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The sun is shining on the beach, the sky of One Piece World is always so blue, and Ao Long takes Robin from the West Sea directly through the windless underwater trade route back to Fish-Man Island in the New World.

Looking at the crowded Fish-Man Island, Robin can feel the hard work of Ao Long from this.

"Let's go, this time, I'll take you on a walk I walked back then."

Ao Long took Robin's hand and entered the Fish-Man Island below Eve of the Fish-Man Island, the sky of the Fish-Man Island is still the sunlight transmitted by the Sunny Tree, and the entire island has become a trading center, where you can see the soldiers of the Fish-Man Clan patrolling back and forth, and the pirates, navy, and merchants live in harmony here.

There are merchants selling along the street, and the shellfish products of the empty island have spread here, but unfortunately these shellfish can only grow in the white sea, and Qinghai cannot breed these magical shellfish, so they can only be imported from the empty island.

"The sea fish grilled by hot shellfish is crispy and delicious!! It's only ten Baileys!! "

A small cart, a scallop, and fish can be a mobile shop.

"Self-service KTV, 10 Bailey 5 songs!"

This is a self-service singing made of sound shells and sold along the way.

"I heard that the Great Knight King is going out on patrol today, let's hurry up and take a look, during the years that His Majesty the Dragon King has been away, thanks to the Great Knight King, we can have such a stable life!"

Ao Long, who was suddenly walking on the street, frowned when he heard someone in the fish-man clan discussing the matter of the Great Knight King's patrol.

"What's wrong? Brother Ao Long? "

Robin asked with concern, but as soon as she thought about it, she knew that it must have had a certain impact on Ao Long from the words just now.

"It's okay, let's go, let's go to the Crystal Palace to have a look, I've been here all these years, are some people restless."

It turned out that Fisher Tiger, a diehard member of Ao Long, suppressed the overall situation, so Canghai Country has always been very stable, since Fisher Tiger was brought to the Sky Island by Ao Long, among the rulers of Canghai Kingdom, Ao Long's diehard elements can only be said to be the Prime Minister of the Turtle, could it be said that the Great Knight King Neptune has something that should not be in mind.

Jinping has already left Fish-Man Island, and according to Ao Long's request, he has become one of the Seven Martial Seas, but fortunately, there are four more in charge of Shrimp A Shrimp B and Crab A Crab B for the convenience of the generals.

Ao Long went directly to the camp of the Imperial Forest Army and the Praetorian Guard, and directly beat the drums to gather the generals.

"Knock knock....."

"This is the drum beat of His Majesty's gathering generals, could it be that His Majesty is back!!"

"Let's go, Your Majesty must be back!!"

"Someone, quickly put on armor for me, Your Majesty is back!!"

When the soldiers arrived at the Chinese army camp, they found that it was indeed Ao Long sitting in the handsome position, next to Shrimp Shrimp B and Crab Crab B, and next to the handsome case was Robin holding a history book that never left his hand, standing aside like a copywriter.

"Sure enough, His Majesty is back, why is there no news at all?"

"Is something wrong, why didn't the four generals give us any news?"

When the soldiers saw this scene, they all speculated whether something had happened, and they saw Ao Long sitting on top of the handsome case, with a solemn expression.

"Okay, don't speculate, let's ask Your Majesty to give orders."

Shrimp A and Shrimp B stood up and shouted in unison.

Under the authority of the two, all the soldiers quieted down.

"I heard that there has been a bit of turmoil in Canghai Country recently, and all of you here are people who are in charge of military power in my Canghai Country, and it is a matter of national security, so you should have something to tell me."

When the soldiers heard Ao Long say this, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

"Report to Your Majesty, I heard that there are a lot of people from the World Government on Fish-Man Island recently!"

Suddenly, one of the generals stood up and told a piece of information.

"Oh, when did Fish-Man Island become a sieve, and people from the World Government can come and go at will."

As soon as Ao Long heard the news, he felt that the matter of Fish-Man Island must be behind the world government, but he didn't know what those old guys wanted to do.

"Report to Your Majesty, in recent years, with the improvement of the trade status of Fish-Man Island, it has been called the Golden City in the mouths of outsiders, so traders and all walks of life from all over the world have come here to exchange and gather, and there are naturally some places where work cannot be done when there are more people."

At this time, a general stood up and explained.

"Well, who are you, looking familiar?"

Ao Long looked at the large shark mermaid general in front of him, and Ao Long felt that he had seen it somewhere.

"Report to Your Majesty, I am the eldest son of Neptune, the Grand Knight King."

Neptune is no longer the king of Fish-Man Island, and Sharkstar is naturally not a prince, under the rule of Ao Long, Sharkstar has become a high-ranking general of the Royal Forest Army with his own skills.

He bowed to Ao Long without being humble or arrogant, and proudly stated his identity, while Ao Long read his pride in Neptune and Otohime from his tone, it seems that unlike the original book, Shark Star, who has lost his position as a prince, seems to have a different mind.

"Okay, as a soldier, your duty is to guard the security of Canghai Country, and the patrol places during this time must be fully covered, since Jinping is not here, this Royal Forest Army will be temporarily handed over to Shark Star to be in charge."

Some adjustments have been made to the military control, and unlike the Praetorian Guard, there are a mixture of dragons and snakes in the Royal Forest Army, or many of them are native fish-people, not the alien water tribes subdued by Ao Long, so in the Royal Forest Army, Neptune, the great knight king, is still very marketable, otherwise he will definitely not be able to become a high-level general with the strength of the shark star.

Take it in advance and deal with it first, this is Ao Long's strategy, no matter what conspiracy and trickery, it is all a joke in the face of absolute strength, since everyone is touting Neptune, then give Neptune a gust of wind and see what he wants to do.

"It's... Shark Star is not strong enough to serve as the commander of the Royal Forest Army, please take back your life! "

When Shark Star heard that Ao Long was going to promote him to the high-ranking position of commander of the Imperial Forest Army, the expression on his face changed several times, and it seemed that after some struggle, he still knelt in front of Ao Long, and he couldn't give up.

"The widow said you can do it, you can do it, after all, you are the eldest son of the Great Knight King, and it is time to take on some burdens, I believe that other commanders of the Royal Forest Army will also support your work."

Ao Long sat on top of the throne, and did not step forward to help the shark star, but carried out Neptune's honor.

"Subordinates, obey Your Majesty's orders!!"

Sure enough, the other Guards bowed down one after another, and several of the older Fishman Commanders were visibly happy.

"Then, Shark Star will definitely do his best to make the Royal Forest Army stronger!"

In the end, Shark Star did not continue to postpone and gave Ao Long a salute, even if he took the burden, but the Shark Star who lowered his head did not see the smile on Ao Long's mouth.

"Okay, there's nothing to do, let's go down and adjust, and also, strengthen the supervision of Fish-Man Island during this time!"

"Your Majesty's Holy Order!!"

After everyone had withdrawn, Robin walked up to Ao Long's side and asked softly:

"Brother Ao Long, those Imperial Forest Army don't look right, if you do this, will you....."

Needless to say, Ao Long can understand it.

"Hehe, if you want to have a big battle, you can't all be new soldiers, you must see blood!"

The calm words revealed endless slaughter, and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals on the side all lowered their heads, when they didn't hear anything.

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