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Welcome to join the reader's exchange skirt, homophonic skirt number: Si Gong Lu Si period clothes Ba period Lu. Everyone is welcome to enter the pit and put forward some suggestions for the heroine and the plot.

At this time, Ao Long was in retreat, and his whole mind sank into the Heavenly Dao of the Little Thousand World, looking at this world of his own from the perspective of God.

Now the Great Wilderness Realm can be regarded as parasitic on the original small thousand worlds, Ao Long decided to give him a name, since this world should have four seas and eight wildernesses, then this Great Wilderness Realm will be named the East Wilderness in the future, if there is such a creation in the future, it can be named the West Wilderness, the North Wilderness and so on.

Even Ao Long has set his sights on one thing, that is, the ancient battlefield mentioned in the original book, when other people's eyes are fixed on a certain inheritance and treasure, he has already set his eyes on that territory.

Since he has embarked on the avenue of world evolution, this kind of plundering of world fragments containing other Heavenly Dao rules is naturally the most nourishing.

Looking at today's Xiaoqian World, there are already various rich species from the One Piece World and the Hobbit World surviving, and from the normal operation of the Heavenly Dao, there is no jamming, of course, due to the lack of laws, it is impossible to be as smooth as the Middle Thousand World.

To use an image analogy, Ao Long's small world now has some basic elements of the world, but due to the lack of accessories and backwardness, it can only run slowly like a classic computer.

The first is to suppress the five mountains of the central land, the five elements formation of the day after tomorrow to suppress the Eurasian continent, then the lonely mountain of the Australian continent, and finally the spiritual veins of the American continent, the whole pattern is roughly like this.

The middle is separated by the vast ocean, looking at the waves of the sea, Ao Long's heart is actually still dissatisfied, after all, his ideal ocean should be the kind of four seas that can be matched with the eight wildernesses, the essence of heaven and earth gathers in it, you can raise myths, you can follow the immortal law, it seems that you have to wait for the opportunity.

With the completion of the Great Wilderness Realm, that is, the integration of the Eastern Wilderness and the Small Thousand Worlds, it is like a transformation machine absorbing the chaotic aura in the inner chaos and evolving into a rolling vitality, and the excess is leaked into the space of the solar system to promote the growth of several planets.

One step across the space, Ao Long arrived at the center of the Eastern Wilderness World, in front of the Creation Martial Monument, in front of the Creation Martial Monument at this moment, there was a cold bone puppet sitting on his knees.

"Master, you're here!?"

Seeing Ao Long's arrival, he immediately stood up and looked at Ao Long with admiration, it was obvious that he really regarded Ao Long as the founding patriarch and the hope of the revival of the sect.

"Well, I'm here this time for the revival of the Dragon Gate, you have been guarding the sect all these years, and you have worked hard!!"

Ao Long patted the bone golem on the shoulder, and the soothing tone and demeanor made the bone golem feel moved.

"No... It's not hard, since I practiced my exercises, I found that my thinking has become clearer, and my cultivation can continue to improve!! "

It turns out that Ao Long has tailored a set of exercises for the bone puppet before, which is based on Heimdall in Thor, called "Watching Gong", people who practice this exercise will gradually stiffen their bodies, and finally watch quietly like a statue, in this meditation they can continue to cultivate their eyes and practice to a high level, just like Heimdall can observe the Nine Realms, and in the words of the exercises, they can go up and down the Yellow Spring.

Another function is to train the ears, practice to the depths, not to mention that you can distinguish the truth from the false like the truth of the Jizo King Bodhisattva, but also can be compared with the ears of the thousand miles, as long as you can see it, you can hear it.

And although this kind of exercise, like refining the watchman statue, is a quiet practice, but once the battle breaks out, this accumulated power will burst out, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to be quiet, and it has extremely strong explosive power and combat effectiveness, which is the standard configuration of the gatekeeper.

Yes, you read that right, Ao Long is ready to build him into a combination of clairvoyance and downwind ears, an upgraded version of Heimdall.

"Well, it's good if you like it, since you have cultivated the "Watchman" and have been guarding the sect for thousands of years, then you will change your name to Watchman in the future, and in the future, you will be in front of this Monument of Creation and Chemistry, guarding this Eastern Wilderness and guarding the Dragon Gate!"

"Well, thank you for the name, and I will be called the Watchman from now on!!"

After finishing speaking, the watchman looked honored, and stood quietly in front of the Monument of Creation and Chemical Weapons, like a sculpture, growing to the earth, and the sky and the earth could not be shaken even if it collapsed.

Then I saw Ao Long fly into the air, looking at the devastated wasteland, as well as some of the buildings destroyed by his previous battle, and sighed, I still have to find someone to repair it, fortunately, he is not without help.

The twenty-eight Yellow Turban wrestlers who had been trained by the art of forming soldiers with the sassing beans in their hands were thrown out again by Ao Long, growing in the wind, turning into twenty-eight majestic Yellow Turban wrestlers, these wrestlers did not have their own wisdom, but Ao Long could complete the instructions given by them according to their own ideas, just like intelligent robots.

Then Ao Long went to this ancient sect again, no, it will be Longmen in the future, found the talisman hall of the dragon gate, found some talisman puppets that can be used, and activated them directly, and in an instant thousands of figures appeared in the entire wilderness, which can be regarded as a little more popular, these talismans are like butterflies wearing flowers in the entire building complex area, repairing some damaged places.

Seeing this busy scene like a construction site, Ao Long also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, thinking of the rainbow bridge guarded by Heimdall, Ao Long knew that he still had one thing missing, that is, the items that led to the high-quality youth of the outside world, and generally there were three kinds of things that were connected, one was a bridge type, such as the Rainbow Bridge, or Taishang Laozi's Taiji Diagram was also connected to the Golden Bridge.

The second is the door, which is like a portal, the shape of the door of the connection, which directly appears in front of everyone, so that the chosen person has a feeling of leaping into the dragon gate.

The third is to connect the immortal wells, such as the soaring well of the fairy world, the rebirth well of heaven and so on.

Considering that Ao Long's Eastern Wilderness is to pass on the Taoist system and create talents, many of them may not have any cultivation as a foundation, Ao Long feels that it may be more in line with the needs of the Jinqiao class.

So he took out some high-quality materials accumulated during this time, such as the Taiyan Golden Crystal, which was extremely strong and could shatter space; Taisu Fenggang Rock can block the damage of the void, and even the Nine Heavens Thunder can be defended; Wuxu thick soil, a kind of earth essence, a heavy as a thousand jun, stable as Mount Tai; Qinghua Yimu pine root, a wood attribute material that contains vitality, can repair scars and stabilize the foundation.

The most important thing is the Nine Shadows Heart Stone, which tests human nature and people's hearts, once there are any evil thoughts or negative emotions, they will sink into it, unable to extricate themselves, and finally turn into a part of this heart refining stone test, that is, nourishment.

Coupled with some other auxiliary materials, Ao Long sat high in the sky, extracted a part of the power of the Eastern Wilderness World and the power of connection, and smelted all the treasure materials in the heart fire, and the runes flew into it with his mysterious technique into golden light, imprinted on each material.

In the end, the flame wrapped all the materials, turning into a heaven and earth melting pot, and the essence of the material was under the control of Ao Long, gradually turning into the shape of an arch bridge, on which gold, wood, water, fire and earth gathered, between the five elements of circulation, it can be seen that the arch bridge has been transformed into a non-gold, non-wood, non-iron, non-copper spiritual treasure, the breath of heaven is wrapped around it, making people dare not look directly.

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