"Canglong? Is that what you want to be? "

Monet looked at the flag flying in the wind, which was completely different from the One Piece world, but full of majesty and righteousness, as if it was the center of the whole world, attracting everyone's attention, but it was really beautiful.

Since then, there has been a new symbol under Ao Long's command, that is, Canglong, the appearance of the Canglong Banner was soon passed on to Olbia by Monet, and Olbia spread Ao Long's cry and Canglong Banner about the world Datong, Xihai Becky's Pingxi Army should now be called the Zhenxi Army, because Becky's strength can completely kill a lieutenant general, so the Pingxi Army was upgraded to the Zhenxi Army.

At the request of Ao Long, Becky is also digging for talents, looking for a few subordinates with good strength, and there are currently three Anzai generals. The Yellow Dragon Banner was also displayed in the countries protected by the Zhenxi Army, and the Black Dragon Banner was unfurled by the Beggar Gang in the Great Passage, and the dragon logo was the same except for the different colors.

Canglong Banner has become Ao Long's identity representative, and subordinates cannot be used at will, which is like his Chinese army, where the banner is, where the people are.

"What? That guy appeared in New World? A strange flag was played, not a pirate flag? Canglong Banner? What do you mean? "

Marinford had just succeeded Sora as the new Marshal of the Navy, and when he got the news that Ao Long appeared in the new world, he was surprised inexplicably, knowing that he was mainly responsible for the O'Hara incident back then, and he never forgot those fish that slipped through the net.

"According to the news we got from the Navigation Daily, Ao Long established an organization called the 'Canglong Adventure Group', which is said to be a team with the purpose of hoeing the strong and helping the weak and pursuing freedom, not a pirate group."

A colonel carefully reported the information he had received to Sengoku.

"What the hell is that guy trying to do? Suddenly appeared in the new world, disappeared for five years, and as soon as it appeared, he killed the powerful Blood Leopard Pirates, and also established an adventure group, claiming that it was not a pirate group..."

The Warring States of the Buddha began to have a headache again, he felt that he was going to face this tricky figure as soon as he took office, and with his wise head, he clearly knew that the person who could shout out the great harmony of the world and give such a clear definition was not a layman.

"After the death of One Piece Roger, the Age of Exploration began, and this bastard came out to stir up trouble again, it's really damn it, inform, the lieutenant general of the headquarters and the above personnel will come to the headquarters for a meeting."

"Hahahaha, did that kid show up? I knew that he would definitely not die in the Demon Slaying Order, and a man who could make such a declaration was destined to be famous in the sea. "

Whitebeard looked at the news of the Navigation Daily in a certain area of the New World, and he didn't care about the wine flowing down his chest, but he had always admired Ao Long's concept of universal harmony, and of course he had always thought that he would not be able to see such a grand scene in his lifetime.

The man who disappeared for five years has reappeared in the public's field of vision, with a starting point that everyone can't imagine, a new world!

"Okay, let's express our opinions, how to deal with this Ao Long?"

At a meeting of the Navy Headquarters, the Sengoku of Buddha began to discuss the appearance of Ao Long. In fact, Ao Long himself didn't want to play the banner so early, because he wanted to take it slow and develop steadily, but the emergence of the Canglong Banner seemed to bring a different opportunity, and the Canglong Banner needed faith.

"I think that Ao Long has always been an enemy of our navy and will not become a friend, so the wanted reward for Ao Long cannot be revoked, and he can destroy the Blood Leopard Pirates alone, which means that his strength must be no less than that of a lieutenant general."

The first to speak was Lieutenant General Tsuru, the chief staff officer of the headquarters, and at the age of 60, she is a wise general with a wealth of experience and knowledge.

The crane is the figure of a tall, thin old woman with gray hair and a wrinkled face. She wears two bracelets on her right hand and green earrings on her ears. Her navy shawl is purple, and her Devil Fruit ability is the superhuman "Wash Fruit".

"Little crane, isn't that person a big name, what kind of adventurer is it? If you're not a pirate, you don't have to be so nervous. "

While holding a meeting, he didn't forget that Vice Admiral Karp, the naval hero who ate Xianbei, made a different voice, he was wise and foolish, he actually had a good impression of Ao Long, and Ao Long actually didn't commit any major crimes, except for the O'Hara incident.

"Humph! This person is a criminal in the world, although he is not a pirate, but he must be arrested, this dangerous element must not let him go unpunished, and if necessary, he can be designed to be hunted and killed in the new world!! "

The most radical in the navy is naturally Sakasky, the pain of five years ago is still faintly in his memory, and he is full of hostility towards Ao Long, which is the biggest heel he has planted since his debut.

That time he was seriously injured and carried back to the Navy Headquarters, Sakasky has always considered it his own shame, because of his mistakes, Ao Long had the opportunity to say the fallacy that the world is for the public and the world is the same, and it is this sentence that has shaken the foundation of the world government. And Sakasky has always felt that Ao Long's strength is very average, and he couldn't support it under the pheasant back then, even if he hid there for five years, he might not be able to be powerful.

"I applied for me to lead the team and go to the New World to destroy that guy!!"

As soon as he thought of it, Sakasky directly applied at the meeting to take the naval fleet to the New World to kill Ao Long.

"I have a somewhat different opinion, since the position of the Seven Martial Seas in our navy is still vacant, why don't we recruit him? Although he claims to be an adventurer, he is also a criminal of the world. "

The pheasant remembered the scene of the dragon fish jumping over the dragon gate back then, and the words he left to change the world, and gave another solution.

"Oh? Seven Martial Seas, but he's not a pirate!! Hahaha, interesting..."

The obscene Porusalino raised his own doubts, of course, he did not explicitly express his support or opposition. The views of the three major admirals do not seem to be unified, and the top brass of the Navy Headquarters do not agree on this person.

"Okay, in that case, first of all, let's raise his bounty order, in the name of the world criminals, this can be regarded as an explanation to the world government, and the bounty will be set at 300 million, and then Akainu you have other tasks for the time being, and the territory of BIGMOM must be compressed, this is the right thing! Let me think about the matter of the Seven Martial Seas. "

Three days later, the bounty about Ao Long spread all over the world.

"Monet, how about you say I will send myself to the Navy in exchange for 300 million Bailey flowers?"

On the boat of the Canglong Adventure Group, Ao Long asked Monet, who was dressed in an office next to him, with a smile.

"Bastard!! What are you kidding, is that where the Navy can go? "

Monet, who grinned his teeth, yelled loudly at Ao Long, he really wouldn't be joking, can this kind of thing be said casually?

On the deck at this time, the original pirates were all practicing the national version of the Four Seasons Island Gong taught by Ao Long, but Monet naturally practiced Olbia's "Eternal Evergreen Gong", and Monet was also very happy, there was actually such a good way to maintain his appearance and improve his strength.

In the first half of the Great Voyage, Nicole Robin looked at Ao Long on the wanted list, her eyes were moist unconsciously, and she knew that Ao Long appeared in front of the world with great fanfare, in fact, to tell her that he had come to her. These days, Robin actually wants to go back to Four Seasons Island, but at first he just found an excuse to go to Qinghai to find the original historical text, but she didn't expect to find a place for her, so the confidence and determination to find the original historical text were firm.

However, she still kept in touch with Olbia in private, but she didn't tell Ao Long, and the original history was also taken as a photo and sent back to the Historical Research Institute of Four Seasons Island.

At the request of Ao Long, Four Seasons Island has laid a solid foundation through a year of national martial arts, and began to select outstanding talents to enrich the armament, after all, Ao Long's pace will not stop at Four Seasons Island.

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