The sky supported by the Chambord Islands and mangrove islands is always so clear, you don't have to worry about sudden rain or wind, anyway, there are hard and strong mangrove trees to shelter you from the wind and rain.

The Golden Lion of the New World is fighting with the Navy to grab the territory, and in the Navy Headquarters, Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit also received Smoker's words conveyed to her, and after hearing that Ao Long appeared in the Chambord Islands, he was angry and ready to settle accounts with Ao Long.

Smoker, on the other hand, continues to embark on a journey to hunt down the Straw Hats, because he finds that Ao Long is no longer in the Straw Hat Pirates, so he must insist on loving and killing each other.

Marin Van Duo Sengoku, Karp, and Crane Iron Triangle are also worried about their own affairs, Sengoku is worried about the threat posed by the Golden Lion to the Navy, this is a sea pirate younger than Whitebeard, and it is more aggressive, among the Four Emperors, it can be said that the Golden Lion is the most fond of overthrowing the world government and then changing the sky, but at present, the Navy can't kill the Golden Lion, or the price is too great.

And Karp is a son who has a headache that he has cultivated with great difficulty, and he ran to be the leader of the revolutionary army, and finally cultivated another grandson, and then ran to become a pirate, although the news came that the guy's strength was not bad, but it made Karp feel that he should talk about Luffy's determination to bring back the right path, how can the grandson of Karp, as a naval hero, be a pirate, not to mention that he still talks about One Piece every day.

Lieutenant General Crane was thinking about her niece, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, who originally thought that her niece could take over her burden, but she didn't expect that girl to go to find Ao Long, the king of Canglong, who was now known to the whole sea, so his niece who was like a flower and jade went to find him, not a meat bun and a dog.

In Xia Qi's extortion, the redhead's original bold smile is gone, because once it is a joke, and many times it is deliberately provoking trouble, you must know that the red-haired Shanks is the most face-conscious, especially among the powerhouses of the same level.

"I don't know what King Canglong means by this!!"

This time, the red-haired Shanks was serious, and there was no longer any meaning of joking, and the other members of the red-haired pirates also held their breath, looking forward to Ao Long's mouth saying something that was not joking just now.

"What I mean is that I can restore your broken arm, but I need you to cooperate with me to accomplish a big thing in the future."

For a heroic character like the red-haired Shanks, although Ao Long also wants to take it for his own use, it is obviously impossible, the red-haired Shanks is different from Edward Whitebeard, Whitebeard values family affection more, this is his dream and a fetter, and what fetters does the red-haired Shanks have? Except for his personality, the others are actually casual, to put it bluntly, as long as you are like-minded, you can help you, and you can be killed if you are unhappy.

"Oh, I don't know what the big thing the Dragon King said? As far as I know, as long as you make a move, there is no trivial matter. "

Shanks didn't doubt that Ao Long had the ability to help him recover his broken arm, because at their level they didn't bother to lie.

"How about killing the five old stars?"

Ao Long said in Shanks's ear, Rao is red-haired Shanks's bold personality also narrowed his eyes after hearing this suggestion, you must know that killing the five old stars is something that One Piece Roger didn't dare to think about, but he didn't expect that the young man in front of him was already planning.

"Hahahaha, the King of the Dragon is worthy of being the King of the Dragon, dare to think and dare to do, just by virtue of this, I Shanks obey you, if you want me to make a move, you can do it, but this kind of thing needs strength as support, some words are too big, and it is easy to die before you get out of the school."

Seeing that Shanks changed his heroic approach, but cautiously wanted to weigh Ao Long's skills, Ao Long knew that Shanks was tempted by this matter, you must know that Roger's crew did not have a good impression of the world government, and they didn't dare to think about it before, because they didn't have the first person to eat crabs, and now since Ao Long wants to pick this head, then Shanks will naturally not be afraid.

"I know there's an uninhabited island near Chambord, and I'm waiting for you there!"

After saying that, Ao Long's figure had already disappeared from Xia Qi's bamboo bar.

"Compare speed with me? It's not good for young people nowadays to be too confident! "

The figure of the red-haired Shanks, who was immediately followed, also disappeared from Xia Qi's bar.

"It seems that today, that guy can have a good time, okay, let's eat ours."

Monet beckoned everyone to eat and drink, she knew Ao Long's temperament best, this must be itchy hands.

"I just saw what looks like someone has passed me?"

On the streets of the Chambord Islands, a man said to his female companion.

"Oh, dear, you must be mistaken, you're only with me, where can there be anyone else."

His female companion is not bad, with long black hair, and fair long legs, and her coquettish appearance is quite sweet.


"Ah, my dress!! Husband, someone lifted my skirt!! "

The man looked at the woman's skirt flying in the wind, looming inside.

"Okay, baby, there's someone else here, it's just a gust of wind blowing, and there's no one behind the roots, let's try a new trick."

"Dead ghosts!! Don't be another ten seconds!! "

The red-haired Shanks, who had just blown like a gust of wind, gave a mischievous smirk.

"Oh, that kid's speed is really not slow, if I lose to him in terms of speed, won't my face be lost!!"

I saw Shanks's legs rushing forward directly in the air, without touching the ground, and sure enough, the speed was a lot faster, and soon I saw the figure of Ao Long in front of me.

"Shanks, if you let Luffy know that you lost to me, maybe he won't worship you anymore, maybe even One Piece won't want to do it, hahaha."

Ao Long looked back and found that Shanks had indeed followed, and immediately opened up his taunt skills.

"Damn Ao Long, this kid doesn't give me face at all, it's really not !!"

Saying that, but Shanks did think of Luffy and felt that he must not lose to Ao Long, so he strengthened his horsepower again.

Soon the two of them were above the sea, and they heard Ao Long say:

"I don't know if you've heard of it, there is a kind of kung fu called crossing the river with a reed, I'll let you see it today."

Ao Long knows that few people can walk on the waves, like Brooke because he has become a skeleton and his body is very light, so he can run on the sea, but Ao Long is different, to put it mildly, even if he flies into the sky, there is no problem, but when it comes to impressing the red hair, he saw Ao Long follow the waves on the edge of the Chambord Islands and walk directly on the waves.

"I'll go, it's okay, it's not bullying me with one arm!!"

Seeing that Ao Long could easily run on the sea, I saw that the red-haired Shanks also wanted to break through himself, and he also ran.

"Puff !!"

Although Shanks was fast, he couldn't run on the surface of the sea, so he fell overboard.

So he could only use the only remaining arm as a propeller to row quickly in the sea.

"Come on, Shanks, don't you feel like swimming is much worse if you miss a hand, so accept my invitation, I'll help you heal your arm, and you'll help me in the future."

That's right, Ao Long did it on purpose, and without this comparison, how could he increase Shanks' desire for an arm.

"Damn Ao Long, it's just a deliberate show of superiority, wait a minute to get to the island, I must teach you, you can't find the north with one less arm. Poof... Where did the little fish come from..."

spit out the small fish that swam into his mouth, and made up his mind that Ao Long, who must be beaten later, is full of head.

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