In Ryugu Castle, in the palace of Princess Otohime, a group of former ministers' henchmen and secret agents of the world government are gathered.

"Otohime, I think that since His Majesty Ao Long took power, the development of Fish-Man Island has been thriving, and there is no need for us to carry out a coup d'état!"

Neptune, the Great Knight King, still admonished Otohime very gently, because he always had a feeling of being unable to see through Ao Long, which was caused by a huge gap in strength between the mountains.

"No, even if you don't care, but Shark Star and they have all grown up, don't you think about the three of them? Only by using your reputation to regain control of Fish-Man Island can you give Shark a better future. "

Princess Otohime resolutely objected, you must know that she is now not just the hot-blooded Princess Otohime of Akagi, after losing power, seeing her three sons enjoying the treatment of ordinary people on Fish-Man Island, coupled with the provocation and promise of the world government, she has now become a slave of maternal love.

The Great Knight King is a little cowardly in coordinating his family, or in fact, he is looking forward to returning to the top in his heart, because the few people in front of him give him a lot of confidence.

"Great Knight King, don't worry, we have dispatched an elite special team this time to help Princess Otohime complete the coup d'état, and we will even have mysterious support if necessary."

This is the leader of the CP8 organization, the secret service organization of the World Government, who went on to infiltrate Fish-Man Island after CP0's defeat, and unlike CP0, they waited until five years after Ao Long left Fish-Man Island before they began to release their tentacles.

Over the years, CP8 has reached an agreement with Otohime, or rather, with the help of CP8, the entire Imperial Forest Army has been eroded a lot, and all kinds of plans have been formulated with their help.

Originally, Jinping was also in the scope of their wooing, but the chivalrous Jinping has always been loyal to Ao Long, so it has not been successful, and it happened that Ao Long's order came, so that Jinping left the Imperial Forest Army and went to do the Seven Martial Seas.

"The Great Knight King doesn't have any psychological burden, since that Ao Long likes to be a pirate and wanders around, I don't care if I hand over the ruling rights of Fish-Man Island."

It seems that in order to put a coat of justice on the rebellious actions of himself and others, the people of CP8 tried their best to admonish the Great Knight King.

"No, as far as I know, His Majesty Ao Long's strength is no worse than that of a general, even if we are together, it is impossible to succeed."

Compared to Princess Otohime's madness to overthrow Ao Long and put himself on the throne, Neptune still wants to see how much power the world government has in this.

"Hehe, don't worry, the Great Knight King, when the time comes, Vice Admiral Cha Dolphin, Vice Admiral Vilgo, Vice Admiral Kong Ming, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, and Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit from our Navy Headquarters will lead the troops to support, so don't worry, this time Ao Long will be unable to escape no matter what."

It seems that the Navy Headquarters has really worked hard this time, although they are all vice admirals, but they are all extremely strong, and even the current Tea Dolphin, Peach Rabbit and Kong Ming are all reserved as admirals, and these five people have a common characteristic, that is, they are not Devil Fruit abilities, that is to say, they are all masters of physical skills who are skilled in the use of the Navy Six Styles and the Armed Color Domineering and Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering.

"We'll have to wait, it's best if Ao Long leaves again, and it will take time for Shark to take control of the Guards."

Neptune still hopes that this matter can be safer, maybe in his heart, he is starting to feel a little uneasy about such a big battle with the world government of the sword, to put it mildly, since the world government has dispatched so many troops, is the Fish-Man Island that was defeated still his Neptune's?

"Actually, I have another way!!"

At this time, the crazy Princess Otohime said suddenly.

"Oh? I don't know what the princess has to suggest? "

CP8's agents know that if this plan is to succeed, it is inseparable from the help of Princess Otohime, so if there is a better way to solve this matter, why not do it, no one is willing to sacrifice too much.

"As far as I know, every time Ao Long, the king of the dragon, gets multiple copies of the devil fruit, he will enter a state of retreat, and this retreat also has a great risk, and if he is not careful, he will die."

This is what Monet told the princess when Ao Long was in retreat in the Crystal Palace, at that time Princess Otohime was still a righteous character, so Monet was defenseless against her, but now it is different, Princess Otohime feels that this is an Achilles heel of Otohime.

"Oh, I wonder what kind of Devil Fruit increases this risk?"

The world government has ruled this world for eight hundred years, and if you want to say that there is no shortage of devil fruits, you must know that in the eyes of the Tianlong people, the devil fruits are just toys, look at the three Hancock sisters, who were asked to eat the devil fruits by the Tianlong people for fun.

"It is said that if you want to be natural, and if you have conflicting attributes, the risk will increase!!"

Princess Otohime was holding her phoenix robe with both hands, and she was already a little crazy at this time, because the world government also promised that if this thing succeeded, then the Chambord Islands would also be handed over to her to rule, what a tempting cake!

"But what if His Majesty Ao Long's strength has increased because of this?"

Once again, Neptune objected, arguing that this was a foolish act of adversity.

"It is precisely because absorbing these Devil Fruits can promote the growth of strength, so Ao Long will definitely not be tempted, you must know that it will take a long time to absorb these Devil Fruits, and when the time comes, we will directly launch a coup d'état, I believe that in the case of the completion of the boat, with his reputation and temper of the Dragon King, he will definitely not be entangled with us more!!"

At this time, Princess Otohime actually pinned her safety after the completion of the incident on the good reputation and temper that Ao Long had built up for so many years, it seems that she had forgotten the bloody cleanup of Fishman Street when Ao Long was in power at the beginning.

"Okay, then it's decided, let's split up according to the plan, during this time, you control the Royal Forest Army as soon as possible, as well as the entry and exit passes of Fish-Man Island, and we will prepare the Devil Fruit, and we will contact the lieutenant generals to prepare for the station."

In the end, the leader of CP8 made a decision, after all, the fighter plane could not be delayed.

In the Crystal Palace, Ao Long is lying in Aya's arms, Monet is helping him massage, while in the field is the sword dance of Guina and Dusty, and there is Olbia's accompaniment, Hancock is peeling a grape from time to time and feeding it to him, and Robin is sorting out the information collected by Monet, wanting to analyze more problems.

"Okay, it seems that Fish-Man Island is still very calm during this time, do we need to show weakness to the enemy and paralyze each other, I don't think the fish will take the bait at all."

Ao Long said as he lay in Keya's arms, frowning as if he was quite dissatisfied with the actions of the World Government.

"You, now you are drunk every day, where do you need to show weakness to the enemy, it's just ridiculous!"

Robin looked up and teased Ao Long.

"Oh, immorality, I'll show you what real immorality is!!"

The breeze rose overnight, and the court was full of Xin Huachun.

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