"Hey, Fengyun, this bomberman has been flattened by us, what are you going to do?"

Just when Ao Long dealt with the two leaders of the Giant Pirates, Luffy, Kirby and the others had already eliminated Bomberman, and at this point, all the members of the Baroque Commune in the small garden had been eliminated.

"It's useless to keep such a person, just let me deal with it!"

With a wave of his sleeve, Ao Long turned the bomberman into nourishment for the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, so that the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven derived minerals such as sulfur and nitric acid.

"Wow, Vice Captain Fengyun, where did you get all those people? Why are they all gone in a wave of your sleeve? "

"Damn perverts!! Don't stare at Vivi's there!! "

Nami, who had been staring at her, immediately ran over and grabbed Ao Long's ears fiercely, while Keya was covering her mouth on the side, smiling implicitly, but Weiwei's girl heard Nami say this, and deliberately ran to Ao Long's eyes and shook her advantage again.

"Weiwei, you little girl, you think you have it, and mine is not small! Hum! Let this girl measure your elasticity! "

"Huh? No, Nami, you can actually be a little cooler!! "

Nami is like a hen guarding her calf, tightly guarding Ao Long, and then fighting with Vivi, but Princess Vivi ripped off her coat, and Nami looked more feminine at all because of her arrogance in others.

"Brother Ao Long, Keya is not small, waiting for you at night."

Keya secretly walked to Ao Long's side, crossed Ao Long's palm with her bare hand, opened her mouth lightly, and quietly left an agreement.

It's just a look of fear that the world will not be chaotic, looking at the three girls, Ao Long feels that the Straw Hat Pirates may be more lively.

"Okay, you two are both beauties, if you go on like this, you have to pay attention to the impact!!"

Although Ao Long himself doesn't mind seeing some beautiful scenery, there are men like Usopp and Luffy here, and he is not a big-minded person.

"Wow, Nami-san! Vivissan! You guys are so beautiful!! I love it, this is the cake I brought for you! "

Just when the two girls were stopped by Ao Long, there was a cheap pervert voice from the other side of the forest, there is no doubt that it was the color chef Sanji, it seems that he did not participate in the battle just now, so the clothes on his body are the cleanest, and he came to pay his respects.

"Thank you for the dim sum, it tastes really good, but it's just a little less sugar! Come, Nami, Koya, Vivi, I'll eat for you! "

There is no doubt that Ao Long directly cut off his beard, and he turned out Sanji's pastries, and then kicked him away, and turned around to borrow flowers to offer Buddha.

"Well, it's delicious, thank you, Brother Fengyun!"

"It tastes good, I see you're honest!"

"Thank you, Vice Captain, you're so good!!"

The three sisters thanked Ao Long respectively, and Sanji, who was kicked to the side, also found Ao Long at this time, and he naturally didn't dare to protest against this one, after all, it was an open secret that Keya and Nami were Ao Long's sister paper, and he ran over to tease the deputy captain's sister paper, wasn't he looking for death, but at this time, Sanji's heart shadow area was also very large, and he finally made some pastries from local materials, but he was taken advantage of by Ao Long.

"You should be thankful for how good I am....."

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him.

"Alright, everyone, we should rush to our next destination."

Seeing that everyone had gathered, Ao Long said to Luffy.

"But we don't have a permanent pointer to Alabastan, and it will take a year to rebuild the pointer's magnetic field in the small garden."

Nami Navigator knew about the permanent pointer for the first time.

"Well, that, I just found this in a small house, I don't know if I can use it?"

At this time, Sanji felt that his opportunity to perform had appeared again, and took out a permanent pointer from his pocket.

"Ah, yes, this is a permanent pointer to Alabastan, you're amazing, Sanji!!"

For this contribution, Nami still does not hesitate to praise her.

"Hahaha, huh? I'm glad to be able to help Nami, and if I can have a kiss as a reward..."


As soon as Ao Long heard that Sanji, this kid, dared to take the opportunity to ask for a kiss, his eyes immediately widened, and his nasal voice snorted, and Sanji immediately retreated.


Nami and Koya's silver bell-like laughter made Sanji still feel comforted in his heart.

"Fengyun, let's have a banquet first!! I'm going to eat meat, eat meat!! Zoro, let's go hunting!! "

"Yes, yes, I'm hungry after fighting for so long."

Kirby also hurriedly chimed in.

"Bang!! Bang!! "

I saw that Nami directly gave each of these people who were going to hunt and hold a banquet with a fist.

"You guys, don't you know that Vivi is in a hurry to go back and save her father and country? If you have something to eat, go to the boat and solve it! "

"Wow, it hurts, Nami, why is your strength growing so fast, and hitting my eraser is completely defenseless!!"

Ao Long looked at a few people who were laughing, but Nami's fists just now did give Ao Long's eyes a bright feeling, it seems that Nami's armed color domineering talent is very strong, because of the lack of physique before, it was not highlighted, but now with Ao Long's practice, the physique has increased, and there is finally a clue.

"Okay, you guys set off first, sail the ship to the small garden and big port, and I'll go with Dongli and Brocky to prepare some meat for everyone!"

Ao Long directly took over this task, it just so happened that there were many prehistoric animals in this small garden, and Longzhu Dongtian was also in a primitive state of development, just to capture some to speed up the evolution of Dongtian.

"Fengyun, in the sea near the small garden, there is still a danger! That's why people who come to this island can't get to the next island."

At this time, the green ghost Dongli suddenly said very seriously.

"Oh? What is it? "

"It's a huge island eater, it's a super sea king, even our giant clan looks very small in front of him, he has the ability to swallow an island in one bite, and many small islands in the nearby sea have been eaten by him!"

The red ghost Brocky said very seriously, obviously, the two people have dealt with this island eater, but one is in the water, and the two are on the shore, at most they are repelled, and it is still difficult to defeat.

"What.... There are such terrifying sea kings, what can I do!! "

Usopp still couldn't get rid of his timid character, and when he heard that this Sea King was bigger than two giants, and that he could swallow an island in one bite, his face turned pale.

"Yes, Ao Long.... What can I do..."

Nami was also frightened, and couldn't help but call out Ao Long's real name directly, but fortunately, Vivi didn't pay attention, at this time Vivi thought that she would have to wait a year to be able to leave the small garden, and the permanent pointer brought by Sanji gave her hope, but according to the description of the two giants, the island eater was too terrifying, and fell into despair again.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely beat that island eater away!!"

The swaggering Luffy is still so arrogant, he doesn't know what level of enemy he is facing. So when Luffy finished speaking, everyone's fear did not subside at all, and Dongli and Brocky were going to say that the two of them could work together to repel the island eater, but Kya's confidence in Ao Long made them think that it was better to wait and see.

"That's right, I believe that with Brother Fengyun, that island eater must not be our opponent."

Everyone looked back at Ao Long, who was at ease with the old god, and it seemed that those difficulties were not a problem, and they were also touched by him.

"Alright, you go and replenish the water and some basic supplies on the ship first, and then go straight away. I'm going to prepare some other resources with Dongli and Brockie, and when that island eater appears, I'll naturally come forward to solve it. "

You must know that the body of this island eater is so powerful, if you enhance your intelligence and defense a little more, it will be a sharp weapon to attack the naval headquarters Marin Fando.

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