Thanks to fengpo80 for the flower tip! Thanks for the flower tip!

"Peach Rabbit, let me tell you, this time the world government is really moving, you must not show mercy to that Ao Long's men!"

The Navy Headquarters, Marin Fando, and Vice Admiral Tea Dolphin have been doing ideological work around Peach Rabbit, but he heard that this Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit went out to find Ao Long some time ago.

"Okay, I know what I'm doing, Vice Admiral Cha Dolphin, if nothing happens, please go back to your battleship, we're about to leave."

Looking at the tea dolphin that has been buzzing around like a fly, Peach Rabbit is impatient, all these years have passed, she has never been able to let go of Ao Long in her heart, and the tea dolphin has not stopped confessing to her.

Peach Rabbit clearly knows that this tea dolphin is merry and happy outside, and she is a frequent visitor to various places, and she hates this very much.

However, when he thought that Ao Long was also surrounded by all the beauties, Peach Rabbit was a little angry.

"Ao Long, this time the world government has laid a net against you, I don't know if you can hide from the past, and I don't know how to manage your own inside, and even let your subordinates have such an existence as a traitor!"

Although complaining about Ao Long, Peach Rabbit couldn't help but worry about Ao Long.

On the other side, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider and Lieutenant General Kong Ming, who was shaking a feather fan, were communicating together.

"I heard that this time to deal with that Ao Long, the world government dispatched CP7 and CP8? This is a big deal, as far as I know, these two organizations are one of the important hole cards in the hands of the five old stars. "

The ghost spider said to Kong Ming, he knew that Lieutenant General Kong Ming was good at resourcefulness and analysis, and he also wanted to hear the advice and ideas of this colleague who was known for his brains.

"Well, it should be that Ao Long has a reputation for justice over the years, but some of the things he has done have greatly damaged the interests of the five old stars, if he hadn't disappeared for a long time after every major event, maybe the world government would have been dispatched a long time ago!"

Kong Ming shook the feather fan, looked at the vast sea, and said slowly.

"Oh, is Lieutenant General Kong Ming talking about the Dressrosa incident and the Alabastan incident?"

The ghost spider still knows a lot about some of the legendary stories of Ao Long, after all, the Navigation Daily still has a large market today.

"The original Dressrosa incident can be regarded as igniting the powder keg of the new world, you must know that since the Dressrosa incident, the entire new world is like a boiling pot, whether it is the appearance of the golden lion or the rebellion of so many countries supported by underground trade, it was caused by Ao Long, and the two Seven Martial Seas were folded in Ao Long's hands one after another, slapping the five old stars in the face."

Kong Ming looked like a strategist, his slender fingers brushed the goose feather fan, and a floating temperament was spontaneous.

"No matter why, anyway, this time there are CP people rushing to the front, so we can do a good job of protection and sweep the tail."

Kong Ming tactfully reminded the ghost spider that with his keen sense of war, this time the matter is not as simple as it seems, and the people who are also good at scheming know that Ao Long is not as simple as it seems, because he had dealt with Doflamingo back then, it was not an ordinary Seven Martial Seas, even he folded into Ao Long's hands, and CP estimated that it would be difficult to please.

It's a pity that the ghost spider doesn't care about this, and there is also a eager tea dolphin lieutenant general, you must know that because the tea dolphin is a candidate for the general, the ghost spider will still give the tea dolphin a little thin noodles on many tasks, and before this operation, the tea dolphin found the ghost spider and asked him to die this time.

CP8, as a special force arranged by the world government to lurk in Canghai County, has only two tasks over the years, one is to subvert Ao Long's rule over Fish-Man Island, and the other is to explore the technical information of the water capital, you must know that it is not possible for anyone to build a city on the bottom of the sea at 10,000 meters, at least the current world government has not achieved it.

You must know that if this technology is obtained by the world government, it means that they can spread their ruling tentacles all over the world of pirates, and both the stability of the regime and the prestige of the government will rise to a higher level.

Fish-Man Island, under the arrangement of Princess Otohime, the second prince Huangxing has already opened the door to customs clearance, only to see the navy's coated warships sail into Fish-Man Island one by one, and Virgo also brought his subordinates to actively respond to the battle, you must know that he has always planned to find a chance to avenge his old lord Doflamingo, and this time he finally let him wait for the opportunity.

And the pirates who came and went, as soon as they saw this battle, they knew that something big would definitely happen to Fish-Man Island and Ao Long's territory, and those who should evacuate should be evacuated as soon as possible, and those who should be hid should be hidden.

There is no need for the navy to clear the field, seeing the fleet of naval warships, those pirates are very consciously cleared, providing a good stage for the next big war.

At the same time, the news of the navy's siege of Fish-Man Island also reached the sea at the speed of light.

And the people of CP7-CP8, under the leadership of Princess Otohime, went directly to the gate of Ao Long's Crystal Palace.

She was followed by her eldest son, Shark Star, and 100,000 Guards.

"Princess Otohime, what are you going to do?"

Minister Zuo saw Otohime's momentum coming, and immediately realized that something bad might be happening.

"We want to enter the Crystal Palace and drive Ao Long out of Canghai County, over the years, Ao Long is basically not in this country, he is negligent in government affairs, and he is not worthy of being this king! He should be given back to Neptune!! "

Princess Otohime held a crested cane, put on a posture of the mother of the country, and said to Minister Zuo, who was stopping everyone in front of her.

"Since His Majesty Ao Long took power, the national strength of the entire Canghai Country has been thriving, and the changes he has brought to this country are obvious to all, please don't mess around, please go back quickly!"

Minister Zuo is still trying to persuade him, and now under the hard work of government affairs, Minister Zuo has obviously more gray hair on his head than when Ao Long was in power.

"Minister Zuo, I think you were also a loyal minister under Neptune, and your family has inherited the position of Minister Zuo for several generations and served the family of the Great Knight King, shouldn't you support my decision?"

Princess Otohime scolded loudly, it seems that if Minister Zuo stops him at this time, he will be so deceitful and rebellious.

"Okay, Minister Zuo, we are already old, these things are not something that our ministers can interfere with, let's step back first, I believe that these things will be handled by the generals."

Just when Minister Zuo was about to say something, Prime Minister Gui, who had already received the notice in advance, hurriedly stepped forward to persuade and pulled Minister Zuo to retreat.

"Princess Otohime, since you want to support Neptune to become the king of Canghai County again, then show your true skills! Let's also let a few brothers see whether the Royal Forest Army is powerful or our Praetorian Guard is smart! "

After seeing that the turtle immortals and all the ministers had retreated, Shrimp A and Shrimp B took 100,000 Praetorian Guards to the palace wall of the Crystal Palace, directly overlooking the low shark stars and the royal forest army.

At this time, the vice admirals on Fish-Man Island also began to attack the defenders stationed in Ao Long, and some submarines and other weapons were all on the field, leaving 100,000 Janissaries here in Ao Long.

The horn of war has sounded!

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