Robin looked at Ao Long with a smile, she didn't know why this strange man gave her a sense of familiarity, so that she didn't refute it, and let Luffy and the others on the side rush in.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be Nicole Robin, the vice president of the Baroque Commune, right?"

"It seems that our secrecy work is not so good, did Vivi tell you?"

Robin Weiwei smiled and replied very calmly, it can be seen that she has experienced a lot of historical texts and seen many vicissitudes of life in search of historical texts outside these years.

"I wonder why an intellectual beauty like you would join a criminal organization like the Baroque Commune?"

Ao Long asked, perhaps to open up the conversation, or perhaps to find it easy to chat with Ao Long, Robin took a bottle of wine from the bar, poured a glass for each of them, and sat down at the bar together and chatted.

"Maybe I think the Baroque Commune is a relatively hidden organization, but I don't like to be a high-profile person, so this makes me feel very safe."

Robin pulled her hair back, her eyes wandering, and Ao Long didn't know if she remembered herself.

"How do I think you're here looking for traces of historical texts?"

"Huh? What do you know? "

Ao Long could feel Robin's spirit tense for a moment, and she was ready to defend and attack, and it seemed that her battle instincts had improved a lot over the years.

"I'll tell you a story, I wonder if you're interested in listening to it?"

clinked glasses with Robin, signaling her not to be too nervous, she had no malicious intentions, and at the same time a distress rose in her heart, all these years of wandering alone still left a deep mark on Robin.

"If you're not worried about your friends, then I'd love to stay and hear your story."

Robin said pointedly, and Ao Long heard the sound of a fight in the backyard of the café.

"They can solve it on their own, and I would rather sit with you for a while than to fight and kill."

Ao Long once again filled the wine glasses of the two of them, and seemed not to worry about Luffy and the others at all.

"Then I'll listen to it."

He didn't refuse, and Robin didn't seem to be worried about Klockdahl at all, so he listened to Ao Long's story quietly and gracefully.

"Many years ago, I met a friend who was very cute and loved to study, and by chance, she was abandoned by her own partners and relatives, and I met her by the sea. I grew up with her, fishing, and learning. Later, she said that she would be my bride when she grew up, but unfortunately, because the content of study and research was banned by the world government, our island was slaughtered by the navy. We managed to escape and finally have a new hometown, but one day she suddenly left me and said that she wanted to pursue her dreams alone..."

Ao Long told the story of him and Robin when they were children, and Robin on the other side went from nonchalt, to amazement, to disbelief, and then began to shed tears.....

Looking at Ao Long, who had returned to his original appearance in front of him, Robin looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Brother Ao Long, are you really looking for Robin?"

"Silly girl, it's time for you to go home!"

Ao Long looked at the crying Robin, stepped forward to take her into his arms, and gently wiped her tears.

originally thought that after so many years, there might be a lot to say and many things to explain after meeting, but at this moment, the hearts of the two people seem to be tightly together after many years, and they understand each other.

"Brother Ao Long, Robin misses you so much....."

Robin once again hid in Ao Long's arms, feeling different from many years ago, when both of them were still young, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and each has a richer experience.

"Silly girl, come back with me this time, and I'll take you to find this kind of historical text later. You must know that the wheel of history is always rolling forward, and it is not right to blindly trap yourself in this alley, you must know that you and me, and Olbia. "

Ao Long stroked Robin's long hair and comforted him gently, but he could feel Robin's body visibly pause when he heard Olbia's name, but then relaxed, it seemed that she still had some mind after all, but at least she was able to accept it now.

"You said that you are a big beauty, just lurking next to the sand crocodile, I don't feel at ease."

Although there were various speculations about the gender of the sand crocodile, Ao Long still didn't want Robin to lurk beside him, because a person like the sand crocodile who was supreme in strength never trusted anyone, which was very dangerous for Robin.

"I heard that there is a historical text in the palace of Alabastan, so I took the initiative to join his Baroque commune, but don't worry, my strength has not fallen over the years, if that sand crocodile wants to bully me, I will let him see how powerful I am."

Robin clenched his little fist and waved it, and his naughty appearance made Ao Long's heart flutter, and he was about to lower his head and kiss her.

"Bang !!"

There was a sound of heavy objects falling to the back of the office area, and then an arrogant voice was heard.

"Hahaha, Robin, do you want me to show me how good you are? It's really a disappointment to what I've expected from you in the past few years!! "

It turned out that it was the sand crocodile Klockdahl who trapped Luffy and the others in the office area with a trap beast cage made of sea building stone, and was about to call Robin to go to the palace together, but he didn't expect to see this scene in front of him.

"Oh, Sand Crocodile Klockdahl, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, you look arrogant? Don't you know that the Seven Martial Seas have already died at my hands? "

Ao Long looked at the sand crocodile who disturbed his good deeds, and looked unhappy, after all, Klockdahl's face was already uncomfortable, and he was dressed as a noble son.

And Lockdahl, who heard Ao Long say this, also shrank his eyes, and he finally recognized who this man holding Robin was, the Dragon King who killed Doflamingo, Ao Long!

If the Marijoya slave emancipation incident made Ao Long's legend, then the tragedy of Dressrosa made Ao Long's prestige, which proved his strength with his bloody record.

"It turns out that His Excellency the Dragon King has come to the rain land, I don't know what the relationship between this subordinate of mine and you is?"

Sand Crocodile asked, you must know that many people now know that King Canglong is the king of Canghai County, but many people are no longer clear about the role played by Ao Long in the O'Hara incident twenty years ago.

"You say Robin, she's my woman!! Klockdahl, for the sake of the fact that you haven't made a move against Robin, give you a chance to submit to me, otherwise you will only be left with a lack of moon!! "

Ao Long stood up directly, the momentum on his body spread, enveloping Klockdar, for this sand fruit ability, Ao Long is still very interested, after all, it is also one of the origin abilities, it must be of great help to the growth of Longzhu Dongtian.

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