"Ghost spider, I didn't expect you to die in the hands of two female streamers like this, it's a pity that you have such a prestige!!"

Lieutenant General Kong Ming, who was in the rear, shook his white feather fan and watched as the ghost spider was killed.

You must know that the generals of the Navy Headquarters are not monolithic, and these lieutenant generals are obviously still competitors, so Kong Ming did not rescue the ghost spider, on the contrary, he felt that he was very happy that he had one less opponent.

Of course, he is not a fool who is known for his resourcefulness, and being able to kill the ghost spider fully shows that the sword level of Ao Long's left and right swordsmen is very strong, and with such a powerful subordinate, how strong the master is, a dark cloud shrouded Lieutenant General Kong Ming's heart.

Of course, in order to leave a handle, Lieutenant General Kong Ming knew that he had to make a move, Lieutenant General Kong Ming had three long beards and a Celestial Empire-style robe, but he was very stylish, he was better at the Navy Six-style, armed color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering, the white feather fan in his hand was covered by his armed color domineering, which can basically be said to be as sharp as mud.

"The little girl dared to commit such a heinous crime, murdered my vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and gave me death!!"

I saw Lieutenant General Kong Ming soaring into the air like a crane, but the white feather fan in his hand was jet black, and he swept towards Dusty with a hidden murderous intent, for people like Kong Ming, persimmons are naturally soft pinching.

"Damn, do you think I'm a bully?"

Dusty was already injured, and when he looked at the look in Kong Ming's eyes, which obviously felt that he was easier to deal with than Guina, he became angry.

"Hmph, I wasn't going to use it at this time, but Vice Admiral, you successfully provoked my aunt and grandmother!!"

I saw Dusty take out a fairy bean directly from the pocket of his samurai robe, tilt his head and swallow it, and soon the wound on his shoulder healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Huh? What kind of bean is that, it can actually make the wound heal instantly, if you can get it, wouldn't it mean that you will have an extra life at any time in the future!! "

Kong Ming's fan was blocked by Dusty's Fire Phoenix Sword, but he saw the effect of Dusty taking immortal beans, and secretly planned in his heart.

A person with a smart mind likes to calculate, but if he calculates too much, he is prone to make mistakes.

"Little girl, hand over the beans in your hand, I will spare you from death!!"

Kong Ming fell to the ground, shook the white feather fan in his hand, and said confidently.

"Oh, if you want fairy beans, defeat me first!!"

Dusty's kendo level is naturally not bad, and although Kong Ming's strength is a lieutenant general, his force value is definitely not as good as that of the ghost spider, so Dusty is actually stuck with Kong Ming's battle alone.

On the other side, Virgo, I don't know when his opponent has been changed from Crab B to Hancock.

"Aromatic Feet!!"

Hancock kicked directly at Virgo's armed domineering bamboo pole, only to see that the originally pitch-black bamboo pole was instantly petrified.

"Your Majesty's Seven Martial Seas, such a powerful strength, such a weird ability!!"

Virgo looked at the bamboo pole that had turned into a stone stick, and threw it away, he knew that the armed color domineering on the bamboo pole could no longer stop Han Cook, and he directly began to deal with this king with his bare hands.

"It's a bit ambitious, but it's a pity that your fists will become rubble!!"

Still fragrant feet, Hancock seems to have petrified this trick when it is touched, and it has been practiced to the point of perfection when it is touched into gravel.

Virgo was sweating like rain under Hancock's repeated attacks, and he could feel his physical strength being greatly overdrawn.

"Very good armed color domineering, let the concubine see how long you can hold on!!"

Hancock saw that every time his petrified power was covered by the power of Virgo's whole body on his fist, forming a powerful armed color domineering, he knew that this defensive method could not last.


Sure enough, under Hancock's incessant petrification ability, like water dropping through a stone, and like a stormy wave, Virgo's entire arm that met Hancock's fragrant foot turned into a stone, and was then kicked and shattered by Hancock!

Hancock was never soft on Ao Long's enemy, let alone the remnants of the Don Quixote family, and in the end, Hancock directly kicked Virgo's head into a pile of stone dust and scattered it in the wind.

"Alright, Guina, hurry up and help Dusty deal with that navy, it's time for the end!!"

Hancock looked at Dusty, who was still fighting hard over there, and said directly to Guina, who was watching the play on the sidelines.

"Oh, well, I've always wanted to help!!"

In the end, Vice Admiral Kong Ming from the Navy Headquarters naturally did not escape the encirclement and suppression of the Guigu vertical and horizontal swordsmanship, and fell gloriously on the combination of Qingluan Fire and Phoenix swords.

In this battle, the five vice admirals of the navy can be said to be wiped out, and the only surviving vice admiral Peach Rabbit, who came to find a lover, has already figured it out over the years, and can abandon his career for love.

The World Government's CP8 was wiped out, and the two top combat gargoyles of CP7 became Ao Long's Cave Celestial Guest, and the grass sword had also turned into a handful of nourishment to promote the growth of the Cave World.

And Ao Long naturally won't kill them all, but still let go of some frightened navies, after all, his prestige still has to be spread.

This is called that those who dare to stretch out their claws to him will be cut off, as long as it is his Ao Long's things, he will not let go, and no one should try to occupy them.

As for this Fish-Man Island, he can't look down on it anymore, so he will leave an empty shell for Princess Otohime and the Great Knight King Neptune.

Soon, under the call of the left minister, the right minister and the prime minister of the original dragon palace, all the fish-people and mermaids who were willing to follow in Ao Long's footsteps were all gathered in the square of Fish-Man Island, and all of them were received by Ao Long in the East China Sea of Longzhu Cave Heaven.

"Prime Minister Turtle, let everyone multiply here in the future, I, as the creator god here and the only dragon god, will bless everyone!!"

Told Prime Minister Gui Cheng and the left minister and the right minister, some characteristics of Longzhu Dongtian, let them and those naval prisoners next to each other, if you look from the sky, you will find that this is the Ryukyu Islands in China.

A day later, the World Government and the Navy sent a large army to Fish-Man Island again, and found that Fish-Man Island was dilapidated and deserted, with only a few trash fish roaming, and the navy corpses all over the ground seemed to be wordlessly mocking the incompetence of the navy.

At the same time, the daily navigation newspaper also showed the tragic situation at the scene, the loss of the world government, and the results of the war in the Canghai County, and the entire pirate world was in an uproar.

This was a slap in the face of the five old stars, the two special teams, the fleet led by the five vice admirals, were killed before the main master appeared.

Not only did the purpose of wanting Liwei not be achieved, but the faces of the five old stars are still crackling.

"Waste, all of them are waste, a small Ao Long, who went to so many people, with such a high standard of configuration, couldn't take it, and was wiped out!! Rubbish!!! "

Mary Joya, the office of the five old stars, Sengoku listened to the roars and accusations of the five old stars with a blank face.

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