Thank you Bai Zhantian for the flower reward, thank you for the flower reward and praise support of Dongfang without regrets!!

Welcome to join the reader's exchange skirt, homophonic skirt number: Si Gong Lu Si period clothes Ba period Lu. Everyone is welcome to enter the pit and put forward some suggestions for the heroine and the plot.

Looking at the old man in Mai with a calm breath in front of him, Ao Long could feel that his strength should be the Nirvana Realm of the Martial Arts World, and he could be regarded as a small master in the entire Eastern Xuan Domain.

It's a pity that this kind of strength is still not enough in front of Ao Long.

"It's worthy of being a person with extraordinary strength, and he can sense my arrival."

To be honest, the old man in Mai couldn't see Ao Long's realm clearly, but in his opinion, among the low-level dynasties like the Great Yan Dynasty, there would not be any cultivators who had cultivated to the heavens, and with his Nirvana Realm Perfection cultivation, even among those high-level dynasties, a Nirvana Realm Perfection could become the pillar of the Zhenguo.

The old man in Mai smiled slightly, stared at Ao Long, and said, "The old man is here to devour the ancestral talisman and the ancient monument of the Great Wilderness!" "

Ao Long wanted to scold him, are you Shi Lezhi, that eye can see that I am a soft persimmon.

"Devouring Ancestral Talisman and Great Wilderness Ancient Monument are indeed here, but what are you!! You want to snatch it from my hands too! "

At this time, Ao Long's arrogant appearance was as excited as a landlord's old fortune when he picked up a piece of gold.

Looking at Ao Long's dick silk appearance, the old man in Mai thought that Ao Long just stepped on dog shit to accidentally get two treasures.

"Hehe, do you know who the old man is? The old man is a person from the Supreme Religious Yuanmen, I see that you are very talented, but I can take you to practice in the Yuanmen, that will be your supreme blessing. The old man in Mai smiled lightly.


Ao Long was slightly stunned, although he was not unfamiliar with this name, Yuanmen was indeed an extremely large and powerful sect force in the Eastern Xuan Domain, and it was one of the nine supreme sects in the Eastern Xuan Domain, but in the original book, did this old man in Mai go to the Taiqing Palace from time to time for nine days? What's more, he obviously came to devour the ancestral talisman and the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument.

"I think since you think that the conditions you have offered are superior, should I also pay the price to show my sincerity?"

"Hehe, the old man won't frame you, as long as you hand over the Devouring Ancestral Talisman and the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument. If you want to understand the truth of guilt, it is better to exchange it for a real chance! "

Looking at the look of the old man in sackcloth, he seemed to say, silly boy, you hit a lot of luck today, why don't you hurry up and agree.

Ao Long was originally disdainful of the so-called Yuanmen, with his current strength and vision, even if he wanted to create a supreme sect comparable to the Yuanmen, it would only be a matter of minutes. What's more, now the old man in Mai has a high-minded appearance that makes him even more disdainful, but as a slap in the face, he likes to step on his face fiercely after others pretend to be unable to force him.

"Yuanmen, I've heard that in the well-known place of hiding filth and dirt in the Eastern Xuan Domain, all the talented people are either suppressed or died halfway after entering, I'm still used to being at ease alone."

Ao Long's appearance of a dirt bun, with a disgusted expression, the old man in Mai is simply disgusted by a dog, when did the Supreme Sect become so worthless, not to mention. Pai, how can he be humiliated, he directly erupted angrily, and shouted angrily at Ao Long.

"Rude Zhuzi, since you have been given a chance, and you dare to insult my sect, then I will skin you and tear you apart today, and I will take it from myself to devour the ancestral talisman and the ancient monument of the Great Wilderness!!"

As soon as the old man in Mai grabbed the heaven and earth yuan force around the dragon, it was almost frozen in an instant, directly forming a yuan force prison condensed by the heaven and earth yuan force, and all of Ao Long's body was restrained.

But Ao Long is the god dragon above the nine heavens, how can the old man in Mai be trapped.


Ao Long's fist slammed into the Yuan Force Prison fiercely, the unparalleled strength coupled with the increase in the power of the world, under one punch, it actually smashed the Yuan Force Prison into pieces, turning into rolling vitality, rushing in all directions.

"How is that possible? The old man's Yuan Force cage, how could you break it, are you also a powerhouse in the Nirvana Realm? Hmph, even if you are in the Nirvana Realm, you can only die in my hands today! "

The old man Mai is a Nirvana Realm Perfection, and it is naturally easy to deal with the ordinary Nirvana Realm, not to mention that he comes from the Supreme Sect, and that kind of powerful attack skill is never lacking.

I saw him take out a bone puppet from his Qiankun bag, looking like that, it should also be a divine beast of the dragon genus before his death, after all, the bone puppet has a long body, and its four claws are volleying, and its hideous appearance makes the entire space cold.

"Dragon puppet, shred him for me!!"

Under the control of the old man in Mai, the body of the bone puppet dragon actually rose into flames, and the blazing temperature caused a heat wave in the entire space.

This fire is white and red, and red is black, it is obvious that it is the flame that restrains the powerhouse of the Nirvana realm, the fire of Nirvana, and I don't know where this old man in Mai got it, and his personality is really cautious.

The flames grew along the bones of the dragon, turning into pieces of fiery red scale armor, and even in the hideous and hollow eye sockets, two black and red flames were ignited, like dragon-eyed eyes, and the void room was electrified.

Looking at the spirit puppet made of dragon bones that appeared in front of him, Ao Long immediately felt happy in his heart, knowing that his dragon gate needed these dragon genera to supplement the foundation.

Looking at the teeth and claws, the hot bone puppet dragon spewed fire towards himself, Ao Long pursed his lips, and the smell of sulfur actually spewed out of the mouth of the dragon in the east, which was really nondescript, I saw that he took out the sword in the stone that he had not used for a long time, stepped on the gang, and shouted:

"The way of heaven is brilliant, its color is pale, the clouds and dragons are nine appears, and the heavens and the earth are nets!! Chi!! "

I saw his sword in the stone dancing with the wind, and finally in the core area of the boundless wilderness, he rolled up a dragon scroll of wind, sand, grass and mustard together, and the dragon scroll finally turned into a grass-blue god dragon under the command of Ao Long's long sword carving, facing the bone Jiao of the flames in the air.


The fire of Nirvana was really extraordinary, and Ao Long's grass dragon was immediately burned by this flaming bone Jiao.

Ao Long was not in a hurry, pinching and dancing the sword.

"The wildfire can't be burned, the spring breeze blows and grows, and the wind of the nine appearances of the cloud dragon rolls up the remnants!!"

Just when the old man in Mai thought that the flame of the bone dragon was going to ignite Ao Long, the flames on the grass dragon that intersected with the bone dragon were still lingering, but the grass on that body continued to grow, and soon overwhelmed the speed of the flames.

The most important thing is that on the grass dragon, one by one the wind whirlpools turned into pieces of dragon scales, the entire grass dragon was instantly majestic, and a divine dragon swung its tail, directly extinguishing the general flames on the bone dragon's body.

"It's not over yet, look at my cloud dragon nine qi swallowing mountains and rivers!!"

Ao Long's stone sword swung again, and the grass dragon, with the mane turned into flames, opened its bloody mouth, grew against the wind, and swallowed the bone puppet dragon into its belly in one bite.

"How come, return my spirit puppet bone dragon!!"

The old man in Mai was stunned when he saw this scene, you must know that it is not just an ordinary spirit puppet, but a treasure that can release the fire of Nirvana and restrain the powerhouses of the Nirvana Realm!!

Directly with a claw in the air, it grabbed the dragon belly of the grass dragon like a flying eagle, seemingly hoping to snatch back his bone puppet.

It's a pity that Ao Long will give him a chance, as early as when the green grass dragon swallowed the bone puppet dragon into his belly, Ao Long included him in his dragon gate.

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