"Report to the warden that a large number of prisoners on the first and second basement floors have disappeared!!"

At this time, suddenly another jailer came to report.

"Huh? What's going on? Didn't you say that the Straw Hats had already reached the fourth basement floor? Why are there still changes on the first and second basement floors, and are there any suspicious characters? "

Magellan also wondered that he was the advancing city known as the Pirate Hell here, and what happened to him today, it was so lively.

"No anomalies have been found so far, but when I went to search for the injured jailers, I found that many prisons were empty!!"

The jailer continued to report that he appeared to be ignorant of Ao Long's movements.

"In that case, Chief Sadie Jailer, go check it out, Hannibal guard the door, I'll deal with the Straw Hat first!!"

Magellan directly carried a fishy wind of poisonous fruits and went straight to Luffy and the others.

Magellan, the director of the Deep Sea Prison Advancement City, is known as the "strongest man in the prison", his strength is almost close to that of the admiral, and he has a strong sense of responsibility.

Magellan is a superhuman poison fruit ability, poison people. Magellan exhaled poisonous gas from his mouth and released large amounts of highly toxic liquid from his body. He can form a poisonous dragon to pounce on the enemy, and the poisoned person will not die of poison on the spot, but will be tortured for a long time before dying, because his whole body is full of toxins, so his subordinates dare not get too close to him, even if it is a visitor, he must wear a gas mask beforehand.

Because it is a poisonous person, the exhaled breath is toxic, and the food to the mouth is also smoked and poisoned, so every time the poison is too strong to make itself unbearable, resulting in diarrhea, but it will not die.

The body is huge, the appearance is like Satan, and the two horns on the head are actually weapons, which can be taken off and held to attack, and the strength is very powerful.

Possess the power and ability to execute any prisoner in the city on the spot. He only worked four hours a day (excluding eating and sleeping time), nearly 10 hours of diarrhea (caused by food poisoning caused by the poisonous gas he exhaled), and 8 hours of sleeping. I care about bright open spaces, and the mantra is: I want a dark enclosed space, and if I can, it's better to close the mind with it. Even the phone bugs in the office were equipped with gas masks because of Magellan's ability characteristics.

"You're the imp who broke in, Straw Hat Luffy?"

Magellan looked at Luffy condescendingly, like a giant overlooking a dwarf, and the height gap between the two was too big.

"Oh ho ho ho ho ..... What a scary man, my Huangquan fruit can smell the poisonous gas emitted from him, everyone try not to get close to him!! "

Brooke is a skeleton, and he is also a person with the ability of the Yellow Spring Fruit, if you want to talk about poison, what is more poisonous than the water of Yellow Springs.

In other words, the Yellow Spring is not poisonous, but dissolves, dissolves all things, so ordinary toxins can only be assimilated into a part of the Yellow Spring, which means that Magellan may have met the attribute nemesis.

"Brooke, you're right, as far as I know, this person is the warden of Advance City, Magellan the Poison Man, a person with the ability to poison the fruit, and if you fight close to him, you will most likely be hurt by his toxin. This person belongs to the man with the second highest risk factor in Advance City, and he is invincible!! "

Nami hurriedly explained to everyone that in fact, these were all the science she pestered Ao Long to give her science before.

"Little girl, you just said that I was the second most dangerous man in the city, so I want to know who the first is!?"

Magellan wondered why this young-looking girl knew so much about her situation.

"First, it is said that it was your original chief guard here, Hiryu no Yu, who was said to have been brutally killed, so he was locked up in the lowest prison!!"

Nami seemed a little scared of Magellan, took two steps back, and hid behind Luffy and the others before speaking.

"Hiryu of the rain? That guy is indeed more dangerous than me, otherwise he would not have been imprisoned. Alright, boys, if you dare to trespass into the city, then, accept my sanctions!! "

Magellan had already given Luffy and the others enough time to react.

"Nami just said that this Magellan is a person with the ability of poisonous fruits, and Ao Long said that if my iron cloth shirt wants to become successful, it must be tempered by an extreme environment, which means that this Magellan may help my iron cloth shirt enter a deeper level at this time!!"

In an instant, many thoughts turned through Luffy's mind, and he knew that at this time, even a little improvement in his strength would be of great help to his rescue activities.

"Zoro, you take everyone and go on, this Magellan is handed over to me!!"

Luffy said to Zoro beside him, and he himself had already rushed up.

I saw that Luffy's armed domineering spirit opened directly, and his entire right arm turned into a jet-black balloon fist, bombarding Magellan fiercely.

"Let's go, everyone!!"

For Luffy, the captain, Zoro has always fully trusted him, so he didn't say a word with Kirby. Sanji changed direction and opened the way.

"Do you think you can go? Look at me, Poison Mist!! "

Magellan directly used his range attack move, only to see a purple-black poisonous mist rising from behind him, like a miasma, quickly permeating the entire space.

"It's just a poisonous fog, it seems that I'm not afraid, everyone go quickly, I'll stay and help Luffy!!"

Just when everyone thought it was going to be over, Brooke suddenly stood in front of everyone, only to see a yellow-green light flash on his skeleton, like a reincarnated whirlpool, slowly gathering all the poisonous mist in the air and absorbing it into his bones.

"Oh ho, it looks like my bones have become harder, are these toxins a tonic for my Huangquan fruit?"

Brooke's skull mouth, nose, ears and eyes turned into airflow channels, and I saw that streams of yellow spring qi diffused, directly blocking Magellan's poisonous mist, and finally forming a clear boundary, and it was obvious that the yellow spring qi was absorbing the poisonous mist and growing.

"Okay, let's go, just leave it to Brooke and Luffy here, with Brooke here, that Magellan should have met his nemesis!!"

Kirby immediately discovered the cold aura of Yellow Springs on Brooke's body, and directly beckoned his partners to flee, after all, there is an ice hell below.

At this time, Magellan, who was shrouded in the poisonous mist, had not yet discovered the abnormality on the edge, and in his opinion, when the poisonous fog dissipated, Luffy and his gang would definitely be poisoned directly.

"Haha, as I expected, these poisonous gases have a stimulating effect on my iron cloth shirt!!"

But Magellan didn't have long to be complacent, and a big fist with an armed color and domineering hit him on the head, and Luffy's voice came from his ears.

"What is an iron cloth shirt?? He can resist the erosion of poisonous gas, and he can attack me, what an amazing young man, but I don't think I can win in this way..... Look at my poisonous dragon!! "

Due to the anti-toxicity of the armed color domineering, coupled with the anti-toxicity of the iron cloth shirt, Luffy did not fall down at the first time, on the contrary, he also had the ability to fight back, which was indeed unexpected by Magellan!

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