Now only the author himself shamelessly gives himself a little flower.,It's almost a joke.,I ask all readers to give some flowers to praise and support.,All kinds of kneeling and begging....

The thirteen dwarves were not knee-high enough to be the mountain monsters, but they were still very powerful in their charges, and they were all armed with axes and knives, slashing the mountain monsters.

Unfortunately, the mountain monster is a monster known for its strong defense, so the dwarves can only cause trouble to the three mountain monsters, and cannot bring real damage.

Of course, the hammer hitting the mountain monster's toes can still make the monster hurt, but it has no effect on the whole situation.

Taking advantage of the dwarven battle, Bilbo finally managed to let go of the horses captured by the mountain monsters.

Although the dwarves who cooperated with the tacit understanding could not bring substantial damage to the mountain monsters, with the help of Ao Long's dark arrows, they still delayed the time very well.

Seeing that Thorin was about to be hit by the mountain monster's stone, Ao Long's arrow shattered the stone in the mountain monster's hand.

The mountain monster looked empty in his hand, and had no idea how the stone was broken, but the dwarves knew that it was clearly the energy arrow shot by Ao Long's magical longbow, which disappeared after it worked.

So, with the help of Ao Long's insidious dark arrows, the dwarves held out until dawn.

However, he didn't pay attention to it, and Bilbo was actually caught by the mountain monster, just like Jesus was put on fire, and it was clear that the mountain monster meant to tell everyone to lay down their weapons, or else they would tear Bilbo to pieces on the spot.


"Lay down your arms!!"

Knowing that there was still an Ao Long in the shadows, Thorin was not worried, he believed that the Ao Dragon would definitely make a move at the critical moment, and he was looking forward to the performance of this human.

So the mountain monster tied the dwarves into the shape of roasted sheep as if they were harvesting the spoils of war, and to be honest, Bilbo was very moved to see the dwarves give up their resistance in order to save themselves.

"It's going to be dawn soon, we have to finish this meal quickly, or we will be in danger when the sun comes out!!"

One of the mountain monsters said to the other that it was clear that the weak point of the mountain monsters was the sun, and Bilbo heard the mountain monster's conversation, his eyes rolled, and he began to stall for time.

"Wait, wait, you can't just roast those dwarves like this..."

Bilbo said to the three mountain monsters.

"Oh, do you have any good advice?"

Obviously, even monsters won't refuse to be able to eat a more delicious meal.

"I know how to eat these dwarves and make them crispy and delicious!!"

"What, Bilbo, you traitor, actually studied ways to eat dwarves."

Just gave up resistance for the sake of this hobbit, but this hobbit was shocked to eat the dwarf's method, and all the dwarves were angry.

But the more this happened, the more the mountain monster didn't suspect it.

"So, what is the way to make these dwarves more delicious?"

"Some of these dwarves haven't bathed for a few years, their bodies stink, some have sick stomachs with disgusting worms in them, and some are constipated, and they haven't excreted their stool for several days."

Bilbo counted all the bad faults and shortcomings of these dwarves, which made this group of dwarves who loved face and strong self-esteem even more angry.

"What? Where do we stink? "

"yes, where are we sick?"

Thorin Oakshield saw how Bilbo was trying to stall for time, and kicked the most screaming Kirli, apparently annoyed by his nephew's stupidity.

"Therefore, these dwarves should be washed, and those who are sick should be cured, and those who are constipated should be cleared of soup and water for a few days, so as to remove the dirt from their stomachs..."

Bilbo didn't care what the dwarves were saying to him, and he was still forcing his explanation, but it was clear that even the stupidest dwarves would know that Bilbo was trying to save them.

"Yes, yes, I haven't taken a shower in three years!! I'm dirty! "

"And me, and me, I have a lot of big bugs in my stomach, and I will definitely have a stomachache after eating it!!"

"My stomach is full of poop, if you don't feel disgusting, eat me first!!"

Looking at the dwarves in the direction of the wind, Ao Long felt a little funny, it was obvious that the stark contrast between before and after, even a fool knew that there was a problem.

Sure enough, the dwarves' poor acting skills angered the mountain monsters.

"Damn hobbit, you think the three of us are fools, and we dare to play tricks in front of us, so let's eat you first!!"

The three angry mountain monsters abandoned the dwarf on the barbecue grill and headed straight for Bilbo, apparently intending to take Bilbo first.

Seeing that the three mountain monsters had left the barbecue grill and just walked to the gap of the venue, suddenly a bunch of fireworks flew out from the dark part of the forest, including flying dragons, tigers, and various animals, and came straight to the mountain monsters.

Frightened, the three mountain monsters were in a hurry, thinking that there was really a monster attacking, and hurriedly dodged.

Just gave Ao Long a chance to take advantage of it, so Ao Long jumped out very reasonably, waved his long sword, and cut the ropes on Bilbo and the others and Qili and the others in a cloud dragon nine appearances.

"Dwarven warriors!! It's time for a counteroffensive!! "

Ao Long shouted, as if this was very difficult for him, this is a powerful actor, sure enough, old Balin and Dewalin praised:

"Lord Ao Long's handsome swordsmanship can actually rescue us all at once!!"

"Yes, I didn't expect him to not only have archery skills, but also swordsmanship is so extraordinary, what a sharp sword! Good sword!! Good sword!! "

When Ao Long heard this praise, he wanted to kill two dwarves with a sword, but he didn't bring such a compliment.

"Alright, let these mountain monsters taste the power of the dwarven warriors!!"

Thorin raised his sword and led the charge, this time Bilbo had much better eyesight and hid directly behind Ao Long.

And Ao Long naturally resumed his obscene flow, long arrow support, although Devalin felt that Ao Long's swordsmanship might be more helpful to everyone, but people like to use bows and arrows, and he can't help it.

"Ao Long, the sun is coming out, let's win that!" It's all to blame on that damn boulder, blocking the sun!! "

Bilbo looked back at the sky and saw that the white of the fish belly in the east had been revealed, but unfortunately the mountain monsters had deliberately found a stove under the shadow of a boulder.

"Bilbo, don't worry, we still have a powerful wizard, see who that is?"

Ao Long pointed to Gandalf, the gray-robed wizard who had already appeared at the top of the boulder.

"The dawn sweeps you away!!"

Gandalf, reciting the incantation, appeared like a savior hero, and looking at the dwarves fighting in the field, Gandalf slammed his magic staff down the boulder.

And behold, the hard boulder was like a piece of bread that had been cut open, and it was turned into two pieces.

The sunlight shone in, and the three mountain monsters all hardened into stone statues, and sure enough, the sunlight was their nemesis.

"Yo Ho, we're win!! Thanks to the mighty gray-robed wizard Gandalf!!

Ao Long took the lead in applauding the old man.

"Actually, I think that with the strength you just showed, it should be easy to cut that stone!!"

Gandalf smiled kindly and whispered as he walked past Ao Long.

"We've got to give the hero some chance to ease the relationship."

Ao Long said something pointedly and joined in the celebrations, which won Gandalf's favor.

Ao Long knew that although his strength was not weak, it was still too far behind those gods who created a race at every turn, not to mention that he was still a demigod, and only by making friends and suppressing a group could he make profits.

In this way, he considered whether to seek an identity...

After all, this is a world where identity is very important.

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