Lu Feng tried his best to focus his consciousness and observe the movements within a one-meter radius.

Without eyes, he could only observe a small area with his mental power.

Clear footsteps came from not far away, which made Lu Feng's heart rise.

To be precise, he had no heart.

"This is... someone is coming!"

Lu Feng said to himself in ecstasy.

Then, the long-lost normal human communication language made Lu Feng hear it clearly.

"Would a famous pirate from the East China Sea who leads 5,000 men really hide on such a small island?"

"I'm curious too. It doesn't look like a place where pirates could hide."

"I think our information is wrong and we are looking in the completely wrong direction!"


Listening to the conversation between the first few people, it seemed like a small team.

Moreover, they were looking for a pirate group from the East China Sea?

Could these people be navy soldiers?


After the questioning discussion, a gentle and firm voice came.

"Didn't Colonel Burnham say that the Crick Pirates were attacked by the great swordsman Hawkeye?"

"I think they must be in chaos now, with only a few left. It is very likely that they are hiding in a place like this and preparing to escape back to the East China Sea."

"Everyone, please cheer up and don't slack off."

The voice belonged to a young girl. She was very cautious when she spoke, but it was obvious that she lacked confidence.

"Yes, Corporal Dashige"

"Received, Corporal"

""I understand."

Several members of the team replied nonchalantly.


It was this little sister?

Shouldn't she be in the East Sea Rogue Town? How did she appear on the isolated island of the Grand Line?

After turning into a broken dagger, Lu Feng's hearing improved several times.

The soldiers' subsequent whispers made Lu Feng completely understand.

"What's there to be proud of? I failed the assessment of the headquarters!"

"I heard that she was going to be sent to the East China Sea soon. Isn't that a demotion? And she's so proud!"

"She also brags about being a swordsman, but compared to Hawkeye of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, she is nothing like him. How can a girl be a swordsman!"

"Hahahaha, that’s exactly what I said!"


Even if they were patrolling separately, they were only a few meters apart.

Dashiqi couldn't hear clearly, but she could roughly guess what they were talking about.

She was the one who was weak, and now she was being laughed at, there was nothing to say.


Just as the navy team was searching, a dark shadow suddenly appeared, attracting Lu Feng's attention.

Judging from the sound of footsteps on the grass, the person was coming very fast!

Dashiqi was carefully observing the surroundings, and when she reacted, the figure had already arrived in front of her.

""Oops, enemy attack, everyone be careful!"

Dashiqi retreated two meters in panic and immediately drew out her sword.


The harsh sound of iron colliding rang out.

Before Dashiqi finished drawing her sword, she felt her wrist twisted.

When she came to her senses, the sword in her hand had been cut into two pieces.


Another fierce kick swept across Dashiqi's shoulder, kicking her three meters away, just stopping beside Lu Feng.

Damn, here comes the chance!

"Here! Here!"

"Look at me, girl!"

Lu Feng used all his mental strength to barely poke the tip of his dagger into the ground.

The entire dagger was tilted and crooked.

This was also a way to prove his existence to the greatest extent, hoping that Dashiqi beside him could find him.

Dashiqi, who was crawling on the ground, was not paying attention to the bushes around her.

She tried her best to adjust her breathing and raised her head with effort.

"Ah, it’s him!"

"The pirate with a bounty of 12 million berries, the devil Akin!"

"Captain Dashiki, how are you? We are no match for him!"

Demon Akin!

Dashiki had seen this name and appearance on the wanted poster.

The captain of the Click Pirates, he looks fierce and acts ruthlessly.

The cane-like weapon in his hand is very powerful. He easily broke Dashiki's military sword just now, which shows that he is very strong.

"The navy... actually chased us here, it seems that we must kill you quickly and find the next place."

A Jin's eyes were fierce.

"Peng Peng Peng……"

Several soldiers who had mocked Dashiki before were all scared and ran behind Dashiki, firing randomly.

This kind of fighting style was no threat to Ajin, who was extremely fast.

"Damn it, I have to fight, I have to protect everyone, I am the squad leader."

Dashiqi endured the pain of being kicked, and supported herself on the ground with her palms, preparing to stand up.

A little to the left... a little more... a little more back...

Looking at the palms that were getting closer and closer, Lu Feng's whole body was trembling slightly.


Dashiqi's exclamation came out unexpectedly from the weeds.

Dashiqi was so focused on climbing that she didn't notice Lu Feng beside her.

Even if Lu Feng was a rusty dagger, it still had a sharp edge and some attack power.

He pressed down hard, and Dashiqi's palm was cut open with a three-centimeter wound.

""What is it? A dagger?"

Dashiqi frowned and saw the dagger on the ground and quickly picked it up.

She didn't even notice that the blood on the dagger when she cut the wound just now quickly disappeared into the dagger and disappeared without a trace.


【Congratulations to the host for successfully binding to the Sword Master!】


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