"Whew.... Straw hat boy, I didn't expect that in a short period of time, your strength would improve so quickly!! "

Smoker's ten hands have been broken, and at this moment he can only rely on his physical skills and Devil Fruit ability to fight Luffy.

"Whew.... You're not a bad smoker, but I didn't expect that my newly developed tricks against you were blocked by you!! "

Compared with the original book, Luffy has increased the cultivation of physical arts, especially the cultivation of the iron cloth shirt, which has greatly increased his rubber fruit ability and defense, and his ability to resist the Hailou Stone has also increased greatly.

"Hehe, Straw Hat Boy, ever since you made a big fuss about Rogue Town, I've made up my mind that I must arrest you!!"

Smoker felt that his strength had recovered somewhat, and the battle with Luffy this time was so difficult that he didn't expect.

"Hahaha, smoker, you know, I'm going to be the man of One Piece, and it's not easy to arrest me!!"

Luffy believes that Klockdahl will solve it, so he is also relieved to fight with Smoker here, after all, the equal battle has also verified and improved his strength.

In the royal city of Alabastan, Sanji and Kirby and others were also fiercely fighting with the people of the Baroque Commune, but those rebel troops were driven into a closed city wall by Gaka and taken into custody, as for Kosha, the leader of the rebel army, and several other important staff officers and the like, they were naturally taken care of and directly tied up.

"Fortunately, this time, there is the crown of the Dragon King, and these rebel armies that have been raging for more than three years will be directly eliminated!!"

The eyes of a guarded soldier showed infinite admiration for Ao Long, and the demeanor of the previous commander on the battlefield who had been in command and destroying the enemy at the snap of his fingers deeply shocked these royal armies of Alabastan.

"That's right, those powerful kung fu manatees, under the command of Ao Longmian, are all so obedient, fighting bravely to kill the enemy one by one, and they are not weaker than Lord Gaka..."

There is no doubt that those cute kung fu manatees also have countless fans, but Gaka always can't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he hears these rounds, how can those kung fu manatees be compared to him.

In the funeral hall, Klokadar looked at Ao Long and Wei Wei who appeared in front of him, and the movements of his hands were stunned.

"King Canglong, this matter has nothing to do with you, why do you want to destroy my dream!!"

The sand crocodile's heart was roaring at the moment, after all, this powerful opponent had put a lot of pressure on him.

"Who said it has nothing to do with me, Weiwei is my good friend, isn't it right to help my friends?"

Ao Long smiled and looked at Wei Wei beside him, but found that Wei Wei was already there with tears in her eyes.

"Father.... Father....."

It turned out that Vivi had already found Kobra lying on the ground, and the wounds all over her body were really shocking, even if they were cured, they would definitely leave a lot of dark wounds, and it seems that this is one of the reasons why Kobra aged quickly in the original book.

Vivi ran to Kobra crying and helped her father up.

"Lord Ao Long, can you save my father? Please!! "

At this moment, Vivi is not the calm princess who faced thousands of rebels, but a daughter who is very sad in the face of her father's pain.

"It doesn't matter to your father, spring breeze and rain!!"

After a healing technique, the scars on Cobra's body healed quickly, and Ao Long walked up to Nicole Robin and asked gently:



"Then you can come home with me?"


Robin's face flushed, and she replied happily, knowing that her willfulness had caused trouble for Ao Long all these years.

This time, Ao Long knew that she was studying the historical texts of the Alabastan royal palace, and he was very accommodating to her, and it could even be said that he was spoiled.

"King Canglong, since the old story is over, let's have a hearty battle!!

Despite his brutal temperament, Klockdahl is also very tenacious and never shy away from fighting, even in the face of Whitebeard.

"Although your courage is worthy of praise, it is a pity that your strength is really not flattering, since you insist on doing so, I will accompany you to play, Robin, protect Weiwei and them!"

Ao Long walked directly in front of Klokdahl, and at this time, Klokdahl directly sanded, like a demon floating in the air, attacking Ao Long.

"Desert Greatsword !!"

"Do you compare swordsmanship? Me too! Water Sword!! "

On the opposite side, the desert sword slashed by Klockdahl, Ao Long directly pinched the spell and recited a spell, summoning a water dragon, flying in the air, and pounced on the desert sword.

"Damn, is it still this trick?"

Klockdahl knew that the water restrained him, but he couldn't overcome it, because this was the path he was taking, the ultimate ability to develop the fruit.

"I'm calling this one, one trick fresh, eat all over the world!!"

The water dragon dance under Ao Long's control directly tore off the layers of sand and gravel of the desert sword, but after all, the desert sword also volatilizes water and dries the air at all times, so in the back, it is the desert sword that all turned into flying sand and scattered in the air, and Ao Long's water dragon also turned into water vapor, and even in the end, there was no water vapor left.

"Hahaha, Klockdahl, I don't think you should do the Seven Martial Seas, but do a desiccant business, with your drying ability, other people's wardrobes will definitely not be moldy!!"

"Damn the Dragon King, you dare to laugh at me, Arc Moon Dune Slash!!"

Looking at Klockdahl, who was even more angry after being teased by Ao Long, Ao Long directly dodged to his approach and started hand-to-hand combat.

"I'm not afraid of close body techniques, let me turn you into a dried fish!!"

Klokadar unleashed the most powerful drying ability of the Rustling Fruit, wanting to turn Ao Long into a mummy in an instant, but unfortunately, Ao Long's defense power could not be cracked.

"It seems that you believe in your own elementalization ability as always, let me teach you a good one today!!"

Ao Long directly pulled out the heart of a black tiger, and the entire body of Klockdahl flew upside down.

"Poof, why, I haven't figured it out, why can you stop the elementalization of my body, I don't believe !!"

Klockdahl is just like Xiao Qiang, punching again and again, being blasted out by Ao Long's powerful power, and then making a comeback again, he is the price of his own injury to find the reason.

"Do you think there are only a few kinds of power in this world? The vision of the world is limited, and I don't know the mystery of the starry sky and the sea!! "

The two of them hit the air from the floor to the air, from the front of the hall to the back of the hall, and Klockdahl still did not give up.

"Haha, I found it, there is a special power attached to your fist, which is preventing my elementalization, I don't believe that this power of yours can be used indefinitely!!"

Once again, the sand crocodile that was hit by Ao Long's punch on the historical text was like discovering a new continent.

"Huh? Is this the historical text of Alabastan? The husband is not guilty, but he is guilty, so let me put him away today. As for you, Klockdahl, although you have discovered this, with your strength, this meager consumption will never be able to catch up with my recovery speed, so let's accept my fate!! The flying dragon of the nine dragons is in the sky!! "

In the end, Ao Long directly shot a golden energy flying dragon, knocked Klokadar unconscious, and then received him and the historical text into the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven with a wave of his sleeve.

Kobra looked at this scene and opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, but after glancing at Vivi, he didn't know what he thought, so he didn't say anything.

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