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In the capital of seven waters, after Luffy and his party returned from the Sky Island, under the guidance of Fisher Tiger and others, everyone's strength has improved.

However, following the updraft from Sky Island caused their pirate ship Golden Merry to be severely damaged, and the Straw Hats had to face the fate of needing to replace the pirate ship, so they went to the City of Seven Waters to find the best shipbuilder to see if they could help them build a ship.

At the same time, the CP9 agent team lurking in the capital of seven waters has been lurking here for a long time in order to obtain the blueprint of the "Hades".

The Straw Hats are like a-stirring stick, which will muddy this pool of stagnant waters in the capital of seven waters, and a series of stories will occur from this.

Of course, these are all things that Ao Long does not pay attention to, since returning to the Chambord Islands, Ao Long has either stayed overnight at the left and right swordsmen of Guina and Dusty, who look like twins, or slept with Monet, Keya, and Bonie, of course, Olbia and Hancock have not escaped the clutches of Ao Long.

But only Robin, every time Ao Long wanted to get closer, he was avoided by Robin, so the big thing in front of Ao Long was to appease the harem, how could a house be uneven and the world would be peaceful.

"Ao Long, I have a suggestion, I don't know if you listen to it."

On this day, in Olbia's quilt, the white arms were exposed, and there were faint green eyebrows looming, it turned out that today was the day when Ao Long stayed here in Olbia overnight.

"Well, is it about Robin?"

Ao Long knew that Olbia had seen his relationship with Robin in the past few days, and it would definitely be false to say that he was not in a hurry.

I heard Olbia whisper:

"The two of you have known each other since childhood, and for you, the best memories are in O'Hara, and if you take her back to the old place, it is likely that you will remember the sweetness of being together when you were children."

is worthy of a woman with a story, and the suggestion Ao Long thinks is very pertinent.

"Well, then I'll take Robin back to the West Sea tomorrow, and I'll ask Capone Becky to prepare."

The next day, under the reluctant eyes of the women, Ao Long set off with Robin, this time Robin didn't seem to resist so much, and it was only long after leaving the Chambord Islands that he heard Robin's leisurely voice coming:

"Finally, Brother Ao Long belongs to Robin alone....."

As he spoke, Robin put his arms around Ao Long, as if he was afraid that he would leave her again.

It turns out that in the field of love, everyone is selfish, as an intellectual beauty with arrogance, Robin naturally hopes that Ao Long only belongs to her, but she knows that this is impossible, but fortunately, at this moment, Ao Long's side, she is alone.

A few days ago, the red-haired pirates on the Chambord Islands, after seeing the red-haired complete arms, were very happy to hold a celebratory banquet at Xia Qi's bamboo bar to celebrate their emperor, the red-haired Shanks' strength has reached a new level again, and their territory can be expanded again.

Only the calm vice-captain Ben Beckman walked up to the red-haired Shanks and asked quietly:

"You really promised that guy Ao Long, and when the time comes, deal with the five old stars? It was an existence that had not died for more than 800 years, and it was not as easy to deal with as imagined. "

Shanks poured himself a glass of wine, then filled it again with Beckman and himself, and then said heroically:

"The eldest husband lives for a lifetime, but only death, what is there to worry about, not to mention, I am very interested in killing the five old stars, hahahahahaha..... Come on, drink!! "

Beckman was speechless about Shanks's thick lines, but is Shanks really thick lines, look at the Luffy he was looking for, if you want to say that there are thousands of villages in the East China Sea, he doesn't live in Zoro's village, he doesn't live in Usopp's village, he doesn't live in Nami's village, so he chose Luffy's village.

In addition, Dorag was already the leader of the revolutionary army at that time, and with Xia Qi, a big secret agent, by his side, it was very easy for Shanks to know Luffy's identity, so it can be said that Shanks was the best and farthest person to play chess in the original book.

That straw hat, like a tight spell, always reminds the young Luffy not to forget the agreement between the two and the dream of becoming the king of the pirates, a boy who has no parents by his side is naturally determined to be a pirate and anti-navy under the self-hypnosis of many years.

West Sea, above O'Hara's hometown, the place where the Tree of Omniscience was located was lush again, and a military town had once again been formed here, looking at the streets where people came and went, Robin snuggled his neck tightly against Ao Long's body, just like two lovers who fell in love for the first time here, and returned to the campus of their first love again, and a period of memories came to mind.

"Robin, here's the grilled fish I made..."

"Robin, we'll move out in the future, you don't have to be bullied anymore....."

"Robin, I will definitely become stronger, let me protect you in the future..."

"Robin, look, this is my harvest today, a sea king, eat it, you can definitely grow up quickly, and marry me as a wife when the time comes....."

"Robin, you take everyone to go first, I'm blocking the navy here, don't worry, what kind of demon slaying order is this, for me, it's just a chicken and a dog....."

The stories of the past always come to my heart like waves, breaking Robin's frozen heart over the years and the mental defense line built up step by step.

Olbia's plan worked, and as Ao Long toured from place to place, Ao Long could feel Robin's hand holding him harder, and the two of them got closer.

The two of them walked from the street to the alley, from day to night. Before he knew it, Ao Long took Robin to the place where the two first met, and he helped Robin to sit down on the beach.

"Robin, you wait here, I'll go down and catch some fish and make dinner!"

After saying that, Ao Long plunged into the sea with a fierce son, and it was still the silver fish that the two met back then, but now for Ao Long, it is easy to catch a basket.

Robin stared at the sea quietly, as he had done then, full of worry, worried that Ao Long would be injured underwater, but after a while Ao Long reappeared in the waves, holding two silver fish in his hands, and seemed to be beckoning happily.

"Robin, let you try my roasting skills again today, have you regressed!"

As clean as it was back then, a bonfire was lit, and two fish were threaded on a branch and roasted skillfully.

After a while, the smell of grilled fish wafted in.

"Wow, what a fragrant grilled fish, Brother Ao Long, you are awesome!"

The memories of that year seemed to coincide with the scene in front of him, Ao Long peeled off the grilled fish little by little, removed the bones and fed it to Robin.

"Here, little Robin, how about a taste."

"Woo woo, delicious.... As long as it's made by Brother Ao Long, it's delicious..."

Before he knew it, Robin was eating the grilled fish again, but he was already in tears, and finally the emotions that had been suppressed for many years seemed to erupt all at once.

I saw Robin jump directly into Ao Long's arms and kiss Ao Long excitedly.

At the hometown of the acquaintance at the beginning of that year, two lovers who had been separated for many years once again ignited the fire in their hearts on the beach of O'Hara, in the context of touching the scene.

Fortunately, the beach at this time is very soft, and the temperature is not low, just like soft cotton wool, and the two people here begin to forget themselves and express their inner love.

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