When Ao Long arrived, he saw Arwen wearing a silk robe, the faint purple color looked graceful and noble.

Obviously, tonight's Arwen has been carefully dressed, with brown and black hair and a soft shawl, a few small braids carefully woven on his forehead, his hair tied to the back of his head, two moon-shaped earrings hanging on his ears, and a bright "twilight star" pendant hanging around his neck.

Like a goddess dressed in moonlight, Arwyn gently plucked her gold and silver trimmed harp, and the notes flowed out gently, making Ao Long's whole person feel relaxed.

And the song Alwin played is undoubtedly "To Alice" played by Ao Long before, and it is obvious that Alwin has secretly learned this piece in the past few days.

Ao Long just looked at this delicate and elegant elf princess, and slowly walked to her side, there were tables and chairs prepared by Arwen in advance, Ao Long sat opposite Arwin, and watched her play there so gently and quietly.

It seems that at this moment, the adventure of the Middle-earth Continent, the Dragon Gate lost its energy because of the last time it broke the boundary, and the depression of cultivating because it turned into a physical body and returned to zero has been put down.

This is a kind of cleansing of the soul, and the music played by the pure Alwin is more pure than that of Ao Long, not only cleansing Ao Long's ears, but also removing the dirt from his soul.

In the gazebo in the distance, King Elon looked at this scene and said to Gandalf beside him:

"Old friend, it seems that you not only brought me the trouble of the Lonely Mountain Expedition this time, but also brought my daughter her nemesis!!"

Obviously, anyone who sees their beloved daughter about to be abducted will not be happy.

"Well, King Elrond, we have to believe that Thorin is born with the right to sit on the king of the lonely mountain, whether we help him or not, this is a fact."

Obviously, Gandalf knew about Arwyn's affairs and he couldn't talk about it, after all, Ao Long was indeed soaking up other people's daughters.

"Hmph, the evil dragon you know has been sleeping in the Lonely Mountain for 60 years, if you go to the Lonely Mountain to wake him up, then it will be a disaster for the Middle-earth Continent, and you and I have no right to control the pattern of the Middle-earth Continent!" Also, my daughter is an elf, and although Ao Long's kid is very good, the short life of a human being makes it impossible for me to agree to the two of them together!! "

"Lord Elon, I may want to help my friend explain this, he said that he is a cultivator among human beings, according to him, he has become an immortal, and his lifespan is basically unlimited, I think he should be a good match for the beautiful elven princess."

Unbeknownst to Ao Long, Bilbo Baggins helped him play a perfect assist, and it was clear that the word fairy caught the eye of King Elrond.

"I've never heard that there are immortals in this world, what is that?? Okay, let's not talk about him, let's talk about Thorin Oak Shield, his family has a bloodline that is crazy about wealth, his grandfather Thor is crazy about it, and so is his father!! I don't think he'll be able to surpass his grandfather and father. "

King Elon looked at his daughter on the cliff opposite, but he got back to business, but he remembered what Bilbo had said.

"Elon, we need to help the dwarves regain control of the Lonely Mountain, that will be a must to strengthen our eastern defense front, and with Ao Long's participation, I still can't figure out his strength, maybe we really have a chance to succeed this time."

As soon as Gandalf heard that Bilbo just said that a human can live an infinite life through cultivation, then it means that the strength will definitely not be worse, so he immediately pulled Ao Long out of the top tank, not to mention that Ao Long is now ambiguous with Alwin, maybe one day he will become the son-in-law of the Elf King.

Thorin was in a passage next door, quietly listening to the discussion between King Elon and Gandalf, he didn't go out, the dwarves were almost running out of elves in Rivendell these days, and the dwarves' wild and uninhibited style, such as running directly to the elves' fountain to bathe and fight water fights, was simply burning the harp and boiling the crane, which was unsightly.

"I don't think Thorin Oakshield feels that he has to be responsible for who he is responsible for this, and I agree with that the position of the King of the Lonely Mountain belongs to him."

Gandalf's point is clear, the lonely mountain belongs to the dwarves, to the current fallen king of the lonely mountain, Thorin Oakshield, and no one else has the right to stop it.

"It's not me who needs your explanation."

Saying that, King Elon took Gandalf into another platform, only to see a slender figure under the moonlight, with long golden hair and a graceful figure standing on the edge of the platform, when she turned around, that amazing face can really be suffocating, even a demigod like Gandalf is no exception, as Miya, he has always admired this elf queen.

"Lady Rorian!"

Proud wizards like Gandalf bowed their heads in front of Galadriel.

"Mithranda, long time no see!"

"Time may make me older, but I can't help your beauty!!"

It was clear that Gandalf was also good at flirting with girls, and Galadriel couldn't help but laugh happily when he heard him compliment his face like this.

"I didn't know, His Highness Elon invited you too!!"

King Elon is Galadriel's son-in-law, so Gandalf thinks that King Elon has invited the Elven Queen.

"It's not him, it's me who invited Galadriel...."

Out of the shadows came a wizard with white hair, white beard, white robe and white magic staff, walking slowly, maintaining the majesty of his own wizard, holding a proud shelf.

"Oh, Saruman!!"

Gandalf smiled awkwardly and saluted Saruman, it was clear that as the leader of the five wizards in Middle-earth, Gandalf was still very passive in front of Saruman.

Regardless of the memories of the wizard here, Ao Long on the cliff over there, under the moonlight, had already taken out his long sword and handed it to Arvin.

"The pure and merciful sword should be given to the pure and merciful princess, Arvin, I hope you can like her, I want to change the name of this sword to Alice, so that she can guard you in the future."

Looking at Alvin, Ao Long's eyes were as bright as starlight and as deep as moonlight, and after a night of communication, the relationship between the two of them developed further again.

Alwyn happily took the sword, and it was clear to her that it was a gift from Ao Long.

With his white hands brushing the sword, Arwyn removed the twilight star from his neck, handed it to Ao Long, and said:

"Since you have given me such a valuable gift, I will also give you a gift, this is a peace charm that I have always wore, I want to give it to you, I hope your operation will be smooth and safe this time."

Seeing that Alwin actually gave himself such a valuable item like this, to be honest, Ao Long was very moved.

"No, Alvin, I know this is the Twilight Star, it is very important to you, she can protect you for a long time, and I have an endless lifespan because I have cultivated the immortal method of human beings, so what you have to do is to protect yourself."

Putting Twilight on Arwyn again, his fingers running over Arwin's neck began to glow, and it was clear that the beautiful princess was happy and shy inside.

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