Thank you for the sudden flower reward, thank you for the flower reward and praise encouragement of Fu'an, thank you for the flower reward and praise encouragement!

On the Chambord Islands, everyone is waiting for the return of Shanks and Ao Long.

At this time, Luffy and the others have already arrived at the Sky Island, looking at the splendor and prosperity on the Sky Island, and find that this place is not at all different from the rumors of the outside world, it is not at all like the appearance of isolation, although there is a group of people with wings, and there are many shellfish products, but the cultural gap between them and Qinghai is not too big.

This is naturally due to the fact that the three ruling ministers have changed the customs of the empty island after their rule, and over the years, the empty island has been deeply branded with traces of Ao Long.

"Luffy, where the hell is that Golden Township? Is there really a lot of gold? "

Nami looked at the crowd around her with a curious expression, knowing that her biggest motivation for coming to Sky Island was the gold of Golden Country.

"Ah, Nami, I don't know, but the barbecue here tastes great!"

For the Straw Hat Boy, no amount of gold is as important as the meat in front of him.

"Fool, don't you know that when you have gold, you can buy a lot of meat?!!"

Nami was frustrated by Luffy's brainless behavior, but just as everyone was scurrying around like headless flies, a fish-man escort came to everyone.

"Are you from the Straw Hat Pirates?"

The escort asked politely, looking very different from those high-flying and righteous navies.

"Ah, yes, I'm Luffy, the man who wants to be the King of the Pirates!! Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates! "

For Luffy to come and unsuspectingly tell his origin, Kirby, Zoro and others were speechless for a while, this is too defenseless.

"I don't know what you're trying to do!?"

The more normal Kirby took over the diplomatic power, and Zoro directly put his hand on the hilt of his long knife, he felt that there were no weak people in these escorts, although he was curious why there were still fish-people on the sky island, but in Zoro's opinion, no matter what the clan, as long as the person who was the enemy of the straw hat, he didn't mind drawing his sword against each other.

"Oh, hello, I'm Fisher Tiger, on the orders of His Majesty the King, when you arrive, I will entertain you well, and he also said that Luffy likes meat the most, so this time I specially prepared the meat of the Sea King to entertain you."

You must know that the energy contained in different meats is different, and the meat of the sea king is undoubtedly very helpful to the growth of everyone's strength.

"Wow, your king is so good, he actually prepared us sea king-like meat, and I want to be friends with him. Take us to the banquet, I can't wait! "

As soon as Luffy heard that he was invited to a banquet, and without saying a word, he was about to follow the escort, and Nami punched Luffy the head, stopping Luffy's recklessness.

"Hello, may I ask who your Majesty the King is? Why did he invite us to a banquet as soon as we arrived on Sky Island? "

Nami also seemed to know that the group of people in front of her was not easy to mess with, and after stopping Luffy, she didn't speak ill of her, but instantly pretended to be a lady and asked politely.

Fisher Tiger looked at the beautiful beauty in front of him, wearing a bikini suit, with a beautiful and youthful figure, and her orange hair was indeed not inferior to Olbia's demeanor.

"Are you Lady Nami? His Majesty stressed that if you want to shop this time, all the accounts of the palace can help you out. "

Nami listened to Tiger's words and immediately grasped the point, that is, all shopping can be free, which is really a great gift for Nami, who has good money, and her vigilance is greatly reduced.

"Really? Well, I'm sorry, I won't pick too many, just fill our ship with your specialty here. "

Fisher Tiger was speechless for a while, isn't this greed?

But this is Ao Long's woman, he knows the measure, so naturally he won't say anything.

"Uh-huh, no, you just called Nami Madame? When did Nami become a lady? "

The color chef Sanji also grasped the key point in Fisher Tiger's words, naturally different from Nami, you must know that Nami's beauty has always been the beautiful scenery of the Straw Hat Pirates, if it suddenly becomes someone's wife, Sanji will be sad again, although he knew that Nami and Ao Long were ambiguous, but Ao Long didn't leave, Sanji thought that his opportunity had come.

"Huh? Yes, why do you call me Madame? "

Nami also asked curiously, although she and Ao Long are what, but they have not officially become husband and wife, and this place should have nothing to do with Ao Long, because on Qinghai, everyone knows that Ao Long is the ruler of Fish-Man Island and Water Capital, but it is a fishman who says this in front of her, so Nami is also full of doubts.

"Hahaha, okay, you don't have to guess, His Majesty the King is His Majesty Ao Long, it is said that he has been on your pirate ship for a while, and when he came back some time ago, he specially explained this matter to me."

When Fisher Tiger saw everyone's doubts and defensive attitudes, he knew that if this matter was not clarified, the atmosphere of the banquet behind him would not be much better.

"Ah, I finally remembered who you were, Fisher Tiger, the fish-man adventurer, who participated in the Great Liberation of Mary Joy's slaves with Lord Aolong!!"

As a jack of all trades, Kirby has always paid attention to the collection of information, and now when he hears Fisher Tiger say that the king is Ao Long, he immediately remembers this legendary story.

"Aha, what are you doing, this is Ao Long's territory for a long time, then everyone can eat and drink with confidence, there will be no fighting!!"

As soon as Luffy heard that this was Ao Long's venue, he immediately relaxed his vigilance, and Nami on the side recalled the words that Fisher Tiger had called her Mrs. Nami before, and felt an endless aftertaste.

"Hey, what did you call me before?"

Nami asked again deliberately, as if she hadn't heard the previous address clearly.

"Lady Nami, I don't know what you have to tell your subordinates?"

Fisher Tiger has been the commander of the Praetorian Guard for so long, and he has indeed developed a good eye, and immediately said very cooperatively.

"Well, that's... Then since this is Ao Long's place, we can't waste too much, so it's better to simply help us replenish the supplies. "

Nami sweetly covered Xia Fei's cheeks, and said with three points of shyness in happiness.

"Women are really fickle, but they're quite family-oriented, haha...."

Fisher Tiger thought to himself.

"By the way, Captain Lu, Lord Ao Long said, in order to test everyone's strength, this time on the Sky Island, a competition may be arranged, which are good at boxing, swordsmanship and leg skills, if you win a game, you will have twice as much meat and rewards!"

Fisher Tiger saw Luffy's relaxed look and couldn't help but say something that discouraged him.

"Ah, I still have to fight, I know that this is Ao Long's routine, always saying that there is no free lunch in the world, and if you want to get it, you have to pay this set."

Luffy sometimes wants to treat Karp like Ao Long, because Ao Long occasionally preaches him, plus he can't beat Ao Long.

"Are you good at wielding swords? It seems that this is to test my cultivation results! Okay, I'm up for the challenge!! "

Zolon, who had been holding his three knives, had never spoken, but when he heard that Ao Long had prepared this match for him, he was still happy to participate, after all, he also wanted to see what kind of kendo master Ao Long had left.

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