Thank you for the flowers that Starry Sky has greatly rewarded, and thank you for your continued support!!

Above the Dragon Gate, the thunderclouds are rolling, and under the Dragon Gate, Ao Long is still struggling to move forward, but at the last moment, Long Zhu emitted a ray of world light, which is the protection of the small world for his heavenly existence.

Under the wind, snow, fire and thunder of the dragon gate, only the dazzling dragon bead was left to break through the blockade of the thundercloud robbery fire, and finally merged with the luck dragon bead in the middle of the two dragon play beads, and Ao Long felt that his torn soul was like cracked soil, and finally there was nectar swaying down.

Ao Long's soul began to be misty under the nourishment of luck and merit, and then a drop of essence blood erupted from the mouths of the two dragons above the dragon gate, melting into the dragon beads, and a burst of shining blood red and golden light appeared alternately, and the entire One Piece world felt that the sky suddenly sank.

Then Ao Long's bone marrow and flesh began to grow, only to see a nine-foot-long four-clawed yellow dragon began to appear, horns like a deer, head like a camel, eyes like a rabbit, neck like a snake, belly like a mirage, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger, ears like a cow, a dragon groan, the world shook.

"Report the host, because your current destructive power is too strong and you have been expelled from this world, the system will force the dragon gate jump function to be turned on!!"

"Ah, what mandatory jumps? Does the dragon gate still have this function? Ahh

Before he finished speaking, Ao Long felt a dizziness, and then a small and mysterious pattern full of gold and jade quaint dragon gate appeared in the void, behind this door seemed to appear a mysterious whirlpool, and before Ao Long could take a closer look, he felt a strong suction force into the door.

Like being thrown around by a washing machine, Ao Long's newly grown dragon body was powerful, but the whole person was extremely dizzy.

"Report to the host, due to lack of energy, the dragon gate will land nearby!" The dragon goalkeeper is near! Please be ready!! "

Just when Ao Long was dizzy, the sound of the system remembered again.

"How can I be short of energy, I have basically emptied the treasures of a world!!"

However, the system ignored Ao Long, and seemed to have pierced the boundary wall of a world, and the energy of the Dragon Gate was finally exhausted, and flew into Ao Long's soul, and Ao Long also fell from the sky in a daze and fell to a lawn.

"Next time, can you change to a more chic landing method, which will damage my Dragon Emperor's majestic image!!"

Ao Long complained that all his cultivation at nine feet long had been transformed into accumulation, which meant that everything about him would start all over again, but the difference was that his yellow dragon body alone had a strong lethality.

The difference with Qiu Jiao's body is that after advancing to become Huang Long, his cultivation ceiling bottleneck is broken again, and he can grow into the flow of earth immortals, don't look down on earth immortals, there is an immortal in the name, all of them are the existence of means to the sky, you must know that Zhen Yuanzi is the ancestor of earth immortals.

Ao Long walks the way of the world, unlike others, as long as his world is upgraded, his strength will increase, and cultivation is only the embodiment of a law when he is a human body.

It was night, and Ao Long looked up at the sky, because the starry sky in one place may be the most characteristic to describe the landform, and Ao Long found that the starry sky here was very unfamiliar to him, but the crescent moon was still as bright as ever.

When I looked up, I saw that it was a low hilly area overgrown with grass and shrubs, and the smell of green grass came to my nose, and the air seemed to be mixed with the smell of fine tobacco.

Curious about the new world, Ao Long walked a distance outside the woods, and found that there was a very special building here, that is, there were doors under the soil, and it seemed that those houses were holes made in the soil.

This reminded Ao Long of a very classic movie he had seen before, Charles in "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings", but he couldn't confirm it yet.

If it's the Lord of the Rings, then it's really a wonderful world, but it's also dangerous, because the demigods here are not as many as dogs, but they are quite a lot, and the highest level is the supreme god who can create the world.

The east was whitening, and the breeze was blowing, and Ao Long was walking along the country road at his feet, when suddenly a fence appeared in front of him, and behind the fence was a very elaborate building, which did not look tall, and the most important thing was that the roof and walls could not be seen, but a gentle green lawn, like a dwarf squatting there in a lawn coat.

Just as Ao Long stopped to observe, the door like a canned food in the ground opened, and out of it came a halfling, knowing the waist of a normal human.

"Hello, morning!!"

The halfling saw Ao Long standing in front of his house, politely said hello, and then went straight to the barrel newspaper box at the gate of the fence, and took out today's newspaper from it, but seemed to notice that Ao Long was still looking at him, he looked at himself suspiciously, and then asked:

"Hello? How can we help? Traveler from afar? "

Ao Long was in shock at this time, because he was sure that this was indeed a hobbit, although he didn't know if this was the world, but he would know if he asked.

"Well, hello, I'd like to visit Bilbo Baggins, son of Bungo Baggins and Beladonna Took."

As a temptation, Ao Long felt that it was better to find someone who could match his memory first, which would be more conducive to his later development.

"Well, you're looking for Bilbo Baggins, he doesn't remember meeting a friend like you?"

The halfling man in front of him was barefoot, wearing old-fashioned robe pajamas, I saw him take out a pipe from his pocket, put a few pieces of high-quality tobacco, light it, and after taking a puff with doubt, he said slowly.

"Ah, I came here to hear that their family has a long history, and that he is a hobbit of good character, so I want to befriend him. I'm a person who likes to walk around, and I like to meet some of these great people! "

Ao Long didn't blush when he lied, but he felt that Baggins was indeed a very good person, and he was also a hobbit, so Gollum did not withstand the temptation of the Ring, but Bait Baggins withstood it.

"Aha, where is it as good as you say, my friend, I'm Bilbo Baggins, welcome to you!! I think we'll have a great conversation! "

No one doesn't like to be complimented, let alone a hobbit, and Baggins happily acknowledges his identity.

And this means that the world that Ao Long came to is indeed the world of the Lord of the Rings, and looking at the young halfling in front of him, it is obvious that he has not experienced the experience of an unexpected journey.

Very good, it seems that although Longmen is unreliable and casually found a world, it is still very reliable to leave him in a relatively peaceful and safe place, Charr.

The Shire do not have a unified government, and the affairs of each family are generally handled by each family.

The only official institution of the Shire is the chief of the Mýmound Caves. Elected every seven years at a gathering during the summer solstice, the chief is primarily tasked with presiding over a grand gathering of the Shire Habis. He also holds the positions of Postmaster General and Police Chief. The police and the post office are the only two public services in Shire. The lord of the House of Tuk generally serves as Speaker of the Shire Council and General of the Shire militia.

Sheriff is the name given to the Shire's people who maintain law and order, and they do not have a uniform but stick a feather in their hat as a distinguishing sign. There are twelve sheriffs in the Shire, three each in the four districts of the south, east and west. There are also employees who monitor the border to prevent outsiders from disturbing the Shire.

The Shire did not have an express law, but they generally obeyed the laws of the ancient kings. The law was practiced by the self-discipline of the inhabitants.

It's a very comfortable place, hello hobbit, hello charr, Ao Long breathes in the fresh air and feels relaxed.

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