There is the demise of one of the five old stars, which shocked everyone, if one death is careless, then two five old stars died in the hands of Ao Long, that is strength.

The remaining three five old stars glanced at each other, and they all saw the solemnity in each other's eyes, and they couldn't give Ao Long a chance to break them one by one.

I saw that after the three of them quickly repelled their respective opponents with one blow, they quickly moved closer and defended the surroundings in a triangular formation, or Ao Long.

"King Canglong, you are worthy of a generation of Tianjiao, I didn't expect that the most powerful man on the sea is not Whitebeard, but you, but unfortunately, with the three of us joining forces, your myth can only end here!!"

Masato Hirano, dressed in a black suit, with curly white hair, a white beard of Peng Song, a flat hat, and a scar on the left side of his face. With the strength to control the earth, standing on the earth, the power is unlimited, and at this moment is controlling the land of Marin Vando, just like standing on top of a living earth dragon, the earth begins to rise and fall, and the navies and pirates who are fighting below are already unstable.

Keiichi Noda, dressed in a crimson suit without a knottie, has blonde hair, a beard that is also blonde, and a scar on his chest. The strong man in physical skills, after blasting away the red of the lonely high with a punch, stood on the side of Masato Hirano.

Keiichi Sonobe wears a white robe, a bald head, and glasses. The only one among the five old stars who is not wearing a suit and has a beard. A sword forced Shanks' long knife away and turned to face Ao Long.

"If this son is not removed, the world will be uneasy!! Looks like we need to join forces!! Masato Hirano, you come to create opportunities!! "

Kendo is definitely the strongest killing power, but Noda Keiichi's power is also very strong, so the two of them are the main attackers.

"Okay, then let the world see my earth prison!!"

Under the control of Masato Hirano, the entire Marin Vando began to come to life, and a grid wall made of dirt suddenly rose in front of the red-haired Shanks, Lone High Red, and Hades Reilly.

Finally, it was connected to the earth under his feet, forming a prison like a grid box, and from the outside, the three five old stars could be seen besieging Ao Long.

"That's... What's that....."

Hancock felt a strong sense of unease when he saw his man trapped in that prison.

"It's just a mud net made of mud, and it's really wishful thinking to trap me like this!!"

Ao Long looked at the cage beside him, which had been combined with the earth, and it seemed to be extraordinary, but he still had to suppress the arrogant Five Old Stars verbally.

"Hahahaha, Ao Long, let you be arrogant, but also hate this!! My prison of the earth is the eternal life of the earth, the prison of eternity!! So don't try to escape, and die obediently!! Earth Heavy Armor!! "

I saw that under the control of Masato Hirano, Keiichi Noda and Keiichi Sonobe both had a thick earthen armor attached to their bodies.

"What is that, can a layer of dirt also be used for armor? Are the five old stars old and confused? "

Lonely Taka's red looked at Masato's behavior contemptuously, unable to understand.

"At this time, they shouldn't make useless moves, maybe those mud armor is not as simple as it seems!"

Hades King Reilly said solemnly, he never dared to underestimate these five old men, he was able to slaughter two, and that was only Ao Long's strength.

"It looks like you've all become your dolls, you really don't like hygiene, is this how the five old stars pee and play with mud?"

Ao Long continued to carry out his taunting move, in fact, silently looking for the flaws of the three people.

But at this time, the position of the three five old stars was basically impeccable, as long as Ao Long attacked one of them, the other two would besiege Ao Long at a tricky angle.

It seems that it is a hard battle, and I can't run away, and I was counting on Shanks that they could help.

"If not, don't believe it, a broken mud net can stop us!! Slay the ghosts and gods!! "

In the face of the defense methods of the five old stars, Shanks was still very cautious, and directly used his newly researched sword move, cutting down with a sword, as if he could break through the green darkness and cut through the space.

"Such a blade, Shanks, has already gone ahead of me above the kendo!! It's not okay to be unconvinced!! "

Seeing the sword cut out by Shanks, the strength of the most powerful swordsman was revealed, and the Hades King Reilly felt relieved and sad, Shanks's swordsmanship was taught by him back then, but now the blue is better than the blue, making the old man feel that his time has really passed.


Despite Shanks' strong attack, the mud net didn't even sink slightly, except for a few mud debris that didn't move.

"This.... How is this possible....."

Gu Gao Zhihong was stunned when he saw this scene, what kind of mud is so hard, it is obviously the ordinary soil of Marin Fando.

"Looks like you're pretty good at playing with mud..."

The red-haired Shanks sneered a little helplessly, and gave Ao Long a helpless look.

"Mud is mud after all, even if you play tricks, it's not a local chicken and a dog!!"

Ao Long took out his stone sword and slashed directly at the five old stars.

"It looks like you're jumping off the wall in a hurry, but we won't tell you why, let's die, Ao Long!!"

Keiichi Sonobe's long sword, Keiichi Noda's iron fist, and Masato Hirano's mud spear besieged Ao Long.

I saw Ao Long's long sword slash on the breastplate of Keiichi Sonobe, Keiichi Sonobe did not dodge, only to see a ripple flashing, Ao Long could feel that his attack was transmitted to the earth like a lightning rod.

"Hahaha, see it, Canglong King Ao Long, hahaha, it's just a joke, under the absolute defense of my earth heavy armor, you can have a share of being beaten!! Repent, blaspheme the prestige of the Five Old Stars for you, for your unforgivable deeds!! "

Masato Hirano's insolent beard fluttered in the wind, and he seemed to be victorious at once.

Ao Long already had a trace of speculation from the attack just now, plus the names of these people's moves are generally related to ability, whether it is the earth prison or the earth heavy armor, it means that the ability of this Hirano Masato must be related to the earth.

"Since the attack is not strong enough, then use stronger strength to prove that mud is mud after all!!"

Ao Long's sword was faster than a sword, and he fought with three people, and his Canglong Banner flew with him, helping him resist the defense of the three five old stars, you must know that it is not only Hirano Masato who has the means to defend.

Sure enough, with Ao Long's attack, although the force was transmitted to the earth of Marin Fando, this power was not eliminated, so I saw that Marin Fando, who was not attacking, was sinking in a large area.

"Is this your secret? Connect the mud here with the whole Marinfando, then if the Marinfando is gone, you will also lose the source of power? "

Ao Long looked at Masato Hirano and said, as if he had discovered some great secret.

Sure enough, when Masato Hirano heard Ao Long say this, his eyes tightened, and his years of ruling career had made him feel happy and angry, but the subtle expressions in his eyes had been captured by Ao Long.

"Sure enough, it looks like I guessed right!!"

Ao Ryu is glad that he has deceived the truth, and Masato Hirano is angry at Ao Ryu's cunning.

"Hahaha, as long as there is a direction, it will be solved, Ao Long boy, wait for us to help you dismantle Marin Fando!!"

As soon as Hades Reilly heard that the five old stars were relying on the earth under their feet, he immediately had an idea.

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