Thanks to Xianbin for the flower tip!!

Three hours before Ace's execution, Ao Long rushed to Marin Fando with the Straw Hats, and there were no miscellaneous soldiers in the original book, but there were more Red Red, the world's destroyer, Bundy Waldo, Hiryu of the Rain, and the familiar sand crocodile Klockdal and gargoyle.

There is no doubt that the two of them were tortured by Ao Long almost, and they gave an ultimatum, either obey or die, and finally when they really faced this moment of death, both of them chose to surrender, the most important thing is that during this time, both of them have an understanding of Ao Long's methods, and the power of ghosts and gods makes the two people feel that there is nothing wrong with such a strong person as Shun.

And Luffy and the others were shocked when they first saw Klockdahl, and finally knew that they had changed their ways, and Luffy's brain nerves quickly played together, although the sand crocodile was extremely unwilling.

But when he found out that Luffy's strength was no longer weaker than him, and there were more powerful Lone Gao Zhihong and others, he didn't have the arrogance of a strong man, and it was really a sad discovery for him, and in the end, it seemed that his strength was at the bottom like Luffy.

"Hey, Straw Hat Boy, do you know where that guy got so many monsters..."

Rao is always calm and dashing, Klockdahl, and he can't help but make noise.

"Oh... I don't know, you also know, Ao Long's human god is secret, and every time he appears, there are always new surprises. "

Luffy was busy fighting a bunch of meat, but he didn't have time to chatter with Klockdahl.

At this time, the Warring States Office and the Iron Triangle all met here.

"Why hasn't the Whitebeard Pirates moved yet, could it be that he has any other plans!!

Sengoku had no doubt that Whitebeard would come out to rescue Ace, but he wasn't sure what form Whitebeard would take in this war.

"All the warships we sent out were sunk in the sea, and I think the affiliated pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates have almost arrived, so take this opportunity to directly eradicate them, and the new world can vacate a large area again."

Lieutenant General Tsuru drank a cup of tea and said slowly.

"I heard that something big happened on the side of the city, all the criminals have disappeared, and the turmoil inside has not subsided, Blackbeard has broken in strongly, Sengoku, do you need me to go?"

In this case, Karp naturally wants to stay away from Marin Fando, and he is already uncomfortable in the face of his grandson if he can't save him, so he naturally doesn't want to watch Ace die, if he stays here, he will definitely be unable to help but take action.

As for who to shoot against, it is not clear.


Looking at his old friend, Sengoku wanted to say something, but he wanted to stop talking, because Whitebeard was coming, Sengoku actually didn't want his old buddy to leave.

"It's noon...."

In the end, Karp still didn't leave, maybe he still hoped in his heart that if he had the opportunity, he still wanted to help his unsuccessful grandson.

This is a naval hero, a grandfather's humble love.

Three hours before the execution, Ace was finally escorted to Xingtai, which was a high torture platform, with the strongest metal and sea tower stone chains developed by the navy to prevent the strong from forcibly robbing the law field.

Ace was tied up and walked up the stairs step by step, but in his mind he thought of Luffy, what he said to Luffy back then:

"Luffy, in this life, we must live without regrets...."

"One day, I will go to sea and sail according to my own will...."

"Freer than anyone else....."

At least until now, Ace has no regrets.

And it seems that his short life is about to come to an end.

"Hey, everyone, look, Ace has come out and has been taken to the execution ground...."

The crowd was excited, and all the reporters were recording quickly.

Nothing was reported about Whitebeard, and the atmosphere above Marin Vandor was solemn.

And the time of Ace's execution is getting closer and closer, and the sea area in front of the half-moon-shaped Marin Fando is still calm.

"No matter what happens, it's only three hours, and all the famous naval officers have been summoned from all over the world, and by that time it's over, and there are 100,000 elite navy elites gathered here!!"

In Navy Square, senior generals are boosting the morale of junior soldiers.

50 warships have surrounded the half-moon-shaped Marinfando, and countless heavy cannons have been erected on the shore, which can directly sink the powerful firepower of the pirate ship, and in the shadows, the Warring States have left other backs.

Looking inside from the port, it was the Seven Martial Seas that were guarded, but the lazy style really didn't tell what would happen later.

And at the end of the square is the towering execution platform, and under the stage is the strongest force of the navy, the three generals!

"That's it, Karp, I'm going to announce everything!!"

At this time, in the office, because Whitebeard had not appeared for a long time, Sengoku decided to reveal Ace's biggest secret.

"Whatever you want, the old man is going down!"

After saying that, Karp walked straight to the bottom of the execution table, as if he was guarding, or guarding....

"Get out of the way!"

Sengoku went straight to the execution platform.

"Yes, Marshal!!"

Although it was very strange that the Warring States appeared at this time, the two executing navies still cooperated very well to get out of the way of Ace in the middle.

"Get the phone bug!!"

"Look, that's the Marshal of the Warring States, how did he appear on the execution table? Is he going to give Ace a ride himself? "

The navies below were amazed.

"Now, I'd like to announce to you a piece of information about Potkas. D. Ace, the significance of being sentenced to death today!! "

Karp stood under the execution table with an ugly face, as if he had turned a deaf ear to the words of the Warring States, at this time his heart was engaged in a battle between heaven and man, in the end, to save his grandson and betray his faith; Or be true to your faith and help execute your own grandson.

"Ace, name your father!!"

Sengoku's voice exploded in Ace's ears.

“....... My dad is Whitebeard!! "

Ace's resolute voice rang out in the square.

"When is it, why is the Marshal of the Warring States still bothering about Ace's father...."

There were many navies who did not understand what the Sengoku was doing at this time.

"No, it's not!!"

"That's right, my dad will only be Whitebeard, not anyone else!!"

"No, your birth was bought by your mother with her life. There is an island in the South China Sea, and your mother is Portcas. D. Rujiu, in order not to let the world government find out the child in the womb, used various methods to desperately delay Ace's birth date greatly. Desperate to protect your son, you spend 20 months in your mother's womb. So it's impossible not to know that your father is One Piece, and Gore Brown is the king of the pirates. D. Roger!! "

"What.... Ace is actually Roger's son, and he has the blood of sin..."

Now the whole world is frying....

"It's a miracle that his son survived..."

Moonlight Moria was very surprised when he heard the revelations of the Warring States, and said that he still admired Roger.

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