One Piece World, Marin Vantor Headquarters, Sengoku has received the news that the sand crocodile Klockdahl was killed by the Dragon King Aolong, and of course they also know the sins that Klockdahl has committed in Alabastan over the years, you must know that the Kobra family is one of the 20 important families that created the world government, and for this matter, the world government naturally positions the sand crocodile as a crime.

"Damn the Dragon King, let us suffer a dumb loss again, the prestige of the navy will be hit again and again by his actions, and we can't do anything about him!!"

Sengoku was furious in his office, the last Dressrosa incident made Doflamingo's image destroy the Navy's righteous status, and many ordinary people felt that His Majesty Qiwuhai was a criminal connived at by the World Government and the Navy, and this time the Klockdahl incident once again verified this statement.

"I said a long time ago, those Seven Martial Seas under the King should not exist in the first place, since they are pirates, they should be imprisoned in the city!!"

Karp on the side was eating the fairy shell, while expressing his opinion, you must know that in the upper echelons of the navy, he and the pheasant have no good impression of the king's seven martial seas.

"Okay, Karp, don't say it, the Warring States are annoying enough, besides, it's not unacceptable for kings like Xiong and Mihawk to be in the Seven Martial Seas!"

As a staff officer, Lieutenant General Crane does not have such an extreme dislike for the balance of the pirate power of the Seven Martial Seas under His Majesty, but in the past, she mainly pursued Doflamingo, but she didn't expect that Doflamingo didn't even save his life in the Dressrosa incident, and this time the Alabastan incident Klockdahl disappeared again, and Staff Officer Crane had an intuition that there must be something wrong with this.

"The point is, the current re-emergence of the Golden Lion, the reshuffle of the new world, as one of the three major pirates of the same era as Roger, the momentum is now very strong, even Sakasky has an irrepressible trend, the pirates are so rampant, we urgently need an incident to deter Xiaoxiao."

Warring States held his eyes and felt a deep headache, this Ao Long, can fight on the island, can also fight in the water, and there is no obvious weakness at present, some of the things done are still standing on the moral high ground, the key is that the propaganda work is done very well.

Now Ao Long is not only a legendary hero, but also a walking legend, and his continuous stories enrich his image in the hearts of the grassroots people.

At this time, Ao Long took Robin back to the Triple Heaven, that is, the Four Seasons Island above the Sky Island, and Ao Long, who came back again, obviously noticed that the number of masters in the Triple Heaven had increased, and the rhythm of life of those Sky Island people who had wings had also changed a lot.

"Brother Ao Long, I didn't expect that above the clouds, there was such a big country that belonged to you!! And it's really beautiful here, Vivi loves it so much. "

Seeing the white clouds floating in the air and the soft land, Vivi felt like she had entered a new world, full of fairy tale beauty.

"Brother Ao Long, what is that?"

Keya pointed to a white cloud floating in front of everyone, and there were many people sitting on it.

"It is a special product of the empty island, because it has the ability to fly around in the air, so I asked the Academy of Science and Technology to develop a controllable system, and now it has become the main means of transportation on the empty island."

Ao Long introduced Keya and Weiwei, after all, the magic here is no less than Qinghai.

"I didn't expect that I hadn't come back for a few years, Four Seasons Island has changed so much, and the three ministers are really hard."

Robin said with emotion, very much not to give Ao Long face, but she clearly knew that many things here were handled by the three ruling ministers.

After staying in the royal palace of Four Seasons Island for more than a week, taking a few girls around to enjoy the different scenery here, Ao Long rushed to the Amazon Lily with the three Robin daughters.

"Robin, are you mentally prepared?"

Holding Robin's guard, standing at the bow of the boat, Ao Long asked Robin softly.

"Well, I believe in Brother Ao Long, and Robin has been tired all these years, so I will stay by your side in the future."

After saying this, Robin's head was nestled on Ao Long's shoulder, and the figures of the two people were stretched long under the illumination of the setting sun, and under the sparkling waves, a bunch of fairy couples were reflected.

"What do you think of Dorag as a person?"

Thinking that Robin had been in the revolutionary army for a while, Ao Long felt the need to learn about Robin's advice.

"I think Dorag is a very ambitious person, but also a very principled person, and if he realizes his ideas, then he is also a person who can use it."

Based on her many years of experience in the Revolutionary Army, Robin said pertinently.

"Boiling eagles is a technical job, and if you don't boil it well, you will eat the master."

didn't continue this topic, in fact, Ao Long thought of a few Seven Martial Seas that he replaced a few, and now Anilu, Jinping, and Hancock in the Seven Martial Seas are all his people, and Klockdahl has been abolished, which means that the force at this level of the Seven Martial Seas has been solved by him.

Then there are the three major generals of the Navy and other hidden general-level masters, Yiluo, Capone Becky, Salon, and Koshiro should be no problem, as for the Warring States, Karp, Sora and the Five Old Stars, they still need the Golden Lion and Whitebeard, and the high-end combat power doesn't seem to be enough.

"It's time to take everyone's strength to the next level!"

Half a month later, Ao Long once again set foot on the territory of the Amazon's Nine Snake Island.

"Hancock, I'm back!"

"Ah, Lord Ao Long is back, the concubine is so excited!!"

Seeing Ao Long again, Hancock felt that the pain of lovesickness during this time was simply unbearable.

"What about Olbia?"

Ao Long saw that there were no other girls on the Amazon island, and asked curiously.

"They're all on Bubble Island, after all, you know, the entertainment and shopping there are much more developed than Nine Snake Island."

"Hancock, I'm coming back this time, mainly to find you, the plan I made back then is almost at the stage of closing the net."

As for the overthrow of the world government, Ao Long had already told Hancock about it.

"Really? But the East China Sea and the North Sea?"

Hancock knew that Ao Long's original plan was to surround the Red Earth Continent and the Great Shipping Route with the Four Seas, and it seemed that Ao Long had changed his mind now.

"The East China Sea and the North Sea are no longer taken care of, but if the Navy and the World Government are directly solved, they will definitely be able to directly crush the East China Sea and the North Sea, as a foundation, it is enough to have the West Sea and the South China Sea."

After all, what Ao Long needs is luck, as long as this world is nominally unified by him, it can be regarded as a combination of luck and luck, and he has stayed in this world for too long, Ao Long is already full of expectations for stepping on the road to the stars and opening up a new world.

Amazon, a place less than a day away from the Navy Headquarters and Advance City, has naturally become a good springboard, and the special geographical location determines the special strategic role in the next time!

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