No matter what the outside world thinks of this matter, Fish-Man Island is already boiling over.

In the Crystal Palace, Olbia, Robin, and Monet are in the central command.

An hour before the confrontation between Fish-Man Island Ghost Spider, Kong Ming, and Virgo and Crab A and Crab B.

"Monet, let's see if there is still a navy on Fish-Man Island!"

Olbia looked at the surveillance video, which had a clear view of Canghai County, which meant that all the war scenes were clearly visible, whether it was Fish-Man Island or Water.

"Well, another 100,000 troops from the Navy have come in, and it seems to be the troops of the G-5 branch of the Navy!"

Monet said that it seems that the navy's investment this time is really large, you must know that the navy of the G-5 branch is used to suppress the pirates of the New World, and it can be said that they are the elite of the elite.

"Well, it seems that the navy is all here, rule Karaken, directly guard the exit of Fish-Man Island, take those giant sea beasts, from now on, the entire Canghai County is allowed to enter or leave!"

Ao Long, who was supposed to be in retreat, sat on the couch above and said to Monet.

"Well, okay, I'll let them know!"

Looking at the magnificent battle scene in the video, Monet also felt his blood boiling.

In front of the palace wall of the Crystal Palace, Princess Otohime and the people of Shark Star and CP7 stared at the gate of the Crystal Palace, and they had already set up a formation.

In the Dragon Palace City, Neptune sat in his chair, as if he was thinking deeply, and seemed to be waiting, but this time, he still chose not to come forward directly.

"Princess Otohime, I think it's time to start!"

The leader of CP7, the mercenary fruit ability, can make a gargoyle, has a strong defense and attack power, and is nicknamed "Gargoyle", it can be said that he alone has thousands of troops, has the strength of the general level, and is also the most powerful in CP7.

The world government wants to control Fish-Man Island, and naturally does not want Princess Otohime to have too many armed forces in her hands, so the gargoyle is not ready to use his own power at the beginning, but is ready to let the warriors of Canghai County suffer from internal friction.

"Well, then let's listen to Gargoyle-sama, that one is ready to attack, Shark Star, this battle is under your command!"

Although he loves his son, Otohime knows that prestige is still very important in order to sit on the throne, and then this opportunity is just to completely control the Royal Forest Army.

I saw the armored shark star striding to the front of the army, pulling out his sword, and pointing diagonally ahead, that is, on the palace wall of the Crystal Palace.

"Archers prepare, release arrows!!"

I saw that at this moment, the arrows were like flying locusts, covering the sky and the sun, of course, there was no sun in the water, and above the sky was the blue seabed, and I saw tens of thousands of arrows flying up, drawing a big parabola.

Seeing that he was about to fall on the palace wall of the Crystal Palace, the shrimp armor who only listened shouted loudly:

"Shieldman! Manage! "

I saw that the Praetorian Guards on the palace wall directly erected a two-person-high shield, and the entire palace wall was forcibly raised a few meters.

"Praetorian Guard, scatter!!"

Seeing that he had blocked a wave of attacks, Shrimp B directly let the archers in the Praetorian Guard start to shoot back through the gaps in the shield, because they are condescending, so the lethality is much higher than that of the arrows shot by Shark Star.

"Damn Shrimp A and Shrimp B, they don't know the times, and they dare to sabotage my plan like this!"

Princess Otohime looked at the soldiers who had been shot and immediately knew that it would not work like this.

"No, it looks like we still have to use the weapons supported by the World Government!"

Shark Star looked at the current situation and knew that he had to use guns to collapse the palace wall, because the Canghai Country has always belonged to the bottom of the sea and was relatively wet, so the weapons were biased towards cold weapons, and this time for this war, the world government also specially supported a large number of weapons.

"Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, it seems that the strength of these soldiers on Fish-Man Island is not very good, and we will have to rely on it later, I hope you don't leave it at that time!"

The lieutenant general of the tea dolphin didn't know when, and he turned to the peach rabbit again.

"Hmph, you can take care of yourself, I have my own measure!"

Peach Rabbit flicked his long sleeves and returned directly to his army.

"Damn Ao Long, this time I must let you die!!"

The tea dolphin looked at the plump and enchanting figure of the peach rabbit, the cold tone, the eyes became more and more red, and he hated Ao Long even more.

"Someone, inform that Princess Otohime, and say that my Lieutenant General Cha Dolphin is ready to shoot, let our gunners get ready!"

It seems that he is ready to ignore CP7's plan to retain his strength, and it is also true that CP7's people are not in the eyes of his Lieutenant General Cha Dolphin.

On Fish-Man Island, the ghost spider and the crab armor have already been matched, and Virgo can also be crab B, but Vice Admiral Kong Ming, who doesn't seem to have any intention of making a move, shakes his feather fan and looks on coldly, the navy and the Praetorian Guard under his hand have been fighting like a river of blood, and the ruins of buildings can be seen everywhere on the entire Fish-Man Island.

"Guina, Dusty, two agents from CP8 have appeared on Fish-Man Street, you guys go and solve it!!"

On the observation tower, Han Cook saw the CP8 members who were causing turmoil on the other side of Fishman Street, and directly gave the battle order.

"Hancock, who am I targeting?"

Seeing Guina and Dusty both walking away with their swords, Bonnie put down the chicken leg in her mouth and asked.

"You go to the square and stare at that Lieutenant General Kong Ming, I always feel that he is not so simple, so I will leave it to you."

Hancock pointed to Kong Ming, who was still leisurely shaking a feather fan in the field, and said, this vice admiral gave Hancock a feeling of facing the Warring States.

"Then let the concubine take a look, what kind of ability do you have, you dare to stir up such a big storm in Lord Aolong's territory!"

Han Cook looked at the most prosperous street on Fish-Man Island, where the leader of CP8 finally appeared, the origami fruit ability, who can fold various monsters and animals through paper to attack, and can also make playing card soldiers, and he is also a master of armed color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering, and is particularly proficient in paper painting in the navy six styles. People give nicknames, paper emperors, and he is also a strong man comparable to the strength of a general.

And at this time, the Paper Emperor is in the most prosperous place on Fish-Man Island, using his ability to fold out a bunch of playing card soldiers, destroying buildings at will, killing civilians, they are different from the navy, they can really do anything for the purpose.

Because of the geographical conditions, Fish-Man Island must be controlled by the world government, so the original things that can be erased must be erased, anyway, on Fish-Man Island, human beings can also live freely.

"Hey, hey, princess Otohime, stupid fish-people, do you really think that you lowly animals are also qualified to be equal to us humans? Ethnic harmony .... Hahaha, it's ridiculous....."

Paper monsters and giants are derived from the ability of the Paper Emperor, and they have begun to open and kill the fishmen on the island, you must know that he is actually an extreme racist, over the years, in order to achieve the goal and complete the task, he has been disguised in front of Princess Otohime for a long time, and now it's okay, and finally the plan is about to start, and he can also attack unscrupulously.

The most difficult thing to deal with Canghai is to get started, since the door of Fish-Man Island is open like the world government, then Fish-Man Island at this time is already like a helpless girl, at the mercy of the world government!

The strongest fortresses are often unable to withstand destruction from within.

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